世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/25 06:23
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  • I haven't been here in a long time.

  • It's been a long time since I've been here.

If we want to focus on the place that we are visiting, we say that we have not been to it in a while. If we want to focus on the time that it has been between visits, then we say it's been a long time since we have been here. This changes the subject and the focus of what we want to talk about.
[訪れる](場所に焦点を当てた場合は、we have not been to it in a while(しばらく訪れていない)と言います。 訪れてからの[時間](に焦点を当てた場合は、it's been a long time since we have been here(最後に来てから長いこと経った)と表現します。これは、話の主題と焦点を変えます。 in a while = しばらく long time = 長い間 been a long time since ... = 〜してからしばらく経つ
Bogy DMM英語講師
  • It's been ages since I was last here.

  • Ahh, it's been a while.

When we haven't been somewhere for a long time, we say 'ages'. "I haven't been here for ages." "I haven't seen you in ages". This phrase is for casual use, to make it more formal you can say 'a while' instead. When you arrive at a place you haven't been to for a while, you can simply say "Ahh, it's been a while." This expresses happiness and content of being back!
[久しぶり](にどこかに[来た](時、'ages'と言います。 例文 "I haven't been here for ages." 「久しぶりにここに来た。」 "I haven't seen you in ages." 「久しぶりに会いましたね。」 このフレーズはカジュアルなので、もっとフォーマルな印象を与えるためには、代わりに'a while'を使います。 しばらく行っていなかったところに[到着](した時には、あなたはこんな風にシンプルに言うと良いでしょう。 例文 "Ahh, it's been a while." 「あぁ、久しぶりだなぁ。」 この文では、戻って来れた幸せと満足感が表現できます!
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • It's been a while since I last came here.

  • It's been ages since I have been here.

This means that you haven't visited that place for a long time. The term "ages" means that it is a very long time. eg 10 years For example: Mom: Do you remember this place? You: It's been ages since I have been here. Mom:Yes we came here when you were 5 years
この文は、長い間その場所を訪れていなかったことを意味します。"ages"という単語は10年などとても長い時間を意味します。 例文 Mom: Do you remember this place. You: It's been ages since I have been here. Mom:Yes we came here when you were 5 years 母「この場所を覚えてる?」 あなた「久しぶりに来たなぁ。」 母「そうだね、あなたが5歳のときに来たよ。」
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't been here in a long while.

  • It's been a while since I was here last.

1. I haven't been here in a long while. 2. It's been a while since I was here last. Both these statements mean that you have not visited that place for some time.
1. I haven't been here in a long while. (しばらくここに来ていなかった) 2. It's been a while since I was here last. (最後にここに来てからしばらく経つ) どちらもその場所を訪れてから時間が立っている事を表します。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Last time I was here, was a while ago.

  • I haven't been here in forever.

  • I haven't been to this place in a long time.

"I haven't been here in forever." in this statement "forever" means it has been a long time.
"I haven't been here in forever." 長い間ここに来ていなかった。 この場合、 "forever" は「長い間」という意味です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • It's been a long time since I last came here.

  • It's been quite a while since I last came here

In the first statement, the present perfect tense of the verb to 'be' has been used to mean that the event happened over a long period of time. You have not 'been' back to this place in long time. The phrase 'quite a while' has been used in the second statement to mean 'a really long time', just how long, will depend on the period being referred to. So, you may say: It's been a long time since I last came here. or It's been quite a while since I last came here.
最初の英訳例では、be動詞の現在完了形がそのできごとが長期に渡って起こっていたことを示すために使われています(長い時間であった)。 "You have not been back to this place in long time." 「あなたは長い間この場所に戻っていない」 2つ目の英訳例では「本当に長い間」を意味するために"quite a while" という表現が使われています。「実際にどれだけ長いか」ということは、発言内容に登場する期間によります。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • It's been some time since I was last here

  • I haven't been here for a while

For a while = for a period of time, for a long time. Some time = a period of time, a long time. "John hasn't been seen in this town for some time." 'Some time' is often used with the present or past perfect forms. Eg. "John hadn't seen Mary for some time and at first, they were uncomfortable together."
For a while=しばらく、長い間 Some time=しばらく、長い間 John hasn't been seen in this town for some time. (ジョンは、しばらくこの町に来ていない。) 「Some time」はしばしば、現在または過去完了形で用います。 例)John hadn't seen Mary for some time and at first, they were uncomfortable together. (ジョンはしばらくメアリーに会っていなくて、初めは居心地が悪かった。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's been ages since I was last here

A casual way of saying that a long period of time has passed is to say that 'ages' have passed.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I came here for the first time in a while.

  • I went there for the first time in a while.

既に他のアンカーの方が回答してらっしゃいますが、私は別の言い方を提示します(*^_^*) I came here for the first time in a while. 「私は久しぶりにここに来ました」 I went there for the first time in a while. 「私は久しぶりにそこに行きました」 の意味になります。 到着した時に言うセリフではなく、 どちらの文も、後から振り返って、その経験談を語る時の言い方です。 だから、 I came here for the first time in a while.は、そこに行ってから、そのままそこにしばらく滞在している時に、そこに到着した時のことを振り返って言う言い方ですね。 for the first time in a whileは、直訳すれば、「しばらくの中で初めて」ですが、これで、「しばらくぶりに、久しぶりに」という意味を表します。 いくつか類例を提供します。 for the first time in 5 days「5日ぶりに」 for the first time in 2 weeks「2週間ぶりに」 for the first time in 3 months「3か月ぶりに」 for the first time in 10 years「10年ぶりに」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師 KOGACHI
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