世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/09 15:31
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  • This place is very different from how I imagined it.

  • It's not how I imagined it.

These phrases are simple and natural ways to explain that the had imagined a completely different image in your head and once you got there, it was completely different. You can make the sentence shorter by just saying "it's not how I imagined it", when you are there in person or are being asked, "What did you think of (place).
これらの表現はある場所に到着したらあなたが想像していたものと全く違ったという事を簡単で自然に言い表しています。 "What did you think of (place)." ((場所)はどうでした?) と誰かに尋ねられたら 次のように短く答えることが出来ます。 "It's not ohow I imagined it" (自分がイメージ他たものと違います)
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • It's vastly different to how I imagined it would be

If something is 'vastly different' to something else it means that it has many alternative characteristics - perhaps in colour, form, size, location, quality, texture or quantity. We always 'imagine' what some place or experience will be like - we love to make predictions about future activities and look 'in our mind's eye' for a visual point of reference.
 'vastly different'とは、色、形、サイズ、場所。質、質感や量など、色々な特徴があるという意味です。私たちは常に、ある場所や、経験がどんなものであるか想像します。私たちは、将来起こることがどういうものなのかを予測するのが好きなのです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I had a totally different imagination about the place.

  • What I imagined how the place looked changed after I final went to go and view it.

▪ I had a totally different imagination about the place. This sentence explains that what had imagined about the place was not the same when as to how it actually looks. ▪ What I imagined how the place looked changed after I final went to go and view it. This indicates that your imagination was changed when you went to go view the place.
▪ I had a totally different imagination about the place. (ここに対して全く違うイメージを持っていました) これはあなたがその場所について想像していたものが 実際見たものと同じではなかった、と言う事を説明しています。 ▪ What I imagined how the place looked changed after I final went to go and view it. (行って見たら、私の想像が履されました) その場所へ行って見たら、あなたの想像が覆されるてしまった、 ということを表現しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Seeing it changed my mind.

  • My mind has been changed after seeing it.

"Seeing it changed my mind." This explains that once you saw it you changed your thoughts. "My mind has been changed after seeing it." This is another way of explaining that your mind was changed after seeing the thing.
"Seeing it changed my mind." という例文について この文は、一度見ると考えが変わるということを意味します。 "My mind has been changed after seeing it." という例文について この文も、上記と同じ意味の別の言い方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • This place is so different from what I imagined it to be.

  • The site looks so different from the picture I had in my mind.

Supposing you want to visit a certain place of interest, and you have been told that it is very beautiful, you are bound to create an imaginary picture in your mind of how the place looks like. However, when you finally get to the site, you discover that the place doesn't look anything like what you had imagined. So, you might say: This place is so different from what I imagined it to be. or The site looks so different from the picture I had in my mind.
あなたがどこかのある場所を訪れたいと思っており、そこがとてもきれいだと聞いていたとすると、 その場所の景観を頭の中でも想像するでしょう。 しかしながら、やっとその場所に着いたら、あなたの想像していたものと全く違っていたことが分かる、ということがありますよね。 そのようなときにはこのように言うと良いでしょう。 例文(この場所は、想像とは全然違っていた。) This place is so different from what I imagined it to be. The site looks so different from the picture I had in my mind.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Not how I imagined...

  • When I arrived at the was not how I imagined it at all. I was disappointed.

We can often "build up expectations" to the extent that we will inevitably be "let down by the reality". This is when we have "let our imagination run wild". And "things cannot possibly live up to our imaginings!" When I arrived at the castle, it was not how I imagined it at all. I was disappointed.
私達はよく、現実にがっかりさせられるまでにイメージを膨らませてしまうことがあります。 これはイメージまたは想像が暴走してしまったケースです。 物事は理想のとおりにはなりません。 例文: When I arrived at the castle, it was not how I imagined it at all. I was disappointed. そのお城に到着したときに見たものは、私のイメージしたものとはまったく違っていました。がっかりしました。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • My thoughts about this place have changed since i have visited it

  • After visiting the place my thoughts have completely changed

  • The place is very different to how i imagined it

When we think of how a place is going to be it is not always the way it is when we actually visit or go there To imagine is how you think something is going to be/like So you could say 'the place is very different to how I imagined it'
ある場所に実際に行ってみるとそれが思い描いていたものと異なることがあります。 'To imagine' は「想像する」という意味です。 ですから、次のように言えます。 'the place is very different to how I imagined it' (その場所は私の想像していたものとは全然違います)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • When I went there and saw the place, it was totally different from what I expected.

When I went there and saw the place, it was totally different from what I expected. 「そこに行ってみたら、自分の予想とは全く違ったところでした」と訳出しました。 Anchanさんは「自分がイメージしていたのと、実際に行ってみると違った。」と言いたいと解釈しました。 see: みる、わかる expectation: 予想
Yoko T 英語コーチ
  • After being here, I can see it through different eyes.

  • My whole idea of this place has changed since I came.

What do you think to the place then? Yeah, I like it. Is it what you expected? My whole idea of this place has changed since I came. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • It's not how I pictured it.

  • My perspective of this place has changed.

You can use any of the above two sentences to express that your feelings or views have changed towards a place. Examples; A; Hey, how was the trip to France? B; It was okay, it wasn't quite how I pictured it.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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