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2017/12/25 08:27
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  • You have misplaced the other sock, please look for it.

  • There is only one sock, please look for the other one.

  • You are wearing only one sock, please find the other one.

Young children are usually in the habit of misplacing their clothing, especially small things like socks. If they have found one for example, usually they will wear it before looking for the other one. So, you notice this before start looking for the other one, you may ask: You have misplaced the other sock, please look for it. or There is only one sock, please look for the other one. or You are wearing only one sock, please find the other one.
幼い子供は、通常、衣服、特に靴下のような小さなものをなくしてしまう習慣があります。例えば1つを見つけた場合、通常もう一方を探す前にそれを着用するので、もう一方を探し始める前にあなたはこのことに気づくでしょう。 以下のように質問することができます。 You have misplaced the other sock, please look for it. または There is only one sock, please look for the other one. または You are wearing only one sock, please find the other one.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • FInd the missing sock!

  • Socks come in pairs... find the missing sock;-))

The Missing Sock syndrome ;-D a phenomenon that affects not only children;-)) For some unknown reason...Only ONE sock seems to "vanish without trace". With kids we can make a game out of it...and suggest, " A hunt for the missing sock".. PS sometimes ...the missing sock is never found again!
「The Missing Sock syndrome(靴下失踪シンドローム)」...これは子どもだけに起こる現象ではありません なぜか靴下は片方だけどこかに消えてしまいます 子どもとならゲームにしてもいいですね...「行方不明の靴下を探せ」と PS 行方不明になった靴下は二度と見つからないことがあります!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Can you find the other pair?

Things that come in two are called pairs. However, we don't have a word for the one of the pair so we just say that! "Can you find the other pair?" "Where's the other pair?"
2つのものからなるものをpairsと言います。 しかしながら、pairのうちの一つだけを指す言葉はないので、このように言いましょう。 例文(片方を探してくれる?) "Can you find the other pair?" "Where's the other pair?"
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Please look for the other sock!

  • There is only one sock,please find the other one!

Children have the habit of losing clothing items and most of the time they will not remember where they put it. It may be a good lesson if you ask them to look for the item so that next time they make sure that they do not it. You can use any of the expressions to tell them.
子どもたちは洋服をなくすことがよくありますし、ほとんどの場合どこに置いたのか覚えていないものです。 またなくすことがないように、その洋服を探させるのは良い教訓になるかもしれません。例文の表現はどれを使っても良いでしょう。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • You only have one sock, go and find the other one.

  • Oh dear where is you other sock? Can you please go and find it.

"You only have one sock, go and find the other one." This explains tot he child that they only have one sock and asks them to go and look for the other one. "Oh dear, where is your other sock? Can you please go and find it." This is another way of bringing to the child attention that they only have one and politely asks them to go and find another one.
“You only have one sock, go and find the other one.” (一つの靴下しか持ってないじゃない、もう片方をみつけておいで。) これは子供に一つしか靴下を持っていなくて、 片方をみつけてきなさい、と言っている表現です。 “Oh dear, where is your other sock? Can you please go and find it?” (あらまあ、片方の靴下はどこにいったの?みつけてこれる?) これも子供に丁寧に片方の靴下をみつけてきてほしいことをいう別の表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • One sock is missing. Look for the other one.

  • I only see one sock. Please find the other sock.

Both socks together is called a pair. However, if one sock is missing, we would still call it a pair, because we want them together. For example, "One sock is missing. Can you find the other pair". If you can't see something or can't find it, we refer to it as missing. So you can say, "One sock is missing. I don't see it. Find it for me please".
二つの靴下を合わせて"pair"(一組)と言います。ですが、片方の靴下をなくしても、"a pair"と言います。 例:"One sock is missing. Can you find the other pair?"(片方の靴下がないの。もう一つの方の靴下が探してくれる?) 何かをなくしたり、見つからないときは、"missing"という言葉で表します。 例: "One sock is missing. I don't see it. Find it for me, please."(片方の靴下がないの。見当たらないの。探してくれる?)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • There is only one sock. Find the other one.

  • You keep losing your socks, you need to find your other sock.

  • You've misplaced your sock. Find the other one.

When your child keep misplacing their socks, you can tell them to find one in the following ways: -There is only one sock. Find the other one. -You keep losing your socks, you need to find your other sock. -You've misplaced your sock. Find the other one.
子どもがよく靴下をどこかに置き忘れるなら、次の表現を使って見つけるように言うことが出来ます。 【例文】 -There is only one sock. Find the other one. (靴下片方しかないよ、もう一つを探しなさい) -You keep losing your socks, you need to find your other sock. (靴下なくしてばかりね、片方を探しなさい) -You've misplaced your sock. Find the other one. (靴下片方をどこかに置き忘れてるわよ、もう片方を探しなさい)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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