世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/09 16:56
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  • 1) I'm worried that I might photobomb in other people's pictures.

  • 2) I'm scared to photobomb without knowing it.

偶然写真に写り込んでしまう現象を、よくネイティブの中で”Photobomb”と言います。 上記に挙げたように、動詞としても使えますし、"That's a photobomb."など、名詞としても使えます。 【訳】 1) 他の人の写真に偶然写り込んでしまわないか心配。 2) 知らない間に写真に写りこみたくないわ。 Without knowing it : 知らない間に
  • I wouldn't like to end up in other peoples photos.

  • I try to move away when people are taking photos.

Native speakers will say like this: “I wouldn't like to end up in other peoples photos”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Why do you hate tourist hotspots so much? B: I don't hate them as much as I'd hate to end up in other peoples photos.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “I wouldn't like to end up in other peoples photos” (他の人の写真に写り込みたくない) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下、会話例です。 A: Why do you hate tourist hotspots so much? (なんでそんなに人気の観光地が嫌いなのですか?) B: I don't hate them as much as I'd hate to end up in other peoples photos. (他の人の写真に写り込んでしまうことほどは嫌いじゃないですよ。)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • I try to avoid being taken in random people's photos as I don't want to end up on a social media site!

  • When people are taking photos around me, I make myself scarce.

Random people - This may be anyone - people you do not know, tourists, anyone in the street. To end up - this means where you are when something has finished. "John ended up in hospital because of his excessive drinking." To make oneself scarce - make (oneself) scarce. To leave, hide, or make oneself less visible, typically to avoid something. "Lisa's fuming about your text message, so you better make yourself scarce until she calms down."
Random people (他人) - これは誰れでもありえますね。 あなたの知らない、観光客、道にいる人の事です。 To end up(結局~で終わる) - これはあなたの最終的に終わったところ、と言う意味になります。 【例】 "John ended up in hospital because of his excessive drinking." (過剰な飲酒で、ジョンは結局病院行きとなった) To make oneself scarce (姿を消す) -離れる、隠れる、見えないようにするという意味になります。 大抵は何かを避けています。 【例】 "Lisa's fuming about your text message, so you better make yourself scarce until she calms down." (リサはあなたのメールに腹を立てているから、彼女が落ち着くまで姿を消した方がいいでしょう)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I try to avoid being in random people's photos because I don't know where they will end up!

If we avoid something, we are purposely trying to not do something. If you see someone taking a photo, you avoid being in the background. To express why you don't like to have photos taken of you by people you do know. You can say, you don't know where they will end up. This means, you don't know where the photo will be published or what its used for. We say random people more commonly than strangers.
avoid とは、意図的になにかを避けることです。 誰かが写真を撮っているのとみかけたならば、背景に写ることをavoid(避ける)でしょう。 知らない人に写真を撮られるのは好きではない、と表現するために、 you don't know where they will end up. と言うことができます。これは、その写真がどこで公開されるか、何に使われるかわからないということを意味します。 「他人」のことは、strangersよりrandom peopleとよく言いますね。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I try not to be in other peoples photo/pictures as i don't know where they will end up!

  • I am worried i will acciddently photobomb when someone is taking a photo/picture

When you or someone takes a photograph we can also use the word 'photo' or 'picture' The first sentence explainsexactly what you mean To be 'photobombed' ot to 'photobomb' is an informal term, we mean being in a photo/picture by accident
「写真」のことを”Picture"または”Photo"と言います。 一つ目の例文は、文字通り「その写真がどこに出没するかわからないので、他の人が撮っている写真に入り込まないようにしている」という意味です。 ”Photobomb"は、そのつもりはなかったのに他の人の写真に入り込んでしまう、という意味のカジュアルな表現です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I don't want to accidentally appear in someone else's photo because I don't want to appear on their social media.

  • I don't like risking having my picture taken by other people because it might get posted to their social media.

1) "I don't want to accidentally appear in someone else's photo because I don't want to appear on their social media." - Even though this is a long sentence, it explains exactly what you mean to say. You are stating that you don't want to appear in someone else's photo accidentally, because they may post it online. 2) "I don't like risking having my picture taken by other people because it might get posted to their social media." - We take a risk by walking/sitting near other people who are snapping photos, so you can say this sentence when you mean that you don't want to take the risk of appearing in their photos.
1) "I don't want to accidentally appear in someone else's photo because I don't want to appear on their social media." (SNSに出されると嫌だから、他の人の写真に写り込みたくない) - 長い文ですが、あなたの言いたいことを正確に表しています。SNSに投稿されるかもしれないから、人の写真に写り込みたくないと伝えています。 2) "I don't like risking having my picture taken by other people because it might get posted to their social media." (SNSに投稿されるかもしれないから、人に写真を撮られたくない) - 写真を撮っている人の近くにを歩く(座る)ことでリスクを負うわけですから、この文が使えます。この文は「人の写真に写り込んでリスクは負いたくない」という意味です。
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • I'm afraid I'll be in the background of another person's picture.

  • I'm afraid I'll accidentally photo bomb another person's picture.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you do not like to be in the background of another person's picture. In the second sentence you will see the term photo bomb. This means to unexpectedly be in a picture. Most of the time a person will photo bomb another person's picture on purpose as a joke. But if we accidentally are in another person's picture we can say we accidentally photo bombed a picture.
上記二つの例文は、人の写真に偶然写り込みたくないと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の例文には、"photo bomb"という表現が使われています。これは「写真に写り込む」という意味です。"photo bomb"は普通、冗談で意図的に写真に写り込むことをいいます。ただ、人の写真に偶然写り込んでしまったときには、"accidentally photo bombed a picture"(写真に偶然写り込んだ)と言えます。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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