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私の住んでる地域は積雪量がとても多いです 地面がガタガタなのは雪溶け水が凍っているからです
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2017/12/10 13:23
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  • We went for a family drive and the road was really icy.

  • The road was really icy when we went out for our family drive.

Both phrases are natural. If the road is covered in ice, we normally describe it as icy. However, we say icy when the road is dangerous to drive on. If it is a major hazard, we say 'black ice' because it is clear ice on the road and you can't usually see it when driving, therefore it is incredibly dangerous to drive on.
どちらも自然な表現です。 道路が氷に覆われていたら "icy"と表現します。 でも "icy"という時は、道路が運転するには危険な場合を言います。 もしそれが重大危険の場合は'black ice' と言います。 これは非常に薄く透明な氷のため道路にあってもわかりずらく、 運転するにはとても危険になるからです。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • When I went for a drive with my family, we noticed the road was really uneven from the ice

  • There are lots of ice ruts on the road, my family noticed as we drove along

Ice creates a solid and slippery surface for motor vehicles to travel on. Depending on how the ice has formed, it may have created ruts in the road - or covered pot holes full of water. Especially in windy conditions, the road may feel very uneven as the vehicle is driven along. Rut - a long deep track made by the repeated passage of the wheels of vehicles. "The stretch of road was made impassable by ruts, holes, or waterlogging"
氷は路面を固くし、車での旅を滑りやすくします。 どの程度氷が形成されるかにもよりますが、 道路に車の跡を付けたり、水がたまった深いくぼみが出来たりします。 特に風の強い時など、道路を進むにつれて道がまっすぐ平ではない感じがします。 Rut (車の跡) - 車などが行きかう事によって出来る長い車のタイヤの跡 【例】 "The stretch of road was made impassable by ruts, holes, or waterlogging" (ずっと広がる道には通り抜けられない車の跡、くぼみや水浸しになっているところがあります)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We had a very uncomfortable family drive on the icy roads. It was very bumpy.

  • We went for a family drive and then discovered that the road is very busy due to the ice of the snow.

▪ We had a very uncomfortable family drive on the icy roads. It was very bumpy. This is saying directly that you went for a drive on a bumpy ice road. ▪ We went for a family drive and then discovered that the road is very busy due to the ice of the snow. This sentence indicates that you only realized that the road is bumpy when you went for a family drive and it was bumpy because of the ice.
▪ We had a very uncomfortable family drive on the icy roads. It was very bumpy. 道路が凍っていて、全然快適じゃない家族ドライブだったよ。すごくボコボコしていたよ。 これは、直接的に、自分がデコボコした凍った道のドライブに行ったことを言う表現です。  ▪ We went for a family drive and then discovered that the road is very busy due to the ice of the snow. 家族でドライブに行ったんだけど、道が雪で固まった氷のせいでとても混んでいたよ。 これは、家族でドライブに行ったときに、道の氷のせいでボコボコしていたことを伝える表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • road conditions( were...)

  • Due to ice and snow...road conditions were very uncomfortable and bumpy!

"Road conditions" is the term used when we are discussing "how the roads are"/ "what state the roads are in" "Due to ice and snow...road conditions were very uncomfortable and bumpy!
"Road conditions" (路面状況/道路状況)とは "how the roads are"(道路はどうですか?) "what state the roads are in"(道路の状況はどうですか?) という様な事を話をする時に使われる言葉です。 【例文】 "Due to ice and snow...road conditions were very uncomfortable and bumpy!" (雪と氷のおかげで、路面状況は凸凹してとても心地悪いものでした)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • When we went for a drive the road was very uneven and icy

  • When we went for a drive the road was uneven due to the ice

  • The road was really icy when we went for a family drive

All the phrases would be suitable if something is covered in ice then we would use the term `icy ' Snow that has frozen would be called ice or would be icy on the road There is also a term used when describing ice on the road which is black ice as it can not be seen and blends into the road so is there more dangerous to drive on weather reporters use the term a alot
どれも適切な言い方だと思います。氷に覆われているなら、「icy」が使えます。 凍った雪には、「ice」か「icy」を使えばいいでしょう。 道の氷を表す言い方として「black ice」というのもあります。これは、道と一体化してよく見えないので、運転する場合危険です。天気予報士がよく使う言葉です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • bumpy road

  • rough road

My family and I went for a drive and the road was bumpy due to the ice on the road. We went for a drive with the family but the road was rough due to ice on the road. My family and I went for a drive but the road was uneven due to ice on the road. The road was rough and uneven when we went for a family drive. The icy road was rough and uneven when we went for a drive with the family.
My family and I went for a drive and the road was bumpy due to the ice on the road. (家族と一緒にドライブに行きましたが、道路が氷でガタガタしていました) We went for a drive with the family but the road was rough due to ice on the road. (家族と一緒にドライブに行きましたが、道路が氷ででこぼこしていました) My family and I went for a drive but the road was uneven due to ice on the road. (家族と一緒にドライブに行きましたが、道路が氷ででこぼこしていました) The road was rough and uneven when we went for a family drive. (家族でドライブに行った時、道路がガタガタしていました) The icy road was rough and uneven when we went for a drive with the family. (家族でドライブに行った時、道路が凍結してガタガタしていました)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • The road was covered in ice.

  • The road has become covered in ruts due to the ice.

  • Ice covered the road and created many ruts.

Ice itself can make a road very bumpy! However, a rut is a narrow and deep mark made in the road by the wheels of cars and trucks. When the road is covered in ice the ridges created are extremely uneven, and slippery.
道路が凍結状態だと、それだけでガタガタ道になりますよね。 Rutというのは、車やトラックのタイヤの跡のことを言います。道路が氷で覆われていると、タイヤの跡で作られたうねりは、かなりデコボコで滑りやすくなります。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • We went for a drive as a family and the road was bumpy due to ice

  • We went for a family drive. The road was bumpy because of the ice

When you want to explain that you went on a drive with your family and the road was bumpy, then you can say it in the following ways: -We went for a drive as a family and the road was bumpy due to ice -We went for a family drive. The road was bumpy because of the ice
家族とドライブに行って、道路がデコボコだったことを伝えたいなら、以下のように言えます: -We went for a drive as a family and the road was bumpy due to ice (家族でドライブに行ったら、氷で道路がデコボコだった) -We went for a family drive. The road was bumpy because of the ice (家族でドライブに行ったら、氷で道路がデコボコだった)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The road was very icy during our family drive.

  • We went for a family drive, and the road was uneven from snow.

If you want to explain that the road was not in good condition due to snow (during your family drive), you can say: "The road was very icy during our family drive." "We went for a family drive, and the road was uneven from snow."
家族でドライブに行ったとき、雪で道の状態が悪かったことを説明したいということですね。次のように言えます。 "The road was very icy during our family drive."(家族でドライブしているとき、道が凍っていました) "We went for a family drive, and the road was uneven from snow."(家族でドライブに行きました。雪で道がでこぼこしていました)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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