It's hard for me to say what I want to say quickly when I use English.
It's hard for me to say what I want to say in the moment, when I speak in English.
It's hard for me to say what I want to say in the moment, when I speak in English.
It's hard for me to say what I want to say quickly when I use English.
It's hard for me to answer quickly when I speak in English.
I can understand Japanese keego, but it is hard for me to actually use it in the moment.
It takes a long time for me to come up with the right word in English.
It takes a long time for me to come up with the right word in English.
It takes a long time to ~ = 〜するまで長くかかる=すぐには〜できない
come up with the right word = ぴったりの言葉を思いつく
I can't say quickly what I want to say in English.
It always takes me some time to say anything in English.
1 「英語で言いたいことが、すぐ口から出てこない」と言うニュアンスです。
このwhat I want to say in Englishがひと塊で「英語で言いたいこと」を表し、
I can't say 「~を言うことができない」の「~を」の部分つまり目的語を作っています。
2 「何か英語で言うのにいつも少し時間がかかる。」というのが直訳です。
「It takes 人・時間・to do~」で、「人が~するのに~時間かかる」と言うことができます。