世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/06 06:33
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  • first/last car... front/back carriage

  • Meet me at the very last car. / Meet me in the first car.

  • Let's meet in the front/back of the train.

carriage - this is one section of the train. We tend to say "train car" more than "train carriage" because the diminutive "train car" is easier and shorter to say. e.g. Meet me at the very last car. / Meet me in the first car. You can also tell the person to meet you at the front or back of the train-- and this will be understood as the first or last car.
carriage - 電車の車両のこと。 "train carriage"よりも短いので'train car'という傾向にあります。  例: Meet me at the very last car. 最後尾車両で集合しよう。  Meet me in the first car. 最前車両で集合しよう。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • You can meet me at the front of the train.

  • We can meet at the first train car.

It's best to describe directions using directional words like first, middle, last and so on.
first, middle, lastなどのような方向を示す単語を使って説明するのが一番わかりやすいでしょう。
Celeste O DMM英語講師
  • The foremost carriage

  • The last carriage

  • The first carriage

You could aso describe the first carriage of a train as the first carriage - and the others: second, third etc. In the UK carriages are identified by carriage numbers on the outside of each carriage so if you have a reserved seat it is quite easy to find your carriage when the train pulls into the station. Foremost - adjective, adverb, meaning: first in place, order, rank, etc.: "The foremost surgeons of the hospital are on very high salaries."
先頭車両は、'the first carriage'それに続いて、second,thirdとしていきます。イギリスでは、車両は外側に番号がふられているので、指定席を予約したのであれば、電車が入ってきたときにすぐわかると思います。 foremost-順番、順位など1番、最初のという意味の、形容詞、副詞。 "The foremost surgeons of the hospital are on very high salaries." 病院の一流外科医は給料が非常にいい。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Lets meet at the front of the train.

  • Lets meet at the front of the first carriage/car.

  • Lets meet at/by/in the last carriage of the train.

"Let's meet at the front of the train." This means you will meet the person at the first car of the train. "Let's meet at the front of the first carriage/car." This means you will meet right at the front of the train. "Car" and "Carriage" Both have the same meaning. "Let's meet at/by/in the last carriage of the train." This explains that you will meet at the back of the train. "At" or "By" means outside of the carriage. "In" means you will meet inside the carriage.
"Let's meet at the front of the train." これはあなたと相手がその列車の先頭車両で会うということを意味しています。 "Let's meet at the front of the first carriage/car." この文はあなたと相手がその列車のまさに先頭で会うということを意味しています。 "Car" と "Carriage" はどちらも同じ意味を持っています。 "Let's meet at/by/in the last carriage of the train." これはその列車の最後尾で会おうということを説明しています。. "At" または "By"は車両の外側を意味しています。 "In"は車両の中を表しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • We can meet at the first train carriage

In British English the parts of a train are called the 'carriages'.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I'll meet you at the front of the train.

  • Meet me at the back of the train.

  • first carriage/ last carriage

"carriage" is another word we use instead of "train car". You can use either "first" or "last" to talk about the position of the "carriage".
"carriage"(客車)とは私たちが使う "train car"(車両)の代わりに使うことが出来る言葉です。 この "first"(先頭)か "last"(最後尾)を使って"carriage"(車両)の場所を話すことが出来ます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Let's meet at platform 4 by the last coach of the train - the one furthest from the ticket office.

  • Let's meet at platform 4 outside the first coach of the train - the one closest to the ticket office.

Giving someone directions about where to meet is about being precise as possible. So when you want to tell them to meet you by the last or first coach; you can say: -Let's meet at platform 4 by the last coach of the train - the one furthest from the ticket office. -Let's meet at platform 4 outside the first coach of the train - the one closest to the ticket office. The part of how far it is from the ticket office only clarifies the direction even more. Helps be more precise.
待ち合わせ場所は明確に伝える必要があります。 最後尾車両または最前車両のところで会いたいなら: -Let's meet at platform 4 by the last coach of the train - the one furthest from the ticket office. プラットフォーム4で待ち合せしましょう。チケット売り場から一番遠い、最後尾車両のところで。 -Let's meet at platform 4 outside the first coach of the train - the one closest to the ticket office. プラットフォーム4で待ち合せしましょう。チケット売り場に一番近い、最前車両のところで。 チケット売り場からの距離を伝えると、より明確になりますね。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • 1st carriage, 2nd carriage, 3rd carriage etc

  • 1st class, 2nd class, 3rd class etc.

▪ 1st carriage, 2nd carriage, 3rd carriage etc ▪ 1st class, 2nd class, 3rd class etc. Example sentences: a. Meet me at 1st class. b. Can we meet at the 3rd carriage? Friend: Where shall we meet? You: Meet me at the 2nd carriage. Friend: Are we going to meet at 2nd class? You: No let's meet at 3rd class.
 1st carriage(先頭車両), 2nd carriage(2番車両), 3rd carriage(3番車両)  1st class(1等車両), 2nd class(2等車両), 3rd class(3等車両)   例文: a. Meet me at 1st class.  1等車両で待ち合せよう。 b. Can we meet at the 3rd carriage?  3番車両で待ち合せようか?    Friend: Where shall we meet? 友達:どこで待ち合せようか。 You: Meet me at the 2nd carriage. あなた:2番車両で。 Friend: Are we going to meet at 2nd class? 友達:2番車両で待ち合せだっけ? You: No let's meet at 3rd class. あなた:3番車両だよ。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • the very back/front of the train

次のように英語で表現することができます: the very back/front of the train 電車の最後尾/最前車両 「最後尾」は英語で very back と表現することができます。 逆に「一番前」は very front となります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。 また何かありましたらいつでも質問してください。
  • Let's meet at the very last car.

  • Let's meet at the back of the train.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 back of は「〜の後ろ」というニュアンスの英語表現です。 例: Let's meet at the back of the train. Is that OK? 電車の最後尾で会いましょう。いいですか? お役に立ちましたでしょうか? 英語学習頑張ってくださいね!
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