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2017/12/18 21:13
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  • We have matching bags, but hers is for toys.

  • We have the same bags, alhough she uses hers for toys

Both of the sentences above say you have the same bags. Matching - means they are the same colour or design e.g. I have matching shoes and bag - meaning they are the same colour or design. You could also say; Although we have the same bag she uses hers for carrying toys, Hope this helps Jane :)
上記の両方の文は、同じカバンを持っているということを表しています。 例えば、 “I have matching shoes and bag” (私はお揃いの靴とカバンを持っています。) これは、カバンの色とデザインが同じであるということを意味しています。 また、 “Although we have the same bag she uses hers for carrying toys.” (一緒のカバンを持ってるけど、彼女はおもちゃ用に使っています。) とも言えます。 役に立てれば嬉しいです。 ジェーン :)
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • My daughter and I have matching bags, hers is for toys, mine for makeup.

"My daughter and I have matching bags, hers is for toys, mine for makeup." In this sentence you are telling your listener that you and your daughter have matching bags (Matching - similar in color, design, size, etc) and the different ways you both use your bags. You could also say.... "My daughter and I have the same bag, but we use it for different things."
"My daughter and I have matching bags, hers is for toys, mine for makeup." (娘と私はおそろいのバッグを持っています。娘のはおもちゃ用で、私のはメイク用です。) この文では聞き手に、あなたと娘がおそろいのバッグを持っていて違う使い方をしているということを伝えています。 "matching"とは色やデザイン、大きさが似ているという意味です。 また以下のようにも言えます。 "My daughter and I have the same bag, but we use it for different things." (私の娘と私は同じバッグを持っていますが、違う使い方をしています。)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • My daughter and I have the same bag, I use mine for make-up while she uses hers for toys.

This sentence shows that both you and your daughter have the same bag, but you use them for different purposes.
Kirst English teacher
  • I bought the same bag for my daughter so she can put her toys into it.

  • My daughter and I have the same bag but I use my bag for make up and my daughter uses hers for her toys.

"I bought the same bag for my daughter so she can put her toys into it." This explains to the person that you bought the same bag for your daughter and that she used it to put her toys into. "My daughter and I have the same bag but I use my bag for makeup and my daughter uses hers for her toys. " this is also a way of explaining to the person that you and your daughter have the same bag but you use it for different things.
"I bought the same bag for my daughter so she can put her toys into it." (オモチャを入れる用に、私の娘に同じバッグを買い与えました。) "My daughter and I have the same bag but I use my bag for makeup and my daughter uses hers for her toys. " (私と娘は同じバッグを使っていますが、私はメイク道具を入れていて、子供はオモチャ入れとして使っています。)
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • My daughter and I have matching bags but we use it for very different things.

  • My daughter and I have matching bags she uses her to put toys and I keep makeup in mine.

Both these sentences mean that the mother and daughter have the same style bag however they use it for different things. Matching bags mean they have the same style, color and design.
そちらの文章も母親と娘が同じバッグを持っているけれど、違うものに使っているという意味になります。 ”Matching bags ” というのは同じスタイルで同じデザイン同じ色という意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Same

  • Identical

*Same/Identical. - The word same is used to express things that are similar. Instead of saying same you can say identical. Example Sentences: My daughter and I have the same bag, but she uses her's for toys. Your dress is identical to mine.
*Same/Identical. 物が似ていることを表す単語です。sameを使う代わりにidenticalを使うこともできます。 例文: My daughter and I have the same bag, but she uses her's for toys. 娘と私は同じバッグを持っていて、娘はおもちゃ用に使っています。 Your dress is identical to mine. あなたのドレスは私の物と同じです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • My daughter and I have the same bag. She uses hers for putting toys in.

When we are including another person with ourselves in a sentence, and wish to talk about a common activity or something shared, we can use the form: '_____ and I + verb..' "Henry and I often go fishing together."We should mention the other person before ourselves, so we don't say, for example "I and Henry often go fishing together." Informally, many people use 'me' although grammatically this is not really correct, although quite acceptable in day-to-day speech: "Me and Henry often go fishing together."
他の誰かを文章に入れるとき、または共通の出来事や何か共有をしたいときは以下の文を使います。 '_____ and I + verb..' "Henry and I often go fishing together. ヘンリーと私はよく一緒に釣りに行きます。 その人のことは「自分(たち)」の前に入れるべきです。たとえば、以下のようには言いません。 "I and Henry often go fishing together." 私とヘンリーはよく一緒に釣りに行きます。 文法的にはあまり正しくないですが、多くの人は"I" の代わりにカジュアルに"me"を使い、日常会話では受け入れられています。 例 "Me and Henry often go fishing together." 私とヘンリーはよく釣りに一緒に行きます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We have the same bag, but my daughter uses it to store her toys.

To explain to somebody that your daughter has the same bag as you, but she uses hers to put her toys in, you can say: "We have the same bag, but my daughter uses it to store her toys."
「娘も私と同じかばんを持っていて、それをおもちゃ入れに使っている」は次のように言えます。 "We have the same bag, but my daughter uses it to store her toys." (私たちは同じかばんを持っていますが、娘はそれをおもちゃ入れに使っています)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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