世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/24 22:11
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  • secret

  • private

  • unknown

When we are trying to keep something to ourselves, we are keeping it private, we are not sharing it with others. Keeping a secret means that we have information and we are not telling it to anyone else. Something unknown is something that most people do not know about. When we keep things secret, private or unknown, we are trying to stop other people from finding out about it.
私たちが自分たちの中にとどめてようとしているとき、 私たちはプライベートにして、他の人と共有しません。 “keeping a secret”とは、情報があるけれども、それを誰にも言わないという意味です。 何かが“unknown”であれば、ほとんどの人が知らない何かのことです。 私たちは”keep things secret/private/unknown”(秘密にする)にするとき、 誰かが発見するのを阻止しようとします。
Bogy DMM英語講師
  • Confidential

  • Private information

Confidential/Private information are words used to describe information that you would not want told to other people. When asking someone to keep some information private/confidential would could say "I am telling you this in confidence" meaning that you are confident they will not tell anyone else.
"Confidential information" (秘密の情報) "Private information" (個人的な/秘密の情報) 上記はどちらも、他の人には言いたくない情報という意味です。 あることを秘密にしてほしい時は以下の表現が使えます。 "I am telling you this in confidence" (私はあなたに秘密でこれを話しています。) 「私は話している相手がこれを誰にも言わない自信がある」という意味から以上の表現ができます。
Kirst English teacher
  • Private

  • Secret

  • Confidential

The word private in English is not as strong of a word for keeping something hidden as the word secret is. Private is definitely a word that describes a person who wants to keep information about themselves hidden. Secret is a word that has a strong meaning for keeping information hidden and unknown. A secret should not be disclosed at whatever the cost. Confidential has the same meaning but this word is more commonly used in regards to legal or government information. All theses words: Secret, Private, Confidential can be used interchangeably but tend to have a more common place in certain scenarios.
”Private”は”Secret”ほど強く何かを隠す意味合いを含む単語ではありません。"Private"はもちろん自分に関する隠しておきたい情報を持つ人を表す単語です。 "Secret"は情報を隠しておく、不明にしておくという強い意味があります。これはどんな犠牲を払っても暴露するべきではありません。 ”Confidential”は同じ意味ですが、この単語は法律に関連することや公的な場面において使われます。 上記の3つの単語は入れ替えて使えますが、それぞれ使うのに適切な場面があります。
Laura M DMM英会話講師
  • Secret

  • Privite

The most common word to describe something that shouldn't be known by many people is "Secret" "It's our little secret"- "don't tell anyone its a secret" If it is Private or confidential then it is important or personal information that should only be known by you and other people involved.
一番一般的に人に知られたくない事を言う表現は "Secret"(秘密)でしょう。 【例】 "It's our little secret" (これ私たちの秘密ね) "don't tell anyone its a secret" (誰にも言わないでね、これは秘密ね) もしこれが"Private"(内密)や"confidential"(極秘)だったら、それはとても重要又は個人的な情報であなたとそこだけの秘密と言う事になります。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Between the two of us.

  • Keep this to yourself, it is for your ears only.

  • No one else can know about this.

A secret is something that should not be shared and should remain between one or a select amount of people. When a secret is exposed trust is broken. To break someone's trust means to hurt them by going against your agreement. To expose a secret is to put it out for others to see. "Please don't speak about this to anyone, it is really private information." "I told you this in secret, please make sure you keep it to yourself."
"secret" は、外部に伝えてはならない、限られた人にしか知られていない情報をいいます。 "secret" を守れない人は信用を失います。 'to break someone's trust' は約束を破って人を傷つけることをいいます。 'to expose a secret' は秘密をばらすことをいいます。 "Please don't speak about this to anyone, it is really private information."(このことは誰にも言わないでくださいね、秘密です) "I told you this in secret, please make sure you keep it to yourself."(これは秘密です、誰にも言わないでくださいね)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Sshh don't tell anyone.

  • This will just be our little secret.

  • Let's keep this confidential.

This means that you have some information that you are going to share with someone else, but you do not want them to share it with anyone else. You are asking them not to pass the information on, keep it between the two of you, or keep it private.
これは一定の誰かとは共有したいがそれ以外の他人には知らせたくない情報があるという意味です。 話し相手に情報を他人に伝えずに2人だけの間にとどめておくよう頼むときに使える表現です。
Adrianna DMM英会話講師
  • Secret

  • Confidential

secret:- A secret is something that is not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others. "how did you guess I'd got a secret plan?" synonyms: confidential, strictly confidential, top secret, classified
Secret (秘密) Secretは他人に知られていない・見られていないもの、またはそれを知られたくない・見られたくないものという意味です。 "how did you guess I'd got a secret plan?" (どうして僕に秘密計画があることが分かったの?) 同義語には以下のようなものがあります; confidential, strictly confidential, top secret, classified
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • secret

  • confidential

秘密は英語で secret や confidentialと言います。Confidential はビジネスの場面でよく使われている。 例) 機密情報 confidential information 二人だけの秘密 This is a secret between just you and me This is confidential just between you and me ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Secret

  • Private

  • Confidential

Something that is meant to be unknown/unseen by others, is known as: "Secret" "Private" "Confidential"
他の人に知られてはならないこと[見られてはならないもの]は、 "Secret" "Private" "Confidential" (秘密の) と表せます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • A secret

  • something confidential

  • private information

If you would like to explain to someone that this information is not meant to be shared with other people, you may say that this information is "confidential" or that it is a "secret". Another way of saying this is by telling someone that this is "private/sensitive information".
「他に漏らしてはならない情報」は、"confidential"(秘密の)や "secret"(秘密)と表すことができます。 また、"private/sensitive information"(個人情報/機密情報)という言い方もあります。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Private & Confidential

  • Secret

  • Close to one's chest

"Private & Confidential" is quite a formal expression. You may see this written on an envelope containing sensitive documents or the doctor may assure you that the information you provide is strictly between the two of you. "I would like to assure you that everything talked about in this meeting will be kept private & confidential". A "Secret" is something that you don't want people (or many people) knowing. You can "tell a secret" to your best friend which they should not repeat to anyone else. "Please keep it a secret, I don't want him knowing I have a crush on him". If you play cards/poker you will know that it's very important not to show other people your cards. The same can be said for investments, ventures, ordeals, etc. "I keep my cards close to my chest & don't give any hints as to what I will invest in next".
"Private & Confidential" はかなりフォーマルな表現です。機密書類が入った封筒に書かれていたり、あるいは医者が患者に秘密が守られることを保証する場合に使われることもあります。 例えば: "I would like to assure you that everything talked about in this meeting will be kept private & confidential". (ここで話されたことは一切公になることはありません) "Secret" は人に知られたくないことをいいます。親友に「誰にも言わないでね」と言って "Secret"(秘密)を伝えることがあります。 例えば: "Please keep it a secret, I don't want him knowing I have a crush on him". (誰にも言わないでね、彼に好きだと知られたくないから) トランプ/ポーカーでは、自分のカードを相手に見せてはいけませんね。これは投資や投機、あるいは苦難に見舞われたときにも同じです。 "I keep my cards close to my chest & don't give any hints as to what I will invest in next" (私は手の内は明かさず、次に何に投資するかは一切言いません)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Confidential.

  • Private.

When something is private or confidential this means that the information discusses is only between you and the other person involved no one else should know. Examples - "I'm telling you this in private ok?" or "Everything that is said between me and you is confidential."
private' または 'confidential' は、それは自分と相手だけの話で他の人に知らせてはならないという意味です。 例: "I'm telling you this in private ok?"(これは秘密だよ、いい?) "Everything that is said between me and you is confidential."(ここで話すことは一切他の人には言わないように)
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • A skeleton in the cupboard

  • Something up your sleeve

  • A trick up your sleeve

You would like to know hat you call something that is kept/meant to be kept unknown/unseen by others. Well, generally, this would be called 'a secret' - however, there are many other possible ways of describing such things. For example, if you have a secret which is something that reflects badly on your character, then you can call this 'a skeleton in the cupboard'. Ex. 'I didn't know James had a skeleton in the cupboard - it seems he has been married 3 times already.' Someone who keeps secrets may also be described as being 'a dark horse'. If you have 'something up your sleeve', then you have a secret plan or idea that you have not told anyone about. This may also be called 'a trick up your sleeve'.
「秘密」の言い方を知りたいということですね。一般的にはこれは 'a secret' と呼ばれますが、他にもいろいろな言い方があります。 例えば、もしそれが「恥ずべき秘密」なら、'a skeleton in the cupboard' と言えます。 【例】 'I didn't know James had a skeleton in the cupboard - it seems he has been married 3 times already.' (ジェームズに黒歴史があったなんて知らなかったよ、今が3回目の結婚みたい) 「秘密を持つ人」は、'a dark horse' と呼ばれることがあります。 'I have something up my sleeve.' は「私には秘策がある」という意味です。これは 'a trick up your sleeve' ともいいます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • secret

  • confidential

「秘密」は「secret」「confidential」などで表せます。 「secret」は「秘密」という意味の名詞です。 「confidential」は「秘密の」という意味の形容詞です。 「confidential」は「secret」よりもフォーマルな言い方です。 【例】 "I can't tell you. It's a secret." →秘密なので言えません。 "I can't tell you. It's confidential." →機密情報なので言えません。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
DMM EIkaiwa B DMM英会話
  • secret

  • confidential

  • secretive

「秘密」は英語で「secret」といいます。「confidential」という形容詞も使えます。 This secret is just between the two of us. (二人だけの秘密。) She can’t keep a secret. (彼女は秘密を守れない。) He told me something confidential. (彼は秘密の情報を私に教えました。) Mike is a very secretive person. (マイクは秘密のある人です。)
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • secret

  • privacy

*A secret is something that you don't want other people to know about. For example: Don't tell anyone it's a secret. *Privacy is when you don't want anyone knowing about your personal stories. For example: Celebrities have a right to privacy.
*A secret=誰にも知られたくないこと/秘密 例 Don't tell anyone it's a secret. (誰にも言わないでね、秘密だよ) *Privacy=個人的なことを他の誰かに知られたくない事/プライバシー 例Celebrities have a right to privacy. ( セレブにもプライバシーを守る権利がある)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Hidden

The word hidden describes something that most people do not know about.
hidden' は、ほとんどの人が知らない事を表します。
Kweena DMM英会話講師
  • Secret

  • Confidential

  • Private

他の言い方:Down Low or DL (スラング) 依頼者の例文: ①Secret between just the two of us. ②Confidential between us. ③Private between us. I am going to tell you something but you have to keep in on the down low (DL). 何かを話したいですが、機密にしなければならない。 Tanaka was fired last month because he leaked confidential information during a drink party. 彼飲み会で、秘密の情報を漏らしたので、タナカは先月首になりました。
  • Secret.

A secret is a piece of information that you keep to yourself and do not tell anyone. For example. Can you keep a secret? Of course I can. I think I like Lucy. Go talk to her then. No, I can't. You won't tell anyone, will you? No, your secret is safe with me. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will.
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • secret

ご質問ありがとうございます。 秘密 は英語で secret と訳出します。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • secret

  • This is just between you and me.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ 「秘密」はsecretと言います(*^_^*) あと、 This is just between you and me. 「これはあなたと私2人だけの間での秘密なんだけど」 という慣用表現もあります。 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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