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3人いるのにドーナツが1つしか出てこなかった時など。 X人でY個 という言い方を知りたいです。
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2017/12/10 00:28
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  • Huh? Only one donut for the three of us?

こんにちは。 ・Huh? Only one donut for the three of us? 「え?3人でドーナツ1個だけ?」 「◯人で△個」は △ for ◯ のように表現できます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Oh, there is only one donut but three of us.

  • So we're supposed to share this?

"Oh, there is only one donut but three of us." This shows your surprise that there is only one donut. "So we're supposed to share this?" This is another way of expressing your surprise that there is only one donut.
"Oh, there is only one donut but three of us."という例文について この文は、ドーナツが1つしかなくて驚いていることを表しています。 "So we're supposed to share this?"という例文について この文も上記と同じ意味の別の言い方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't realize that there'd only be one donut for the three of us

  • I didn't know we'd only get on donut between the three of us

When you want to express your shock that you got one donut when there is three of you, then you may say it in the following ways: -I didn't realize that there'd only be one donut for the three of us -I didn't know we'd only get on donut between the three of us
人数が三人なのにドーナツを一つしかもらえなかったことへの驚きを表したいなら、次のように言えます。 -I didn't realize that they'd only be one donut for the three of us (三人でドーナツが一つだなんて思わなかった) -I didn't know we'd only get on donut between the three of us (三人でドーナツが一つだなんて知らなかった)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • OK, so we only get a tiny bite each!

  • My god, should we feed the five thousand with this?

  • Shall we draw straws for it?

The five thousand' is a reference to the bible miracle where Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Of course for a mere mortal it is impossible to feed 5000 people like that - or even one doughnut amongst 3 people. NB. In the UK, we spell the word 'doughnut.' Because there is not enough for three people you may have a mini lottery for the doughnut by drawing straws.
The five thousand'とは聖書の奇跡を参照しています。 イエス様が5斤のパンと2匹の魚で5000人を食べさせたことから来ています。 もちろん、普通の人には、そのようなもので5000人もの人にお腹いっぱい食べさせる事なんて不可能ですよね。 または、一個のドーナツを3人で分ける事さえ無理です。 【注意】 イギリスでは、ドーナツは'doughnut'とスペルします。 3人に十分なドーナツがないので、"draw straws" (くじ引き)してミニ宝くじするのもいいかもしれませんね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Erm, I think you forgot something?

You can express your confusing by saying 'erm', like confused by also a bit sarcastic if you think the person made a silly mistake. It is not so direct by saying "I think you forgot something", you are half making a joke, like where on earth is my donut! We can't possibly share one donut between three of us!
困惑している様子を「erm(えー)」ということによって示すことができます。まるで相手がおかしな間違いをしてしまったかのように皮肉っぽく聞こえます。 I think you forgot something(何か忘れてたと思います)というと、あまり直接的ではなく、 私のドーナッツはどこにあるの?と言うような、冗談半分に聞こえるでしょう。 おそらく1つのドーナツを3人で分けることはできませんからね!
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Huh? Only one donut for the three of us?

  • Huh? Why only one donut for three of us?

  • I thought we might get more than one donut as there is three of us?

When there is more than one person sharing something you might not get very much so would be surprised you only got one Huh? is a sound that expresses your confusion
複数の人で何かをシェアすると、一人の量が少なくなるかもしれません。一つしかもらえず驚くでしょう。 'Huh?' は、困惑を表す発声です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "Huh? Only one donut for the three of us?"

  • "There is only one donut but three of us, how are we going to work this out?"

  • "How confusing that there are three of us, but only one donut"

If you are eating a donut, but there is three people and only one donut, and you would like to express your surprise or confusion, you could state any of the following: "Huh? Only one donut for the three of us?", "There is only one donut but three of us, how are we going to work this out?" or "How confusing that there are three of us, but only one donut". All three of these sentences adequately express your confusion.
人数が三人なのにドーナツが一つしかないことについて驚きや戸惑いを表したいなら、次のように言えます。 "Huh? Only one donut for the three of us?"(えっ、三人でドーナツ一個?) "There is only one donut but three of us, how are we going to work this out?"(三人でドーナツ一つ。これはどうすればいいの?) "How confusing that there are three of us, but only one donut"(三人でドーナツ一つって、どうすればいいの?) 上記どの文を使っても、あなたの戸惑いを伝えることができます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Are the three of us meant to share one donut?

  • Shouldn't there be more donuts?

  • Why is there only one donut?

To express your confusion that there was only one donut for the three of you, you could've said: "Are the three of us meant to share one donut?" "Shouldn't there be more donuts?" "Why is there only one donut?"
3人に対してドーナツが一つしか出なかったわけですね。その困惑した気持ちは次のように言えば、うまく伝わったと思います。 "Are the three of us meant to share one donut?"(ドーナツ一つを3人で分けるってこと?) "Shouldn't there be more donuts?"(ドーナツ足りなくない?) "Why is there only one donut?"(何でドーナツ一つしかないの?)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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