Children of all ages may 'have their moments' which means that they may throw a tantrum, be rude, start crying for no reason, or stubbornly refuse to do something with you, or for you. There is often no logical reason for this. The growing stage of 'the terrible twos' is one typical period of life when children atre prone to these unforseen mood swings.
Child: No, I don't want it - no, no, no!
Mother: Why are you saying no?
Child: Noooooo!
どの年代の子供でも、彼らには'have their moments'(調子のよい時悪きときがある)これは時には癇癪を起したり、失礼に振る舞ったり、わけもなく泣き出したり、何かを頑固に拒否して言う事を全然聞かなかったりします。
これは成長する過程の一つで典型的な 'the terrible twos' (魔の2歳児)で、この時期の子供はよく分からない気分変動があることを言います。
Child: No, I don't want it - no, no, no!
Mother: Why are you saying no?
Child: Noooooo!
By saying no your child is clearly not wanting whatever your are offering. So by asking "What don't you want?" you are acknowledging the fact that he/she is saying no.
ですので "What don't you want?" (何が嫌なの?)と聞くことによって、子供が"no"と言っている事を認めることになります。
If you want to ask what a person said 'no' to, you can simply ask "What are you saying 'no' to?". If you want someone (for example, a child) to tell you what you (as a parent) said they cannot do or said no to, then you can ask the child, "What did I say 'no' to?".
何を"No"と言っているのか尋ねたい場合、簡単に次のように聞くことが出来ます。 "What are you saying 'no' to?".
"What did I say 'no' to?"
"What are you saying "no" to?" This is a polite way of asking what your child keeps saying no to. You can also ask," Who are you saying no to?" if they keep saying "no" to a person.
"Why do you keep saying "no"? Is something wrong?" The first question is just another way of asking the same question as the first response. The second question asks your child if there is something going on that needs to be addressed or looked at/into.
"What are you saying "no" to?"(何が「ノー」なの)
- ここでは、何に対して「ノー」と言っているのか子どもに丁寧に確認しています。また、" Who are you saying no to?"(誰に「ノー」と言っているの)と言うこともできます。
"Why do you keep saying "no"? Is something wrong?"(どうして「ノー」って言うの。どうかしたの)
- 最初の質問は上の例と同じことを尋ねています。二つ目の質問では、何か問題があるのかどうか尋ねています。
"No what" and "why no?"
Are simple and causal terms that are straight to the point asking for the answer as you may be confused, this is asking the purpose of why someone is repeatedly saying "No" over and over again.
What do you mean "no"?
Oh no, no!!
What do you mean "no"? You need to explain.
Noってどういうこと? 説明してくれないと。
I meant "don't touch it"!
Some children can be very hard to control. They are growing up and it is normal for them to be rude, shout and do very bad things that no parent accepts such as throwing things off the table, for example. Parenting is one of the hardest jobs in the world.
Mother: "Why must you continue saying no?"
Child: "Because I don't want to gooo... Noooooo!"
Mother: "What do you mean no?
Child: "No, no, no, no, no means noooo!!"
母: "Why must you continue saying no?"(何で No なの?)
子: "Because I don't want to gooo... Noooooo!"(だって行きたくないんだもん。Noooooo!)
母: "What do you mean no?"(No ってどういう意味?)
子: "No, no, no, no, no means noooo!!"(No, no, no, no. No は Noooo!!)
1.Why do you say "no'' all the time?
The phrase "all the time'' means that something is
being done constantly or incessantly. It could be that
your child has heard the word being used, realises what
it means and is testing it out on you.
If it concerns you, dig a bit deeper - which means to
question him/her more thoroughly in order to get to the
bottom of this new behavior.
2.Why do you like to use the word "no'' so much?
When you ask someone why they like to do something
"so much'' then you are actually hinting at the fact
that they are doing something that you don't really
approve of.
Another example:Why do you visit that friend
so much?
1. Why do you say "no" all the time?(何でいつも "no" って言うの?)
"all the time" は「いつも/ひっきりなしに」という意味です。
お子さんは "no" という言葉をどこかで覚えて使ってみたいのかもしれません。もし気になるなら、詳しく話を聞いて、理由を探ってみるといいと思います。
2. Why do you like to use the word "no" so much?(何で "no" ばかり言うの?)
"so much" はここでは「いら立ち」を表します。
Why do you visit that friend so much?(何でその友達のところばかり行くの?)
It is very common for children to adopt the word 'no' and often they don't know why other than showing a refusal of cooperation or that they are uncomfortable with something. Opening a dialogue and acknowledging their feelings is the best course of action.
The simplest and most direct responses would be "Why no?" or "No what?"
If the child has a higher level of English then "Why are you saying 'no'?" is a more suitable question.
「子どもが 'no' ばかり言って困っている」、よくある悩みですね。これは本人も、'no' が「拒絶」や「不快感」を表すということ以外、よく分かっていないことが多いです。
最もシンプルで直接的な言い方は "Why no?"(なんで 'no' なの?)または "No what?" (何が 'no' なの?)です。
言葉がある程度分かる子には、"Why are you saying 'no'?"(何で 'no' と言うの?)と言えます。
These are three different phrases we can say to a child when they are saying no repeatedly and we want to know exactly what they are saying, "no," to. Notice in the first two examples, depending on the sentence structure that we can either use the -wh question, "what," or, "why." I would say that the last example is probably more common within a dialog as it sounds/looks the most natural in a conversation.
Why do you keep saying no over and over again? No to what?
If you would like to ask your child why he/she keeps repeatedly saying "no", you can say something like "What are you saying 'no' to exactly?" or "Why do you keep saying no over and over again? No to what?". These are some ways you can ask your child why he/she keeps saying no.