世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/05 22:14
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  • Be on the lookout for cars.

  • Make sure their are no cars coming before crossing the road.

"Be on the lookout for cars." This means to look for cars and then be careful of them.
"Be on the lookout for cars." 車に気をつけて、という意味。
Kirst English teacher
  • Watch out for approaching traffic!

  • When crossing the road.always look left & right! ...Be aware of approaching traffic

Children need to learn..."The rules of road safety" at an early age... Parents must "school their children" to cross the road at eh right place ...and only when the "coast is clear"...IE when it is safe to do so! We might use this phrase: "When crossing the road....always look left & right! ...Be aware of approaching traffic"
子供は早い段階で、交通安全のルールを学ぶ必要があります。両親は、子供たちに正しい場所で安全な時だけ道路を横切るように教えなければいけません。このフレーズを使うことが出来ます。 例文 "When crossing the road....always look left & right! ...Be aware of approaching traffic" 道路を横切る時は、いつも左右を見なさい。近づいてくる車に気を付けなさい!!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Look for cars before you cross the road.

  • Look both ways and wait for the road to be clear.

  • Wait for me, before you cross the road.

I always tell my kids to "wait for me before you cross the road." I am just not 100% sure that they will not get themselves into trouble! If there is no choice but to let them cross the road without me "look both ways and wait for the road to be clear." or "look for cars before you cross the road." Giving them clear instructions that the road will need to be clear BEFORE they cross.
私はいつも子供に、 “Wait for me before you cross the road.” (道を渡る前に、私を待ちなさい。) と言っています。 トラブルに巻き込まれないか100%確信が持てません。 もし、選択肢がなくて私なしで道路を渡らせるのであれば、 “Look both ways and wait for the road to be clear.” (両サイドみて、道が渡れる状態まで待ちなさい。) または “Look for cars before you cross the road.” (渡る前に車が来ないか確認しなさい。) と言います。 道路を渡る前に、道路から何も来ていないか確認する指示をすることが必要です。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • Look left, then right, then left again

  • Wait there for me!

  • Watch for the traffic!

Look left, then right, then left again,' is a quatation from an old public advice ad that used to appear on television in the 1960s. It was designed to assist young and independent children and teach them to be more aware of the road. You could instruct the child to 'wait' for you so you may take them across the road - or, just look out for the traffic.
Look left, then right, then left again' (左見て、右見て、また左を見ましょう) これは昔の公共のアドバイスで1960年代にテレビで使用されていました。 小さい子供たちに道路で車に気を付ける様に促すように考案されたものです。 子供に あなたを'wait'(待つ)ようにさせて、一緒に道を渡ることが出来ます。 又はただ"the traffic"(交通)に気をうけるように言う事も出来ますよね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Always look both ways before you cross the road.

  • Look left and right before you cross the road.

"Always look both ways before you cross the road." this tells them to look for cars before crossing the road. "Look left and right before you cross the road." This explains to the child they should look left and right or cars before they try crossing the road.
"Always look both ways before you cross the road." (道を渡る前に右左見ましょう) この表現を使って道を渡る時に気を付けることを教えることが出来ます。 "Look left and right before you cross the road." (道を渡る前に右と左をみなさい) 道を渡ろうとする前に右と左を見ることを子供に説明することが出来ます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Look both ways before crossing

  • Watch for cars coming before crossing the road

  • A car might be/is coming so be careful!

The best way to say to watch for cars and most commonly used is 'Look both ways before crossing (the road)' If you are speaking to a child you might want to explain a little more so they understand you could say 'Watch for cars coming before crossing the road' or 'A car might be coming! so be careful!'
車に注意するように言うときは、 'Look both ways before crossing (the road)'(道を渡る前に左右を確認して) がよく使われます。 子どもに対して言うなら、もう少し詳しく説明した方が分かりやすいかもしれません。 例えば: 'Watch for cars coming before crossing the road'(道を渡る前に車が来ないか確認して) 'A car might be coming! so be careful!'(車が来るかもしれないよ。気をつけて)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Make sure you look both ways before crossing the street.

  • A car is coming, look out.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your child that you want them to be careful when they are crossing the road. In the second sentence you will notice the term look out. This term means to be watchful. This is a term that is common in our everyday conversation and is appropriate for informal settings.
上記例文は二つとも、お子さんに道を渡るときは注意するようにと促す文章です。 二つ目の例文で、”look out"(気を付ける、用心する)という言葉が使われています。これは、”watchful"(用心深く)なるという意味です。 ネイティブスピーカーがよく使く言葉なので、あなたのボキャブラリーに追加することをおすすめします。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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