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十代の頃からやりたい事を見けてそこに向かって行けるのは幸せなこと。 は何と言いますか?文字数の関係で最初の欄に入りませんでした。
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2017/12/04 23:39
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  • Any plan for life is better than no plan

  • If you know what you want to be whilst still in your teens, you're lucky

It is usually in terms of work or finding a job that people, at some stage in their lives, have to make a dec ision about the path they are going to follow. If they are able to say with some certainty in their teens, what they want to be, they will be able to apply themselves to acquiring the necessary skills and qualifications in otder to pursue their career choice. To follow a path - to make a choice in any situation to have a clear idea of the course of a process: "Paul's career path is: university, officer training, then finally, a command.position"
これは通常、人生におけるある時点で仕事を探している人々の言葉です。 進むべき道について何かを決めなくてはいけない時に使います。 十代のある時点で将来何になりたいかがはっきり言えでば、なりたい職業に向けて必要な資格やスキルを得ることが出来ます。 To follow a path (道をたどる) -どんな状況でもしっかり決断して自分のやりたいキャリアに対してしっかりした進むべき道がある、という様な意味になります。 【例】 "Paul's career path is: university, officer training, then finally, a command position" (ポールのキャリアの道は大学へ行って、職業訓練して、最終的には指令のポジションに就くことです)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You are fortunate if you figure out in your teens what you want to do with your life.

By saying "...what you want to do with your life." this implies knowing what you want for the future as far as career or your general goals.
...what you want to do with your lifeと言う事によってあなたの将来やりたい事やあなたの一般的な目的を言い表すことが出来ます。
Kirst English teacher
  • Your lucky if you figure out what you want to do when your in your teens.

  • If you can work out what you want to do in your teens you can get a head start in working towards it.

"Your lucky if you figure out what you want to do when you're in your teens." this explains that you think if a teenager knows what they want to do with their lives in the future then they are lucky because normally it takes people a long time to find out what they want to do. "If you can work out what you want to do in your teens you can get a head start in working towards it." This explains that if teenager knows what they want to do they can start studying or working towards a qualification.
"Your lucky if you figure out what you want to do when you're in your teens." この表現では、通常自分がしたいことを見つけ出すのには長い時間を要するので、将来自分の人生で何をしたいのか十代で分かっていることは幸運だと思うと説明しています。 "If you can work out what you want to do in your teens you can get a head start in working towards it." この表現では、十代で何をしたいのかを知っていれば、資格取得のために勉強を始めたり、仕事に取りかかることができると説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • If you are able to find your calling in your teen years, I think that you're incredibly lucky.

Your "calling" is what you feel that you are supposed to do in life or your purpose in life. "Incredibly" in this case means the same as "very." I hope that this helps! :)
"calling" は、人生で自分がやりたいこと、あるいは人生の目標をいいます。 "incredibly" はこの場合 "very"(とても/すごく)と同じ意味です。 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • You are lucky if you figure out what you want to do with your life in your teen years

  • If you can find what you want to do with your life in your teen years, and be able to start doing it; you should consider yourself very lucky

When you want to explain that you think a person is very lucky to find and be able to do what they want to do with their life during their teen years; then you may explain this in the following ways: -You are lucky if you figure out what you want to do with your life in your teen years -If you can find what you want to do with your life in your teen years, and be able to start doing it; you should consider yourself very lucky
「10代からやりたいことが見つけられたらそれは幸せなこと」は、次のように言えます。 -You are lucky if you figure out what you want to do with your life in your teen years (10代からやりたいことが見つけられたらそれは幸せなこと) -If you can find what you want to do with your life in your teen years, and be able to start doing it; you should consider yourself very lucky (10代からやりたいことが見つけられたらそれは幸せなこと)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I think you are very lucky to know what you want to do in life at such a young age.

When we say, 'what you want to do in life' it means what career/life goals you have for yourself. People do not normally know what they want when they are young. By saying 'such a young age', the word 'such' puts emphasis on the person being really young and already have their head screwed on (sensible and knowing what they want).
what you want to do in life'(人生でやりたいこと)と言う場合、あなたのキャリアや人生の目標を意味しています。若い時にはやりたいことが通常わからないものです。'such a young age'という表現では、'such'という単語で、その人が非常に若いのに、すでにしっかりしている(賢明で望むものを分かっている)ことを強調しています。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Knowing yourself at an early age will allow you earlier self-realization, this will help reach your goals sooner.

  • Realizing your ambitions early on in life is a great advantage because you have more time on your hands to make them a reality.

These sentences explain that it is fortunate when someone is able to realize the stencil of their dreams because then they have more of an advantage when it comes to time. They are more likely to reach their goals than someone who only learns of their ambitions later on in life. Stencil: outline Self-realization: knowing yourself on a deeper level Ambitions: powerful desire to achieve something
若いうちに自分のやりたいことが分かれば早くからそこに向かって努力できますからこれは幸運なことですね。 後から気が付くよりもそこに到達できる可能性が高いです。 Stencil: 大まかな内容 Self-realization: 自分自身をより深く知る Ambitions: あることを達成したいという強い願望
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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