It feels to me like we can inspire and put spurs to each other and I think that is amazing.
I feel you and I can crank up each other's enthusiasm.
I think you and I boost each other up.
It feels to me like we can inspire and put spurs to each other and I think that is amazing.
I feel you and I can crank up each other's enthusiasm.
I think you and I boost each other up.
I feel like we have synergy.
I think we have an amazing chemistry to mutually enhance one another.
というのはいかがでしょうか ヽ(o´ω`o)ノ
each other = お互い
one another = お互い
chemistry = 相性
synergy = 相乗効果
mutually = 相互に
enhance = 高める
inspire = インスパイアする
以上、乱雑で申し訳ありませんが、少しでも参考になれば嬉しいです (*´ω`*)ノ
We are good friends and we inspire each other to improve.
You are an important person to me and we inspire each other to be better people.
I feel like you’re a wonderful friend who inspires me and helps improve myself.
1)We are good friends and We inspire each other to improve.
*inspire:鼓舞する、[刺激する]( *improve:[改善する](、向上する
2)You are an important person to me and we inspire each other to be better people.
*to be better person(people):より良い人間になる。人間性を高める。
3)I feel like you’re a wonderful friend who inspires me and helps me improve myself. 「あなたは私を刺激してくれて、私自身を向上させてくれる素晴らしい友人だと感じています。」
You are a wonderful person who make us inspire each other and improve ourselves.
最初の出だしに、「あなたは素晴らしい存在」'You are a wonderful person'と始めてから、
出だしと説明を繋げるために'who make us'「あなたは~させてくれる」と前置きして、~の部分に「刺激を受け高めあえる」存在と説明します。
「高めあう」は'improve ourselvesと言います。
この単語は薬学・科学的なニュアンス(刺激剤 'stimulant')のニュアンスが強いので