The function of nails is to protect the extremities of our limbs in the same way that hoofed animals are protected from damage when in contact with the ground. Of course, with shoes and gloves these days - and also the fact that we do not actually walk on our nails, the importance of them for humans has consequently diminished due to evolution.
"Nail" is singular "Nails" is plural. When speaking about people we use the term nail/nails.
"I painted my nails today."
When speaking about animals we use the term "Claw/Claws". The Lion had very sharp claws.
"Nail" は単数で、複数形は "Nails" です。
"I painted my nails today."
The Lion had very sharp claws.
The hard surface on the tips of the fingers and toes are called 'nails' (singular 'nail')
Some other vocabulary associated with nails includes:
to paint one's nails
Sarah painted her nails a pretty pink color.
to clip/cut one's nails.
His nails are looking a bit too long, it's time for him to clip his nails.
items for nails:
artificial/ acrylic nails (also known as 'false' or 'fake' nails)
a nail clipper
Do not confuse nails (hard parts on the tip of the fingers and toes) with 'nails' sharp metal pegs used to hold wood pieces together.
He used a hammer, some nails, and a saw to build a chair.
to paint one's nails(爪を塗る)
Sarah painted her nails a pretty pink color.
to clip/cut one's nails.(爪を切る)
His nails are looking a bit too long, it's time for him to clip his nails.
artificial/ acrylic nails (also known as 'false' or 'fake' nails)(人口爪、つけ爪)
a nail clipper(爪切り)
例:”He used a hammer, some nails, and a saw to build a chair.”
nails are what grows at the ends of our fingers and toes. Men usually try and trim them, keeping them neat. Women usually let them grow longer and paint them with nail polish or other ways of making them look pretty. Nice nails are considered attractive in both men and women.
Nails are the upper surface of the tip of the finger/toe. for humans and for animals they called claws.
Example sentence:
I painted my nails pink last night.
The eagle was carrying a mouse in its sharp claws.
Nails =人の手足の爪
I painted my nails pink last night.
The eagle was carrying a mouse in its sharp claws.
The hard surfaces at the end of each finger and toe are known as nails. We specifically call the ones on your hands your fingernails, and those on your feet as your toenails.
Nails can be seen on the tips of our fingers and toes. They can grow long if they are not cut or trimmed. Its fashionable for women to have long fingernails, but men usually have short
fingernails. Both women and men usually have short toenails.
手の指や足の指の爪のことを nails といいます。
I need to cut my nails.
Can I borrow your nail clippers?
「nail clippers」は「爪切り」のことです。
爪は英語で「nails」と言います。手の爪は fingernails と言います。足の爪は toenails と言います。
「爪を切る」は trim one's nails 又は clip one's nails と言います。
I need to clip my nails
I need to trim my nails
A nail is a horn-like envelope covering the tips of the fingers and toes in most primates and a few mammals. Fingernails and toenails are made up of a tough protective protein called alpha-keratin. Healthy fingernails have the function of protecting the distal phalanx, the fingertip and the surrounding soft tissue from injuries. The nail acts as a counterforce when the end of the fingertip touches an object, thereby enhancing the sensitivity of the fingertip.
"Fingernails" (指の爪)
A nailは指の先と多くの霊長類と一部の哺乳類の足指を覆う角状の外皮です。 Fingernailsとtoenailsは、 αケラチンと呼ばれる固い丈夫な防御タンパク質で出来ています。
手の爪 - fingernail
足の爪 - toenail
爪切り - nailclippers
爪を切りないと - I need to cut my nail
Babies nails grow really fast so you should cut them every week.
Your fingernails are quite dirty
My toenails are so long that I got a hole in my socks
Humans have fingernails and toenails while animals have claws.
My girlfriend had her nails done at the beauty parlor today.
I trim my fingernails once a week.
爪 nails, such as fingernails, toenails.
Humans have fingernails and toenails while animals have claws.
My girlfriend had her nails done at the beauty parlor today.
I trim my fingernails once a week.