世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/26 23:38
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  • morning

This is the time between sunrise and noon. For example " I enjoy jogging in the morning" You can also specify the time and say "I enjoy jogging 6 in the morning." This is the time people have breakfast.
日の出から正午までを"morning"といいます。 例:I enjoy jogging in the morning. 「私は朝走るのが好きです。」 同様に、 "I enjoy jogging 6 in the morning.(私は朝6時に走ります。)"ともいえます。 6時と言ったら朝ごはんの時間ですね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Morning

The morning is the period of time when we wake up, and goes until the middle of the day. During this time we eat breakfast and go to school or work. We usually begin our days in the morning and when we great each other, we say "Good Morning!"
“Morning”(朝)とは人々が目覚めて日中までの間の時間のことを言います。 この時間に、人々は朝ごはんを食べて、学校や仕事にいきます。 私たちは大抵朝から一日が始まって、 誰かに会うと、”Good morning!”(おはようございます!)と挨拶します。
Bogy DMM英語講師
  • morning

  • I have a habit of drinking coffee in the morning

朝は英語で morning と言います。 例) 朝、コーヒーを飲む習慣がある I have a habit of drinking coffee in the morning 私は朝に弱い I'm not a morning person ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Morning

"Morning" is the English word for 12:01 am to 12:00 pm but mainly applies to the time from sunrise to noon. "I enjoy drinking coffee in the morning."
"Morning"は午前0時1分から午後12時までを指します。 一般的には日の出から正午までです。 例文1:I enjoy drinking coffee in the morning. 「私は朝にコーヒーを楽しむのが好きです。」
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • "The morning" refers to that time period, between Sunrise and Noon!

  • "in wee hours of the morning before daylight" could decribe that time slot between Midnight and noon ...although it has no specific name.

There are very specific phrases that cover most time periods... Now and again, we may come across or find a time that is not normally referred to, in one phrase. Idioms may be used...IE "The wee small hours" one such idiom;-) Mainly though it is CLEAR CUT and not too complicated! (morning /noon /night /evening / dusk / dawn/midday and so on...)
一日のうちのほとんどの時間帯を表すフレーズがあります。 ときおり、一つのフレーズでは通常表現しないような時間を見つけたりします。 イディオムも使えます。すなわち"The wee small hours"(未明)がそのようなイディオムです。 以下は明快で、あまり複雑すぎません。 (morning /noon /night /evening / dusk / dawn/midday and so on...) 「朝/昼/夜/夕方/夕暮れ/夜明け/日中など」
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Morning

The "morning” is the early part of the day. it is the time between twelve o'clock at night and twelve o'clock in the middle of the day: Example:- "I listen to the radio in the morning."
"morning"は1日の早い時間帯のことです。 夜中の12時からお昼の12時までです。 例文 "I listen to the radio in the morning." 私は朝にラジオを聞きます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Morning

  • 'A' 'M'

  • ' the morning'

The first half of the day is called 'morning' or - if a specific time is stated, 'A' 'M'. For example: "The children always rise at 7am." It is not necessary to say ' the morning' in this sentence. However, if you do not use 'am' then you would have to say: "The children always rise at 7 in the morning,' in order to define which part of the day you are referring to - although it is pretty obvious in this example.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • morning

「朝」は英語では「morning」といいます。 「morning」は「朝」「午前中」という意味の名詞です。 例: I drink coffee every morning. →毎朝コーヒーを飲みます。 I go for a walk every morning. →毎朝散歩しています。 I'm not a morning person. →朝は苦手です。 I don't eat much for breakfast. →朝ご飯はあまり食べません。 「morning person」は「朝型の人、朝型人間」という意味です。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
DMM EIkaiwa G DMM英会話
  • From midnight until when the sun rises we call late night or early morning, from sunrise to noon is the morning.

  • In the early morning you will see people running and people cleaning the streets, in the morning you will see families starting their days.

In the early hours before sunrise, the people employed to prepare our cities for the day, and the people starting the day with exercise, begin their daily routines. As the sun rises the general population will commence their activities.
Anthony W DMM英会話講師
  • morning

  • early morning

  • late morning

朝はmorning です。 日の出から午前10時まではearly morning 「早朝」です。 午前10時から正午の直前まではlate morning 「朝遅く」、日の出前の時間は口語ではthe early hours と呼ばれます。 I always have a coffee in the morning. 朝はいつもコーヒーを飲んでいます。 When I woke up, it was late morning. 私が目を覚ましたとき、それは朝遅くでした。 I woke up in the early hours and couldn't get back to sleep. 私は早い時間に目が覚め、眠りに戻ることができませんでした。
ReneeS オーストラリア人英語講師
  • morning

こんにちは。 「朝」は英語で morning と言います。 【例】 I always drink coffee in the morning. 「朝は必ずコーヒーを飲みます」 What time do you wake up in the morning? 「朝は何時に起きますか?」 ーー ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Morning

The period between midnight and noon is called "morning". You can use this word in many ways. For example, you can say: -I am definitely not a morning person. I am always grumpy when I wake up. -Most mornings, I wake up at 6am to brush my teeth and shower. After that, I eat and head out to work by 7am. -I have breakfast plans with a friend for Saturday morning.
夜の12時から正午までの時間を「morning」といいます。この言葉は様々に使えます。例えば以下のように言えます: I am definitely not a morning person. I am always grumpy when I wake up. (私は全く朝型人間ではありません。いつも寝起きは機嫌が悪いです。) Most mornings, I wake up at 6am to brush my teeth and shower. After that, I eat and head out to work by 7am. (ほぼ毎朝、6時起きて歯をみがきシャワーを浴びます。それから朝食を食べて7時までには仕事に出掛けます。) I have breakfast plans with a friend for Saturday morning. (土曜の朝は、友達と一緒に朝食を食べる予定です。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Morning

The time between midnight and noon is called 'morning' It is normally when we wake up and have breakfast and leads up to lunchtime ( after noon)
午前0時から正午までの時間は'morning'と呼ばれます。 普通目を覚まして、朝食を食べ、昼食(午後)の時間までのことです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Dawn

  • Morning

  • Brunch time

Depending on the exact time during this time period, you could use several different terms. If it is say 4 or 5 in the morning right before sunrise you could say “It is DAWN.” If it is later in the morning, say 7 until noon, you would all this simply MORNING. Sometimes people have a late breakfast between 10:30 to 12 and we usually call this BRUNCH.
Dezzi DMM英会話講師
  • Morning.

You can describe any time from midnight to noon as morning or morning time, for example: I got woken up by the dog barking at 3 o'clock in the morning. I woke up at 6 o'clock in this morning to get ready for work.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Morning

From midnight to midday is called morning. Examples: Good morning! I will be there at 10 in the morning. I will see you in the morning. The event starts at 10am on Friday morning. I always drink coffee in the mornings.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Morning

「朝」の意味は"morning”です。 あなたの例文の英訳は: I have a habit of drinking coffee in the morning. 注: in the morning = 朝に habit = 習慣 「朝」の対義語は"evening” (夜)です。 他の例文: I don't like waking up early in the morning. I am not a morning person. (朝早く起きるのが好きじゃありません。朝型の人ではありません。) "Morning person"という表現の意味は、朝の好き、又は朝で元気で生活する人です。
  • Tomorrow morning I will have eggs and rice for breakfast.

  • I had a rough morning at work today.

  • Saturday morning I am going to spend time with my friends and family.

朝 morning 明日の朝は朝食に卵とご飯をいただきます。 Tomorrow morning I will have eggs and rice for breakfast. 今日は仕事がつらい朝だった。 I had a rough morning at work today. 土曜日の朝、友達や家族と過ごす予定です。 Saturday morning I am going to spend time with my friends and family.
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