I can barely keep up with the work I have at hand, that I have no time or energy to think about anything else
I can barely keep up with the work I have at hand, that I have no time or energy to think about anything else=手元の[仕事](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/37171/)に追いつくのが[やっとの事](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/63775/)だから他の事を考えてる時間も余力もない
I have barely enough money=なんとかお金は足りてる
keep up=ついて行く
It's hard to keep up with all the news this year=今年は色んなニュースがあって追いついて行くのに大変だよ。
at hand=手元
think about anything else=他のことを考える
Do we have anything at hand that we can use instead of a lighter?=何かライター以外で使える物は手元にある?
Good luck!
I am overloaded with work and I have no time to think of anything else.
I am swamped with work, I don't have time for anything else.
"I am swamped with work" is a useful idiom to describe when you have a lot of work to do and very little time for anything else. People often say they are "overloaded" to explain when they are busy too. Both of these sentences are useful in everyday in English conversation.
「I am swamped with work」は、あなたが[たくさん](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/52964/)の仕事があって、ほかの事をする時間がほとんど無いことを表す便利な表現です。[忙しい](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/36525/)ことを表現するのに、overloadedという表現もしばしば使われます。これらの文はどちらも、日常英会話で有効です。
I've got my hands full with all the tasks in front of me
and I just can't pay attention to other things.
I've got my hands full with all the tasks in front of me
and I just can't pay attention to other things.
仕事、というのは、work、job ではなく、家事やら育児やらも入ってきますので、それらも含めた仕事やるべきこと、という意味で、task を使うと良いでしょう。
I am so busy that I don't have the time to even think about anything else
When saying "I am so busy that I don't have the time to even think about anything else", it is good to put an emphasis on the word "think". Emphasising this word shows that you are so busy that simply thinking about anything other than your work is inefficient use of your time.
I am so busy that I don't have the time to even think about anything else.
When one has so much work to do that he/she can't think of anything else, we say "my mind is only in one place, my work" This communicates that there is 1 focus only, and it's a choice, one chooses to focus on 1 thing. Instead, "I'm so swamped" means I am extremely busy usually with work and "I can't think straight" expresses that it is not a choice, one can not think clearly due to the high quantity of work one has to do. The expression "one thing at a time" communicates pacing oneself or going slowly because he/she has so much to do, so one can only do 1 thing, then 1 other thing, then 1 other thing. "One thing at a time" expresses discipline and purposeful control while finishing tasks, no cramming, but no slacking off.
"My mind is only in one place, my work"(仕事のことしか考えられない)
"I'm so swamped" - 通常仕事で、とても忙しいという意味です。
"I can't think straight" - これは自ら選んだわけではなく、仕事の量が多くて、明瞭に考えられないことを表します。
"one thing at a time" - 自分のペースで、ゆっくりと一つずつ物事をこなしていくことを表します。
"One thing at a time" は、仕事を終らせる間、詰め込みすぎず、またサボることもなく、規律を保ち、自らを管理することを表します。
I'm barely keeping up with my work at the moment. I can't focus on anything else.
My hands are full at the moment that I just can't think of anything else.
I'm really busy with all the work I have to do that there's no time for me to be thinking or doing anything else.
Barely keeping up: is another way of saying very busy.
My hands are full: is a phrase that is said to suggest that you have a lot of work to do that you can't do anything else.
Focus: means think or give a lot of thought to something in particular.
All three phrases can be used.
Hope this helps!
"Barely keeping up" は「とても忙しい(very busy)」という意味です。
"My hands are full" は、仕事がたくさんあって、他に何も出来ないという意味合いです。
"Focus" は、よく考えることを言います。