世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/09 19:56
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  • I am so sorry for being selfish.

  • I am sorry to say such selfish things.

  • I am sorry to ask you a favour.

例えば: 今から[頼む](のは本当に[勝手な事](とだとわかっているんだけれども[お願いします](ーI understand/know this may cause a problem but I want to ask a favour. と言う気持ちを伝えるときの表現です。
  • I am sorry for sounding so selfish.

  • I apologize for sounding egocentric by what I said.

Since what you said is what makes you feel that it was 'selfish' of you to say such a thing, then, it is just right for you to say that you 'sounded' 'selfish' and would like to apologize for having done so. A 'selfish' person lacks consideration for other people and is concerned mainly with his/her own personal profit or pleasure. Likewise, an 'egocentric' person is one who thinks only of oneself and has no regard for other people's feelings, needs, or desires. So, having realized that you might have hurt your friend by saying what you have just said, you may apologize as follows: I am sorry for sounding so selfish. or I apologize for sounding egocentric by what I said.
自分の言ったことが[わがまま](だったと感じるなら、わがままだったと言い、謝りたいと言うのが正しいでしょう。 「selfish(自分勝手)」な人は、他人への[配慮](が欠けていて、自分の利益、または楽しみを中心に考えます。 同様に「egocentric([自己中心的](」な人も、自分のことだけしか考えてなく他人の気持ち、必要としてること、または望みは考えません。 従って、あなたが言ったことで友達を傷つけてしまったかなと気付いたら、下記のように謝れます。 例: I am sorry for sounding so selfish. わがままを言ってごめんなさい。 I apologize for sounding egocentric by what I said. 自己中心的なことを言ってすみません。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Sorry for being selfish

自分勝手はselfish。従って、「Sorry for being selfish」が良いです。 それでも、オープンな教室を要求するのは勝手なことではないと思います。それよりよっぽど勝手な要求だって突きつけることができます。 なので、逆に言わなくても良いんじゃないかとも思います。 Sorry, but could you make the class more open by..... (how?)? の方が良いかもしれませんね。
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • I'm so sorry for having been selfish

  • I'm sorry for being selfish

When you've said something that makes you seem selfish, then you can say: -I'm so sorry for having been selfish -I'm sorry for being selfish -I'm so sorry what I said made me come off as selfish. I didn't mean it that way.
自分勝手なことを言ってしまった時には、こんな風に言えます: I'm so sorry for having been selfish. (勝手なことを言ってすみませんでした。) I'm sorry for being selfish. (勝手なことを言ってごめんなさい。) I'm so sorry what I said made me come off as selfish. I didn't mean it that way. (勝手なことを言ったならごめんなさい。そんなつもりではなかったです。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry my selfishness is the reason why you are sad

  • My anger led me to saying things i did not mean to.

  • I am sorry for being selfish because i got insecure.

"I Am Sorry My Selfishness Is The Reason Why You Are Sad". "My Anger Led Me To Say Things I Did Not Mean To". "I Am Sorry For Being Selfish Because I Got Insecure". Apology is a noun and means a regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure.
例: I am sorry my selfishness is the reason why you are sad. 私の身勝手さが理由で、悲しませてすみません。 My anger led me to say things I did not mean to. 怒りで言ってしまっただけで、そういうつもりじゃありませんでした。 I am sorry for being selfish because I got insecure. 私に自信がないために、身勝手になってすみません。 apologyは、名詞で人の気を悪くさせること、または失敗について悔やんでるという意味です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry for only thinking about myself

  • Sorry for being so selfish

Everyone makes mistakes at times - sometimes because of lack of knowledge about something - sometimes due to obsessive introversion. It would be great if we could all apologise when we realise our errors!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry, it was selfish of me to say that.

  • Please forgive my selfishness.

  • I apologize for my self-centeredness.

To be selfish means someone is more concerned with themselves than others. Another way to say this is to say that a person is preoccupied with themselves. Other words that mean selfish are "self-absorbed" and "self-centered". One could say that a selfish person views themselves as the "center of the universe". To say something is the "center of the universe" is an idiom that means something is the most important thing in the universe.
「selfish(自分勝手な)」は、他人より自分のことに関心がある人を表します。別の言い方としては「be preoccupied with oneself(自分のことで頭がいっぱい)」。 「selfish」と同じ意味の言葉には「self-absorbed」や「self-centered」があります。 「selfish」は、自分が「center of the universe」だと思っている人のこと、と言えると思います。「center of the universe」は「宇宙で一番重要なもの」という意味のイディオムです。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry for being selfish

Selfish is to be lacking consideration for other people and to be concerned only with one's own personal profit or pleasure. For example: "I was so selfish and ate the entire dish without sharing it with anyone else."
「Selfish」は、他人のことを構わず、自分の利益、都合しか考えない人を表します。 例: I was so selfish and ate the entire dish without sharing it with anyone else. 〔訳〕私は自己中心的で、その料理を誰にもあげず一人で全部食べました。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry for being selfish.

英語で I'm sorry for being selfish. のように言うことができます。 selfish は「わがまま」という意味の英語表現です。 例: I understand that was I said was selfish. I apologize. 私が言ったことはわがままだったと理解しています。ごめんなさい。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでもご質問ください。
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