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日本語ではよく使うのですが、英語でどのように表現してよいのか分かりません。教えてください 。
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2018/01/03 20:41
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  • my brother and sister-in-law

  • my brother and his wife

my brother and sister-in-law →弟夫婦、兄夫婦 my brother and his wife →弟夫婦、兄夫婦 「my brother and his wife」は「私の弟とその妻」、 「my brother and sister-in-law」は「私の弟と義理の妹」という意味です。 私が知る限りですが、「弟夫婦」のように一言で表す言葉はないと思います。 〔例〕 My parents are in Pennsylvania and my brother and sister-in-law are in Arizona. 〔HuffPost-Oct 17, 2017〕 →両親はペンシルベニアで、弟(兄)夫妻はアリゾナにいます My brother and his wife are in Italy. 〔 25, 2015〕 →兄夫婦はイタリアにいます 参考になるといいです ありがとうございました。
  • My brother and his wife

  • My brother and sister in law

The word 'my' means something that belongs or is related to you. So your brother you would refer to as 'My brother'. HIs wife you could call 'his wife' but is also known as a 'sister in law' if she married to your brother, as 'in law' means by marriage (being married)
「my(私の)」は、自分の所有しているものや自分に関連するものを表します。 ですから、「自分の弟」は「My brother」と言えます。弟の妻のことは「his wife(彼の妻)」と言えますが「sister in law(義理の妹/姉)」とも言います。「in law」は、婚姻による関係を表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My brother and his wife

  • My brother and sister-in-law

  • (Your brother's name) and (his wife's name)

These two people are your family. For people who don't know that you can simply use their titles of brother and sister-in-law or wife. For people who are familiar with members of your family, you can simply use their names.
この二人はあなたにとって'family'(家族)になります。 あまりよく知らない相手には、単に敬称を使って、 "My brother and sister-in-law" [訳]弟夫婦(弟と義理の妹) "My brother and his wife" [訳]弟夫婦(弟とその妻) と言えます。 あなたの家族のことをよく知っている人には、彼らの名前を使って言うことができます。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • My younger brother and his wife

  • My younger brother and my sister-in-law

When you are talking about your younger brother and his wife, then you can say it in the following ways: -My younger brother and his wife -My younger brother and my sister-in-law For example, you can say something like: -My younger and his wife are visiting us in December. I am looking forward to spending time with them.
自分の弟とその妻について言う場合、以下のフレーズが使えます。 -My younger brother and his wife(弟夫婦、弟と嫁) -My younger brother and my sister-in-law(弟夫婦、弟と義理の妹) 例えば以下のように言うことができます。 -My younger brother and his wife are visiting us in December. I am looking forward to spending time with them. 弟夫婦が12月に来る予定です。彼らと過ごせるのを楽しみにしています。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • My brother and his significant other.

  • My brother and his other half.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to refer to your brother and his wife collectively. In the second sentence you will see the phrase other half. This is a term we use when referring to a person's spouse. The first sentence is appropriate for formal settings while the second sentence is appropriate for informal settings.
2例とも、弟夫婦を表すすごく良い言い方です。 二つ目の例には「other half」が使われています。これは「配偶者」を表す場合に使われます。一つ目の例はフォーマルな場面、二つ目の例はインフォーマルな場面にそれぞれ適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • my brother and his wife

  • my sister-in-law and my brother

A "sister-in-law" is a woman who is married to your brother (sibling).
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • brother and sister-in-law

  • brother and his family

  • brother and his wife

When talking about families through marriage the term we use is in-laws. You could also refer to them through the blood relative and family . Such as if the person is your brother and his wife , you would say "my brother and his family" or "my brothers family" . In some cultures when you marry the two families and their entire families combine and become one unit. In North America this is not as widely spread. When we say family it means your immediate family. First is wife or husband and children, then parents (sometimes grandparents are included) . Anyone else is secondary .
結婚して家族になった人を表す時には"in-laws"という言葉を使うことができます。 ほかに、血縁関係にある人を通して表すこともできます。例えば、自分の弟とその妻のことは以下のように言えます。 "my brother and his family" [訳]私の弟と彼の家族(弟家族) "my brother's family" [訳]弟の家族 文化によっては、結婚すると親族全体が一つになることもあります。北米では、そこまで広くありません。'family'と言うと、肉親という意味になります。まず最初は、妻または夫と子どもです。それからその両親(祖父母が含まれることもあります)。それ以外はそのほかになります。
Sarah Olin DMM英語講師
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