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2017/12/06 19:32
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  • I dropped out because college wasn't what I thought it would be.

  • I dropped out because it wasn't everything I thought it would be.

  • I dropped out because it didn't live up to my expectations.

to drop out (of school) - this means that you leave school early without getting your degree (Something) didn't live up to my expectations. - This means that something disappointed you. It wasn't as it seemed. e.g. When I finally met up with my online date in person, he didn't live up to my expectations. I think he was just more interesting by text, and to be honest, I didn't feel a spark.
to drop out (of school) -(学校を)中退する 単位を取らずに学校を中退したということです。 (Something) didn't live up to my expectations. - ~が私の期待に応えられなかった 何かにあなたががっかりしたということです。物事が思っていたことと違ったということです。 例文 When I finally met up with my online date in person, he didn't live up to my expectations. ついにネットで知り合った人と実際に会ったんだけど、思っていた人と違ったよ。 I think he was just more interesting by text, and to be honest, I didn't feel a spark. メールでやり取りをしている時は、もっと面白い人だと思ったんだけど、正直に言うと、ときめかなかった。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I dropped out of college as I realised it was not what I expected

  • I dropped out of college as it was a big disappointment for me

If something is 'not as expected' it means that it was quite different to your prediction, or perhaps, at the same time, it was either much worse or much better than you thought it would be. In this context however, it is clear that it has been a negative experience. If something is a disappointment to you, it means it did not 'live up to your expectations' or more simply, was not as good as you thought it would be.
もし何かが 'not as expected'という場合は、自分が想像していたことと違っていて、おそらく同時に自分が思っていたのよりかなりよくないか、悪いかのどちらかということになります。この文の場合、ネガティブな意味合いになります。 もし何かにがっかりしたら、それは「自分の期待にそぐわない」もしくは、単に思っていたほどよくなかったとなります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I dropped out of the university because it wasn't what I expected.

“思ったのと違った”日本語ではよく使う表現ですね!英語では簡単に “it isn't what I expected”=それは予想していたのと違うで表現ができます。
  • I dropped out of college because it wasn't for me.

  • I dropped out of college because it was not what I really wanted to do.

  • I discontinued my studies in college because it was not for me

When you leave college without completing the qualification, that is called "discontinuation of studies" or "dropping out". So when you want to explain that you discontinued your studies because it was different from what you thought it would be, you can say: -I dropped out of college because it wasn't for me. -I dropped out of college because it was not what I really wanted to do. -I discontinued my studies in college because it was not for me
進級要件を満たすことなく大学をやめることは、"discontinuation of studies"又は"dropping out"と呼ばれます。ですから大学が自分が思っていたのと違うので、大学の勉強をやめるということを説明したい時は、こう言うことが出来ます。 例文 -I dropped out of college because it wasn't for me. 大学が合っていなかったので、中退した -I dropped out of college because it was not what I really wanted to do. 本当にしたいことではなかったから、大学を中退した -I discontinued my studies in college because it was not for me 私に合っていなかったので、大学での勉強をやめた
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I dropped out of college because it was not what I expected.

  • I quit college because it was not what I thought it would be.

*I dropped out of college because it was not what I expected. This means that you had your own expectations and when you started going to college, things were so different you had to quit. *I quit college because it was not what I thought it would be. To quit means to leave a place usually permanently. This means that you will never go back to college because of the bad experience you had.
例文 *I dropped out of college because it was not what I expected. 思っていたのと違ったので、大学を辞めた。 大学に行き始めた時に思っていたのとあまりに違うので、大学を辞めざるを得なかったということです。 例文 *I quit college because it was not what I thought it would be. 思っていたのと違ったので、大学を辞めた。 To quitは、通常ある所を永遠に離れるということです。大学での経験が良くなかったので、絶対に大学に戻ることはないということです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I dropped out of college because it was completely different from what I thought it would be like.

  • I left college because it was completely different from the picture I initially had of it in my mind.

So, initially you had a wonderful picture of college life in your mind, but, when you got there, you found that it was not as rosy as you thought it would be. Probably the picture you initially had of college was a place where you would find nice lecturers, easy to learn subjects, nice fellow students, but, instead, the environment was totally different from that. If you faced such a predicament and dropped out of college as a result, you may say: I dropped out of college because it was completely different from what I thought it would be like. or I left college because it was completely different from the picture I initially had of it in my mind.
当初は頭の中に素晴らしい大学生活のイメージがあったものの、入ってみたら思っていたほどバラ色ではなかったということですね。おそらく、最初にイメージしていた大学は、良い先生がいて、教科も簡単で、良い学生がいる場所だったのでしょう。ただ実際はそれと全く異なりました。 このような苦境に直面し、結果として大学を中退した場合、下記のように言えるでしょう。 I dropped out of college because it was completely different from what I thought it would be like. 〔訳〕思っていたのと全然違ったため、私は大学を中退しました。 I left college because it was completely different from the picture I initially had of it in my mind. 〔訳〕初めにイメージしていたものと全く違ったため、大学を中退しました。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • It wasn't what I expected

  • University was different than I thought, so I dropped out

  • I dropped out of college because it didn't meet my expectations

We say "It wasn't what I expected" when something is different from what you thought it would be. This can be for anything: a movie, food, an experience like a vacation or even university. When you quit something we say "quit", "give up" or "stop" but with university or college (or school in general) we say "drop out of". When you think something will be better than it actually is you can find yourself disappointed, you can say "it disappointed me" to describe your feeling about it. It is also common to hear "It didn't meet my expectations", which means your expectations were better or more positive than how good the experience really was. I would say "I dropped out of college because it didn't meet my expectations"
何かが思ったものと違うとき、”It wasn't what I expected"と言います。例えば、映画の内容、食べ物、バケーション、または、入学した学校、など、期待していた通りではなかったシチェーションは様々ですね。 何かを辞めるとき、"quit", "give up", "stop"のような動詞を使って表しますが、大学またはその他学校を退学するときは、"drop out of"というフレーズを使います。 期待が外れてがっかりしたときは、失望感を表す”It disappointed me"というフレーズが使えます。他には、”It didn't meet my expectations"(自分が期待していたものではなかった=期待通りではなかった)と表現することも出来ます。 ”I dropped out of college because it didn't meet my expectations"(自分が期待したいたものではなかったので、大学を辞めました)が一番適切かと思います。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
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