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2017/12/05 10:24
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  • I'm expecting a package from Japan (from my parents) this coming week. Could you let me know when it gets here?

  • Please let me know if a parcel arrives

In English it is a common error to give too much information when youi ask for something. In the first reply, "I'm expecting a package (from my parents) this coming week. Could you let me know when it gets here?" you have included a lot of information. You could ask yourself, "Is all that information essential?" Firrstly, who you receive parcels from is your business and only yours. It is not necessary to state where, or from whom the parcel is coming. Compare that with the second sentence: "Please let me know if a parcel arrives." Of course, just to be friendly, you may choose to give more details, but it is really your own private business. In the UK, people who always give too much detail in their speech are often considered to be A, stupid, or B, have no conception of personal privacy.
英語では何かをお願いするときに沢山の情報を与えすぎるのはよくある間違いです。 最初の回答の "I'm expecting a package (from my parents) this coming week. Could you let me know when it gets here?" (次の週に荷物が(両親から)届く予定です。届いたら教えてくれませんか?) 沢山の情報を含んでいますね。 自分自身に問いかけます "Is all that information essential?" (この全部の情報は必要だろうか?) 最初に荷物が誰からの物かと言う事はあなただけの問題です。 荷物が何処から誰が送ったという事は言う必要はないでしょう。 二つ目の表現と比べてみましょう。 "Please let me know if a parcel arrives." (荷物か届いたら教えてください) もちろんフレンドリーにもう少し細かい事まで説明したいかもしれませんが、それはあなたの個人的な事な事です。 イギリスでは発言に事細かにを詳細与えすぎる人は A, stupid (馬鹿な人) B, have no conception of personal privacy. (プライバシーの観念がない人) と考えられます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My parents are sending me a package/parcel it is supposed to arrive sometime next week. Can you let me know when it arrives?

  • There should be a package arrive for me next week from my parents, Can you please tell me when it arrives?

"My parents are sending me a package/parcel it is supposed to arrive sometime next week. Can you let me know when it arrives?" "package" and "parcel" both have the same meaning. This explains to the family that your parents are sending you something and it is meant to arrive in a weeks time, It also asks them to tell you when it gets there. "There should be a package arrive for me next week from my parents, Can you please tell me when it arrives?" This explains to them that your parents have sent you something and that it will arrive next week, and can they please tell you when it gets there.
"My parents are sending me a package/parcel it is supposed to arrive sometime next week. Can you let me know when it arrives?" (来週私の両親が送った荷物が届きます。ついたら教えてくれますか?) "package" と"parcel"は二つとも同じ意味です。(荷物) これはホストファミリーにあなたの両親が荷物を送って1週間くらいで届く予定になっています。 そして、届いたら教えてください、と言う意味になります。 "There should be a package arrive for me next week from my parents, Can you please tell me when it arrives?" (来週私の両親から荷物が届きます。届いたら教えてくれますか?) これはあなたの両親が送った荷物が来週届く予定になっているので届いたら教えてほしい、と言う説明になります。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • My parents have sent me a package/parcel, can you let me know when it arrives please

  • My parents have sent me a package/parcel, can you tell me when you receive it please

  • Can you let me know when the parcel arrives from my parents please

If your parents are sending you a parcel then you could simply say 'Can you let me know when the parcel arrives from my parents please' By adding please is a polite way of saying it. You could also use the term 'package' as well as 'parcel' to mean the same thing.
あなたの両親が荷物を送ってくれた際、ホストファミリーにはシンプルに、”Can you let me know when the parcel arrives from my parents, please."と伝えることができます。 Pleaseを付け加えることで、丁寧な言い方になります。”Parcel”の代わりに、”Package"という同義語を使ってもOKです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My parents will be sending me a package, would you please let me know when it arrives?

"My parents will be sending me a package, would you please let me know when it arrives?" by asking for them to let you know when it arrives, they will know to notify if it comes and then they will also be expecting it to arrive.
"My parents will be sending me a package, would you please let me know when it arrives?" 到着したときに教えてもらうよう伝えることで、彼らは届いたらあなたに伝えるでしょうし、何かが届くということを事前に知っておくことができます。
Kirst English teacher
  • My parents sent me a package and it's due to arrive in a week or so. Could you please let me know when it arrives?

  • I'm expecting a package from my parent in a week or so. Please let me know when it arrives

When you want to ask your host family to let you know when a package from your parents arrives, then you may ask in the following ways: -My parents sent me a package and it's due to arrive in a week or so. Could you please let me know when it arrives? -I'm expecting a package from my parent in a week or so. Please let me know when it arrives
両親からの荷物が届いたら教えて欲しいとホストファミリーに頼みたいなら、以下の文が使えます。 例文 -My parents sent me a package and it's due to arrive in a week or so. Could you please let me know when it arrives? (両親が荷物を送ってくれたので、1週間ぐらいで着く予定です。届いたら教えて頂けますか?) -I'm expecting a package from my parents in a week or so. Please let me know when it arrives (1週間ぐらいで両親から荷物が届くと思います。届いたら教えて下さい)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm expecting a package. Please could you let me know when it arrives?

This is minimal information and all you need to say. However, as you are staying with a host family it may be polite to include more information, that it is from your family in Japan and that you expect it next week. 'My parents in Japan have sent me a parcel. It should be delivered next week' 'I'm expecting a parcel from my family in Japan next week' Parcel = package Delivered = Brought to the specified address
これは最小限の情報です。ただ、ホストファミリーと暮らしているわけですから、もう少し情報を加えた方が丁寧かもしれません。「日本の家族」から「来週」送られてくる予定であると。 'My parents in Japan have sent me a parcel. It should be delivered next week' (日本にいる両親が小包を送ってきます。来週届く予定です) 'I'm expecting a parcel from my family in Japan next week' (来週日本にいる両親から小包が届く予定です) Parcel = 荷物、小包 Delivered = 特定の住所に届けられる
Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
  • I have a package from my parents arriving next week

  • Could you tell me when it has arrived?

  • Would you let me know when it has been delivered

In this case, you are having something sent to another person's house and therefore they are doing you a favour so be very polite and use the could/would form. For example, "I hope you don't mind but my parents have sent me a package from Japan and it should be arriving next week. Would you let me know when it has arrived?"
この場合、荷物を他人の家に送ってもらっているわけです。相手にお世話になっているわけなので、丁寧に'could'や'would'を使いましょう。 例えば: "I hope you don't mind but my parents have sent me a package from Japan and it should be arriving next week. Would you let me know when it has arrived?" (両親が日本から私に荷物を送ってくれました。来週には着くはずです。届いたら教えていただけますか?)
Suzi DMM英語講師
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