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tomoyuki morikawaさん
2017/11/25 18:12
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  • Could you sketch more cats, please?

  • Could you make me a sketch of a cat, please?

  • I'd like to see you make more cat sketches, please.

Could you make me a sketch of a cat, please? - you can say this if you are requesting the cat sketches for yourself. I'd like to see you make more cat sketches, please. - this comes off as more of a recommendation or suggestion, ie "I'd like to see mess commercials on tv. It would make the viewing experience more enjoyable for me." Could you sketch more cats, please? - This is a direct request.
Could you make me a sketch of a cat, please? (猫のスケッチを描いてくれますか?) -猫のスケッチが欲しい場合このように言うことが出来ます。 I'd like to see you make more cat sketches, please. (あなたの猫のスケッチがもっと見たいです。お願いします) - これはアドバイスや提案のような感じになります。 【例】 "I'd like to see mess commercials on tv. It would make the viewing experience more enjoyable for me." (ごちゃごちゃしたテレビコマーシャルが見たいです、これらの鑑賞経験はとても楽しいです) Could you sketch more cats, please? (もっとたくさん猫をスケッチしてくれますか?) -これは単刀直入な質問です。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Would you please draw a cat for me?

  • Could you sketch a picture of a cat, please?

Some people are so artistic and able to draw incredibly well and in just a short time! If you are speaking to one of these talented individuals and making a request for something to be drawn, you may well decide that an image of your favourite animal - a cat, would give you the greatest pleasure: "Would you please draw a cat for me?"
芸術のセンスがとても良く、上手にしかも短時間で絵を描くことが出来る人がいます。 このような才能がある人の1人と話していて、何かを描いて欲しいと頼むのであれば、 好きな動物のイメージ(例えばネコのような)を決めると思いますが、 そうすれば、とても満足できる絵を描いてもらえるでしょう。 例文 "Would you please draw a cat for me?" 私にネコを描いて頂けますか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you sketch of a cat.

*Can you do a sketch of a cat. To sketch is to make a rough drawing of.(verb) For example:"As they talked, Modigliani began to sketch her." A sketch is a rough or unfinished drawing or painting.(noun) For example:"a charcoal sketch."
例文 *Can you do a sketch of a cat. ネコのスケッチをして頂けますか? To sketch は大ざっぱに描くことです。(動詞) 例文 "As they talked, Modigliani began to sketch her." 彼らが話している時、モジリアニは彼女のスケッチを始めた。 A sketchは、大ざっぱな又は未完成の絵画です。 例えば "a charcoal sketch." チャコールのスケッチ
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please draw me a cat?

  • Could I please see a scetch of a cat that you have done?

  • Could you please do me a sketch of a cat?

"Can you please draw me a cat?" This politely asks the person to draw a picture of a cat for you. "Could I please see a sketch of a cat that you have done?" This politely asks the person to show you a drawing of a cat that they have already done. "Could you please do me a sketch of a cat?" This politely asks them to draw you a picture of a cat.
“Can you please draw me a cat?” (猫を描いてくれませんか?) これは丁寧に、相手に猫を描いてもらうように頼んでいます。 “Could I please see a sketch of a cat that you have done?” (描き終わった猫のスケッチを見ても良いですか?) これは、もう既に終わった猫の絵を見せてもらえるように頼む表現です。 “Could you please do me a sketch of a cat?” (猫のスケッチを描いていただけませんか?) これは、丁寧に猫の絵を描いてもらえるか尋ねています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please draw a sketch of a cat?

  • Could you sketch a cat?

When you want to to ask an artist to draw a sketch of a cat; you may ask in the following ways: -Can you please draw a sketch of a cat? -Could you sketch a cat?
アーティストに「猫のスケッチを描いてください」とお願いしたいなら、次のように言えます。 -Can you please draw a sketch of a cat?(猫のスケッチを描いてもらえますか) -Could you sketch a cat?(猫のスケッチを描いてもらえますか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Can you draw a cat?

  • Are you able to sketch a picture of that cat?

"Can you draw a cat?" A simple and casual question asking if someone is able to draw a sketch/picture of a cat. "Can you" is used very causally and widely when starting a question. "Are you able to sketch a picture of that cat?" 'Are you able' is a more polite and formal way of phrasing this question, another expression related to 'can you'. To 'sketch' is another term for draw, often a more artistic way of referring to this.
"Can you draw a cat?"(猫を描いてもらえますか) 猫のスケッチ/絵を描けるかどうか尋ねるシンプルでカジュアルな質問です。 "Can you" は質問を始めるときのカジュアルで一般的な言い方です。 "Are you able to sketch a picture of that cat?"(あの猫のスケッチを描いてもらえますか) 'Are you able' は、より丁寧でフォーマルな言い方です、'Can you' に関連する表現です。 'Sketch' は 'Draw' の別の言い方です。'Draw' よりも専門的な言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Could you sketch a cat for me please?

  • Would you draw a cat for me please?

a sketch is a drawing that is usually done quickly and is not as detailed as an actual picture of an item To ask someone to do something for you then you can say 'would you' or 'could you' by adding please you are asking in a nice polite way
a sketch' は、大まかに描いた絵をいいます。 人に何かをお願いするときには、'would you' または 'could you' が使えます。 'please' を加えて、丁寧にお願いしています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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