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特に補足ないですが お正月の過ごしかたを伝えたい 感じ
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iwamoto kazさん
2017/12/10 09:27
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  • "All our relatives usually gather at one of our relative's homes for the New Year"

  • We usually have a family get-together at a relative's home.

"All our relatives usually gather at one of our relative's homes for the New Year" This is a good way to explain your New Year tradition and what it entails.. We usually have a family get-together at a relative's home. A get-together is an informal gathering. eg. "a family get-together at my parents' house"
"All our relatives usually gather at one of our relative's homes for the New Year" これはお正月の伝統を説明し、それに伴うものを説明するのによい表現です。 We usually have a family get-together at a relative's home. A get-togetherというのはカジュアルな集まりです。 【例文】 "a family get-together at my parents' house"(両親の家での家族の集まり)
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • All our relatives get together at one of our relatives house to celebrate New Years eve.

  • I spend New Years eve at a relatives house with the rest of my relatives.

Native speakers will say like this: “All our relatives get together at one of our relatives house to celebrate New Years eve”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: What will you be doing for New Years eve? B: I'll be spending it at a relatives house with the rest of my relatives.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “All our relatives get together at one of our relatives house to celebrate New Years eve” (大みそかには親戚全員が一つ屋根の下に集まります) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 会話では以下のように使えます。 A: What will you be doing for New Years eve?(大みそかには何をする予定ですか) B: I'll be spending it at a relatives house with the rest of my relatives.(親戚全員が一軒に集まって過ごします)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • Every year we have a family get together at family members house for New Years.

  • Every New year we have a family gathering at one of our family members house.

▪ Every year we have a family get together at family members house for New Years. "family get together" is a gathering with family members. This sentence explains that for new years your family gathers at a relatives house for the new year. ▪ Every New year we have a family gathering at one of our family members house. This is saying in a direct way that for new years your family gets together at a family relatives house.
▪ Every year we have a family get together at family members house for New Years. "family get together"とは、家族との集まりです。 この文章では、お正月に親戚の家であなたの家族が集まることを説明しています。 ▪ Every New year we have a family gathering at one of our family members house. この例文では、お正月に親戚の家に家族が集まることを直接的に表現しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • We get the family together at a relatives house.

  • We have a get-together with my family and one of our relatives house.

  • We usually get together at a relative home.

"Get together" can mean that a group of people all meet somewhere or you can have a "get together" which is like a party or a gathering of people who know each other like friends or family.
"Get together"には「〔人がある場所に〕集まる」という意味があります。 また、"Get together"は名詞として、友達や家族など知っている人同士の集まる寄り合いも表します。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • We usually celebrate New Year by having a family gathering.

*We usually celebrate New Year by having a family gathering. This means that you always meet somewhere as a family to celebrate the New Year. For example: A: How are you celebrating the New Year. B:We usually celebrate New Year by having a family gathering.
*We usually celebrate New Year by having a family gathering. これはお正月をお祝いするために家族でどこかに集まるという意味です。 【例文】 A: How are you celebrating the New Year.(お正月はどのようにお祝いしますか?) B:We usually celebrate New Year by having a family gathering.(お正月は通常家族で集まってお祝いします)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • We all get together at our relative's home for the New Year

  • We get together at my aunt's place every New Year

When writing a sentence like this it is a common error to place the possessive apostrophe (') in the wrong position - or to forget about it altogether! In this case, 'relative' is a singular noun and because we are here talking about one relative, it is: 'our relative's home.' If there are two relatives living in the property such as an uncle and aunt, and they have joint ownership of the property, then it would be: 'relatives' home.' It is a distinction between the spoken and written form that punctuation may give you more information about the details. However, 'relative' is quite vague and generally we would specify which relative: aunt, cousin, great grandmother? There is a difference and it is usually relevant!
このような分を書くとき、所有格のアポストロフィーを間違ったところにつけてしまいがちなので、気を付けてくださいね。 この場合、 'relative'は、ここでは一人の親戚のことについて話しているので単数形の名詞になります。'our relative's home.' 「私たちの親戚の家」 もし、おじ、おばなど2人の親戚が住んでいるとすると、 'relatives' home.' となります。 書き言葉は、句読点によって詳細がわかるので、話言葉と区別がつきます。しかし、 'relative' は曖昧な言葉なので、たいていおば、いとこ、祖母のように具体的に言います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • All my relatives get together at one of our relatives house for New Year

  • Our family usually have a get together at a relatives home for New year

  • At New Year we usually have a get together at a relatives house/home

If your family all gather at once then it is also called a 'get together' meaning to all be together at one time you could use relatives house or home these both have the same meaning
家族全員が一度に集まるなら、それは'get together'と表せます。'get together'は、全員が一度に集まることを言います。 "relatives house"(親戚の家)または "relatives home"(同)と言えます、どちらも同じ意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • We are going to have a family gathering at my ~'s house on New Years Day.

  • We're going to my ~'s house on New Years.

「家族の集まり」は family gatheringと表現できます。 We are going to have a family gathering at my ~'s house on New Years Day. 「お正月に家族の集まりがあります」 また、自分のお正月のプランを話す場合は、 We're going to my ~'s house on New Years. 「お正月は親戚の誰々のお家に行くよ。」 親戚の家はmy cousin's houseでもgrandfather's houseでも当てはまる人を入れてください。
  • New Years is a major shindig for our family that consists of gathering together in one of our homes.

  • Our family has a New Years tradition of gathering exclusively in one of our homes.

The term "shindig" means to hold a large and very eventful gathering. When everyone meets in one location, it can be expressed that all will "get together." If this is a big deal or a highly significant event that is held every year, it can be referred to as a tradition. To imply that it is exclusive states that only family members are involved without any outsiders.
"shindig" はにぎやかなパーティーをいいます。みんなが一つの場所に集まることは、"to get together" で表せます。 もしそれが年に一回開かれる重要なイベントなら、"tradition"(伝統)と表すことができます。"exclusively" は家族のみが参加すること(外部の人間がいないこと)を表します。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • I usually spend new year with my family

  • I mostly spend New Year with my extended family

  • I often spend New Year with all my family

*I usually spend new year with my family *I mostly spend New Year with my extended family *I often spend New Year with all my family ~You could also say ~ * I spend new years with my family *I always spend new year with my relatives * I like to spend New Year surrounded by my family
*I usually spend new year with my family(正月は家族と一緒に過ごします) *I mostly spend New Year with my extended family(正月はたいてい家族や親戚と一緒に過ごします) *I often spend New Year with all my family(正月は家族全員で過ごすことが多いです) 次のように言うこともできます。 *I spend new years with my family(正月は家族と一緒に過ごします) *I always spend new year with my relatives(正月はいつも家族と一緒に過ごします) *I like to spend New Year surrounded by my family(正月は家族団らんで過ごします)
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • We normally spend New Year's at a relatives house.

  • Normally we spend new year's at one of my relatives house.

If you want to explain that your family gets together at a relative's house for New Year's, you can say something along the lines of "We normally spend New Year's at a relatives house." or "Normally we spend new year's at one of my relatives house.".
「正月は親戚の家に集まります」は、次のように言えます。 "We normally spend New Year's at a relatives house." "Normally we spend new year's at one of my relatives house.". (正月はいつも親戚の家で過ごします)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • On New Year we spend time at a relatives place.

  • We usually get together at a relatives place for New Years.

  • New Years is spent hanging out with relatives at their home.

To explain that you spend most New Years at a family relatives' house, use the sentences above. Most families spend New Years or Christmas over at a relatives place, this allows them to spend more time together over the festive season. "I like spending time over at my relatives on New Years, I get to see my cousins and spend time with them since I don't get to see them much." Festive season: the season in which holidays are enjoyed and families reunite to spend time and celebrate together.
ほとんど新年は親戚の家で過ごすことを伝えるにはこれらの例がぴったりです。 ほとんどの家族は、新年やクリスマスを親戚の家で過ごします。こうすることで、お祝いの季節を一緒に過ごすことができます。   "I like spending time over at my relatives on New Years, I get to see my cousins and spend time with them since I don't get to see them much." (新年は親戚の家で過ごすのが好きです。あまり会わないので、いとこに会って一緒に過ごすことができます。)   Festive season: 家族が一緒に集まって過ごす休暇の季節
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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