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車上荒らし 車上狙い 車上荒らしにあっちゃって窓を割られたあげく車内のカーナビを盗まれた。
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2017/12/20 23:46
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  • car break in

  • thief

The act of breaking into the car and steal things is called car break in and the person doing it is called a thief. "Someone broke into my car last night and stole the car radio." "The thief that stole my car radio was caught by the police."
車に侵入する、またものを盗む行為は”car break in”と言われ、 そういった行為をする人のことを”a thief”と言います。 “Someone broke into my car last night and stole the car radio.” (誰かが昨晩私の車に侵入して、車のラジオを盗みました。) “The thief that stole my car radio was caught by the police.” (私の車のラジオを盗んだ泥棒は警察に捕まえられました。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Car thief

  • Burglar

  • Crook

All three of these answers describe someone who has broken the law by stealing something that belonged to someone else. 'Car thief' is perhaps the most appropriate answer for someone who breaks into cars to steal belongings, but 'burglar' and 'crook' are also applicable. Burglar or crook can also be used for someone who breaks into your home or place of work.
三例とも、他の人の物を盗んで法律を犯した人を表します。 「car thief」が、車上荒らしをする人を表す最も適切な表現かもしれません。ただ、「burglar」「crook」も可能です。 「burglar」「crook」は、家や職場に押し入る人にも使います。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • thief

  • theft

  • break-in

A person who breaks into cars and steals things is called a thief, a robber, a burglar, and mugger. The act of breaking into a car is called theft, robbery, and larceny. A break-in is an illegal entry into someone else's personal property, that also includes a car. "Someone broke into my car". "There was a break-in yesterday. They stole everything out of my car". "They had a forced break-in inside my car yesterday".
車に侵入してものを盗む人のことは、a thief(泥棒)、a robber(強盗)、a burglar(泥棒)、a mugger(路上強盗)といいます。車に侵入する行為は、theft(盗み)、robbery(窃盗)、larceny(窃盗)といいます。break-inとは、人の所有するもの(車を含む)に不法に押し入ることをいいます。 (例文) "Someone broke into my car". (誰かが私の車に侵入した) "There was a break-in yesterday. They stole everything out of my car". (昨日窃盗に遭いました。車にあったもの全部盗まれました) "They had a forced break-in inside my car yesterday". (昨日車上荒らしに遭いました)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • a thief

  • a robber

  • car break-in

"Car break-ins" are when someone who gets into your car without your knowledge or consent, then takes things that are not his. That person is known as a "thief".
「Car break-in」は、知らない間に(勝手に)車に入られて物を盗まれることを言います。その人のことは「thief(泥棒)」と言います。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • exterior damage

  • vandalize / vandals

  • break-in / thief

Other than a car accident if there is damage done to your vehicle by a person we use the word vandalized. The person who vandalizes cars is called a vandal .A person who breaks into your car to steal something is called a car thief . There are many ways to describe the damage done by a vandal or a thief . We can say: -there was a lot of exterior damage to my car -someone tried to break into my car last night. -they broke/shattered my window -they keyed my car (this is to describe when someone uses their keys on their key chain to mark up the paint on the vehicle) -they took a bat/crowbar to my windows and the body of my car -a thief broke into my car to steal my Cd's and some money I had in my ashtray -the thief smashed my windows to steal something I had laying on my front seat
車の事故以外で、人によって車がダメージを受けた場合、 英語では”vandalized”(破損した)いう言葉を使います。 車を破損した人は”a vandal”(破損者)と呼ばれます。 何かを盗むために、車に侵入した人のことは “car thief”(車泥棒)と呼びます。 A vandalやa thiefによって受けた被害を説明する方法はたくさんあります。 “There was a lot of exterior damage to my car.” (私の車にたくさんの傷がありました。) “Someone tried to break into my car last night.” (誰かが昨日、私の車に侵入しようとしました。) “They broke/shattered my window.” (彼らは私の窓を壊しました。) “They keyed my car.” (彼らは、車の鍵をしました。) これは誰かが、キーホルダーに付いている鍵を使って車のペイントに印をつける様子を表します。 “They took a bat/crowbar to my windows and the body of my car.” (彼らは私の車の窓と本体にバット/バールで傷つけました。) “A thief broke into my car to steal my CD and some money I had in my ashtray.” (泥棒が灰皿にあったお金とCDを盗むために私の車に侵入しました。) “The thief smashed my windows to steal something I had laying on my front seat.” (泥棒は前の席に置いていた何かを盗もうとして私の車のドアを割りました。)
Sarah Olin DMM英語講師
  • Robber

  • Criminal

  • Burglar

Robber- A person who steals from another person. Criminal- A person who has committed a crime. (like breaking into a car) Burglar- A person who commits robbery.
"Robber"は他の人から物を盗む人です。 "Criminal"は罪を犯した人です。(例えば車をこじ開けるなど) "Burglar"は窃盗を行った人です。
Kirst English teacher
  • Car break in

  • Thief

  • Criminal

If someone breaks into a car it is called a car break in, the person that is breaking into the car is called a thief Criminal is the formal tern used for someone who has committed or done a crime (breaking into the car)
「車上荒らし」は「car break in」と言います。荒らす人のことは「thief」と言います。 「criminal」は、犯罪(車上荒らし等)に手を染める人を表す公式な言葉です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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