世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/02 22:36
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  • Do you lay on drinks in the lobby?

  • Anything to quench my thirst available in the lobby?

To lay on something - lay something ↔ on especially British English to provide something such as food, entertainment, or transport for a group of people "They laid on a buffet for his farewell party." " A bus has been laid on to take you home." To quench one's thirst - to cause oneself/someone to stop feeling thirsty: "He quenched his thirst by drinking a bottle of water" " What you need is a drink that will quench your thirst."
"To lay on something"(~を用意する) - 何かを用意するという意味です。 特にイギリス英語では食べ物や歓迎、交通機関などを団体などに提供したりすることを意味します。 【例】 "They laid on a buffet for his farewell party." (彼らは彼の送別にバイキングを用意した) " A bus has been laid on to take you home." (あなたを家へ送るためにバスが用意されています) "To quench one's thirst"(渇きをうるおす) - のどの渇きをうるおす、という意味になります。 【例】 "He quenched his thirst by drinking a bottle of water" (ボトルの水を飲んで彼はのどの渇きをうるおした) " What you need is a drink that will quench your thirst." (あなたに必要なのはのどの渇きをうるおす飲み物です)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any drinks available for guests in the lobby.

*Do you have any drinks available for guests in the lobby. This means you would like to know if the hotel offers drink to guests. A: Do you have any drinks available for guests in the lobby. B: Yes we do. I will show you the way.
*Do you have any drinks available for guests in the lobby. (ロビーにゲスト用の飲み物がありますか?) これはホテルがゲスト用に何か飲み物を用意しているかどうかと言う質問になります。 【例】 A: Do you have any drinks available for guests in the lobby. (ゲスト用に何か飲み物がありますか?) B: Yes we do. I will show you the way. (はい、ございます。ご案内しましょう)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Are there any drinks available for guests in the lobby?

"Are there any drinks available for guests in the lobby?" By asking if the drinks are available, they would then be able to let you know if this is a service they offered.
"Are there any drinks available for guests in the lobby?" これを聞くことによってドリンクのサービスがあるか聞くことができます。
Kirst English teacher
  • Are there drinks available in the lobby?

  • Can I get a drink in the lobby?

"Are there drinks available in the lobby?" This politely asks if you will be able to get something to drink in the lobby. "Can I get a drink in the lobby?" This is another way of asking the person if you can get something to drink in the lobby.
"Are there drinks available in the lobby?"という例文について この文は、ロビーで飲み物をもらえるのか丁寧に尋ねる表現です。 "Can I get a drink in the lobby?" という例文について この文は、上記と同じ意味の別の言い方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a bar available in the lobby?

  • Do you have drinks available in the lobby?

When you want to ask whether there is a bar which serves alcohol/drinks in the lobby of the motel/hotel; then you may ask this in the following ways: -Do you have a bar available in the lobby? -Do you have drinks available in the lobby?
モーテル/ホテルのロビーにお酒/飲み物を出すバーがあるか確認したいときは、次のように言えます。 -Do you have a bar available in the lobby?(ロビーにバーはありますか) -Do you have drinks available in the lobby?(ロビーに飲み物はありますか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Do you offer drinks in this lobby?

  • Are there any drinks available here?

Both sentences will yield the same answer, a "yes" or "no". You would use the first sentence if you are not located in the lobby. If you are currently situated in the lobby, make sure to use "Are there any drinks available here?" as it is the better sentence for the situation.
どちらの質問も同じ返答を引き出します、"yes" または "no" です。 一つ目の文は今ロビーにいない場合に使います。 今ロービーにいるなら、"Are there any drinks available here?"(ここに飲み物は置いてありますか)を使いましょう、その場合はこちらの方が適切です。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have drinks available in the lobby?

  • Do you offer drinks in the lobby for your guests?

  • Do you have any refreshments in the lobby?

You can ask if the hotel offers drinks in the lobby as I have done in the first two sentences. You can also ask the hotel if they offer "refreshments". Refreshments are any type of snacks or beverages that are offered, usually in the middle afternoon, to guests of a hotel. In the United States, many hotels will offer coffee and snacks free of charge to the guests. You can also add the word "complimentary" before drinks and refreshments to ask if they are free. For example: Do you have any complimentary refreshments in the lobby?
最初の二つの例のように、ホテルのロビーに飲み物(drinks)が置いてあるかどうか尋ねることができます。ほかに、"refreshments" が置いてあるかどうか尋ねることもできます。 "refreshments" は、普通午後の3時頃にホテルでゲストに提供される飲み物や軽食をいいます。アメリカでは、多くのホテルが無料でコーヒーや軽食をゲストに提供します。 "drinks" や "refreshments" の前に "complimentary" を加えて、それらが無料であるかどうか確認することもできます。 例えば: Do you have any complimentary refreshments in the lobby? (ロビーに無料の軽食はありますか)
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anything to drink in the lobby?

  • Do you have any drinks available in the lobby?

1)何か~するためのもの something to (動詞の原型)は、 疑問文ではanything がよく使われます。 2)available とは入手できる とか 利用できる という意味で、名詞の後ろに使われます。 日常よく使われる言葉でもあるので、覚えておくといいでしょう。
Keiko Ishino 英会話教室主宰・パラリンピック記者
  • Can I get drinks in the lobby?

  • Do you serve refreshments in the lobby?

  • Will I be able to grab some drink from the reception?

Other words we can use for 'drinks' are 'refreshments' or 'beverages'. It is also common for the lobby of a hotel to be referred to as the reception.
drinks'(飲み物)の代わりに 'refreshments' や 'beverages' も使うことができます。 また、ホテルの 'lobby'(ロビー)は 'reception'(受付)と呼ばれることも多いです。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Can I get drinks in the lobby?

  • Are drinks provided in the lobby?

  • I'd like a drink, will I find some in the lobby?

To find out if you will be able to purchase a drink in the lobby ask at reception if you will find drinks available for purchase in the lobby. If you are thirsty you can say that you are parched, this means you are very dry and need a drink. "I am parched, can I get help in the form of a drink in the lobby?" "Can I get my thirst quenched in the lobby? Are there drinks on sale?" lobby: waiting room, entrance In the form of: taking the shape of
ロビーで飲み物を買えるか確認するなら、「ロビーに何か飲み物は置いてありますか」と受付で聞いてみましょう。 喉が渇いているときは、'I am parched' と言えます。これは「喉がカラカラで飲み物が飲みたい」という意味です。 "I am parched, can I get help in the form of a drink in the lobby?"(喉がカラカラです、ロビーに飲み物は置いてありますか) "Can I get my thirst quenched in the lobby? Are there drinks on sale?"(ロビーで飲み物は売っていますか) lobby: 待合室、玄関 In the form of: ~の形をした
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Do you offer drinks in the lobby for your guests?

  • Are there any drinks available for guests in the lobby?

It is a typical situation when you want to drink something but not sure if the place is offering anything for you. You could use two of the sentences I wrote because there is a little difference between them. The first one is more about their option to offer something for you, whereas the second one is more about drinking anything in the lobby and if the place is okay with that.
「何かを飲みたい。でも、そこに飲み物があるかどうか分からない」これはよくあるシチュエーションですね。 上の二つの例を使うことができます、意味にほとんど違いはありません。 一つ目の例は選択肢を確認しているという感じです。 二つ目の例はロビーで飲み物が飲めるかどうか確認しています。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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