世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/25 20:18
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  • I'm looking forward to next year.

  • Bring on next year/2018.

  • I'm excited for next year.

If you have great things planned for the next year, you can say "I'm looking forward to next year", if you would like to give a stronger emotion, then you can say you are excited or "I can't wait for next year" - you want it to hurry up! Bring on next year is a common phrase meaning we are ready for it. Bring it on!
来年によい計画がある場合は、"I'm looking forward to next year"と言うことができます。強い気持ちを示したい場合は、you are excited(楽しみにしている)あるいは"I can't wait for next year"(来年が待ちきれない)来年が早く来てほしいと言うことができます。 Bring on next yearは、来年に向けて準備は万端であることを意味するよく聞くフレーズです。Bring it on!(かかってこい!)
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I am looking forward to next year

  • I'm excited for next year

  • I can't wait for next year to come!

If you are looking forward to something then you would simply say 'I'm looking forward to.....' another way of saying it would be 'i'm excited for......' I can't wait for....... means you are really looking forward to something happening
何かを楽しみにしているのであれば、シンプルに 'I'm looking forward to.....'(~w楽しみにしている)と言えます。 ほかに 'I'm excited for......'(~することをワクワクしている)と言うこともできます。 'I can't wait for.......'(~を待ちきれない)は、物事が起こるのを本当に楽しみにしているという意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Bring on the New Year!

If you want to 'bring something on' it means that you are enthusiastic about something starting A "The show is about to start." B "Yeh, bring it on!"
bring something on'で、これから始まることへの熱意を表すことができます。 【会話例】 A "The show is about to start." [訳]ショーがもうすぐ始まるね B "Yeh, bring it on!" [訳]うん、さあこい!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Next year will be fun, I am getting married.

  • I am looking forward to finishing school next year!

  • I am planning a trip next year to America.

"Next year is fun" means that you have something planned for the following year or have a positive outlook that next year will be better. By saying "Next year will be fun, l am getting married" means you are looking forward to a big event, like marriage next year. Or you can say, "I am looking forward to finishing school next year!" which is an expression many use that shows excitement for the next year, especially if you are finishing something that was difficult. If you have a trip planned for the following year, you could say "I am planning a trip next year to America." Using "next year" in this kind of sentence is letting people know you have something planned and you are looking forward to it. I hope this helps explain the expression "next year' and all the ways it can be used in a sentence.
"Next year is fun" (来年は楽しい)➔翌年楽しいことを計画しているので、前向きな気持ちを表しています。 ●"Next year will be fun; I am getting married." (来年は楽しくなるわ!わたし、結婚するんだ。) 結婚式のような大きなイベントを心待ちにしている様子を表します。 ●"I am looking forward to finishing school next year!" (来年、学校が終わるのが待ち遠しい!) 困難なことが終わると思うと、心躍りますよね。 ●”I am planning a trip next year to America." (来年、アメリカへ旅行する計画を立てています。) Next year(来年)などの具体的なタイムフレームを入れることにより、あなたが何かを計画していることを意味し、その日を楽しみにしていることを伝えます。
Jeni G DMM英会話講師
  • I am looking forward to the coming year

  • I'm excited about next year. I feel great things coming my way

  • I can't wait for next year. It promises to be quite good.

When you want to post on social media that you are looking forward to the new coming year (perhaps because good things are likely to happen in your life) then you may write: -I am looking forward to the coming year -I'm excited about next year. I feel great things coming my way -I can't wait for next year. It promises to be quite good.
(良いことがありそうなので)来年が楽しみだとSNSに投稿したいなら、以下のフレーズが使えます。 -I am looking forward to the coming year(来年が楽しみです) -I'm excited about next year. I feel great things coming my way(来年が楽しみです。いいことがありそうな気がする) -I can't wait for next year. It promises to be quite good.(来年が待ちきれません。いい年になりそうです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I can't wait until next year.

  • Next year will be fun.

"I can't wait until..." is a term that most English speakers use whenever they are anticipating or are excited about something in the future. Also, in English when we talk about something in the future, we use future-tense verbs like 'will'.
"I can't wait until..."(...が待ち遠しい)は、何か楽しみにしていることがあるときによく使われる表現です。また、英語では将来のことについて言う場合、"will"など未来形の動詞を使います。
Mick J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm ready for next year!

  • I'm eager for the next year!

  • I'm itching for the next year!

The three sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you are excited for the next year to come. In the third sentence you will notice the word itching. This means to have a strong desire for something. The first two sentences are appropriate for a formal setting while the third sentence is appropriate for an informal setting.
上記3例文は、来年が楽しみだ、と言いたい時に使えるとてもいい表現です。 例文3では"itching"という言葉が使われているのに気が付いたと思います。これは「~が欲しくてたまらない」「ウズウズする」というような意味になります。 最初の二つの例文はフォーマルな場面、例文3はインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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