世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/10 19:13
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  • It's an honor to be your student.

  • I have loved being your student.

  • I have loved every one of your lessons.

All these phrases express great love/appreciation for your teacher. To say you are honored to be their student, it implies you feel lucky to have been taught by them. When we say 'love' in this context we mean great thanks and appreciation not the serious emotion.
どのフレーズも、先生をすごく好きな気持ち、感謝の気持ちを表します。「あなたの生徒であることは "honor" です」と言うと、「あなたに教えてもらえたことを幸運に感じている」というニュアンスになります。"love" はここでは「真剣な気持ち(serious emotion)」ではなく「大きな感謝(great thanks)」を表します。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • It is an honor to be taught by you.

"It is an honor to be taught by you." You could also use synonyms of the word honor such as Pleasure or Privilege. "It is a pleasure to be taught by you." "It is a privilege to be taught by you." Hope these help!
"It is an honor to be taught by you." 「あなたに教えてもらえて光栄です」 "honor" の同義語、"Pleasure" や "Privilege" などを使って言うこともできます: "It is a pleasure to be taught by you." 「あなたに教えてもらえてうれしいです」 "It is a privilege to be taught by you." 「あなたに教えてもらえて光栄です」 参考になるといいです!
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • It is an honor to be your student.

  • It is an honor to have you as my teacher.

"It is an honor to be your student." This explains that it is a privilege for you to be her student. "It is an honor to have you as my teacher. " This is another way of explaining that you are privileged to be their student.
"It is an honor to be your student." という例文について これは、あなたが彼女の生徒であることを名誉に感じていることを意味します。 "It is an honor to have you as my teacher. " という例文について この文も、あなたが彼らの生徒であることを名誉に感じていることを説明する別の表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • It is a privilege to learn English from you.

  • I am deeply honoured to be taught by you.

In order to explain to your English teacher that it is a great honour to learn English from them, you can say: It is a privilege to learn English from you. Another word for honour is privilege. Another word for thankful is to be grateful. Therefore you can say: I am very grateful for your English lessons. You can also say: I am deeply honoured to be taught by you. To be deeply honoured is a stronger feeling than just to be honoured. It means that the honour means a great deal to you. I hope that helps!
英語の先生に、英語を教えてもらえて光栄だということを伝えるには、このように表現することができます。  It is a privilege to learn English from you. あなたから英語を学べて光栄です。 光栄という意味のhornorは、privilegeという単語を使うこともできます。 また、thankfulと同じ意味でgratefulという単語も使うことができますので、以下のように言うことができます。  I am very grateful for your English lessons. あなたの英語のレッスンにとても感謝しています。   I am deeply honoured to be taught by you. あなたに教えてもらってとても光栄です。 To be deeply honouredというのは、be honouredよりも強い感情を表します。非常に光栄に思っていることを表します。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • It's an honor to be your student

  • I am glad to be your student

This is a very nice thing to say and the way you want to express your feeling is very good, although, I wrote one more option for you. "It's an honour to be your student" - is a more fancy way to express yourself, whereas, " I am glad to be your student" is a typical one.
これは素敵な言葉ですね。あなたの考えた例で大丈夫です、私からも一つ別の言い方をご紹介しています。 "I am glad to be your student"(あなたの生徒でよかった)は普通の言い方です。 "It's an honour to be your student"(あなたの生徒で光栄です)はより大げさな言い方です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I feel privileged to be your student

  • I'm so lucky to have you as my teacher!

You could say: ""It's an honor to be your student" however, this seems extremely formal and even a bit antiquated. The first suggestion above may be a more natural option, though the less formal second option seems more typical.
以下のように言うこともできますが、 It’s an honor to be your student. (あなたに教えてもらえて光栄です。) これは非常にフォーマルでやや古くさい感じすらします。上の最初の例文の方が自然だと思います。ですが、よりインフォーマルな二つ目の例の方が一般的でしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am honoured to be your student.

  • It is an honor to learn English from you.

If you would like to express that you are honoured to be learning English from a specific person/teacher, you can say something like "I am honoured to be your student." or "It is an honor to learn English from you."
「あなたに英語を教えてもらえて光栄です」は、次のように言えます。 "I am honoured to be your student."(あなたの生徒で光栄です) "It is an honor to learn English from you."(あなたに英語を教えてもらえて光栄です)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • It's a privilege to be your student.

  • It's an honor to be your student.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your teacher that you feel it was an honor being their student. In the first sentence you will notice the noun privilege. This means to highly regard something. This word would make a great addition to your vocabulary since it is a word you can use in your everyday conversation.
上記二つの例文は、先生に教えてもらえて光栄だと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 一文目では「privilege」という名詞に気づくでしょう。これは「高く評価する」という意味です。これは日常会話で使える単語ですから、語彙に加えておくといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for taking the time to teach me.

  • I loved coming to class.

To speak highly of the actual process would show great respect. An acknowledgement of someones time is well received, as many people are short on time.
Anthony W DMM英会話講師
  • I’m very pleased that you are my English teacher.

「あなたが私の英語の先生でとてもうれしく思います。」という意味になります。 Be pleased~は、~のことをうれしく思う、という意味があります。 日常の中で使われることが多く、veryを追加することでとてもうれしいという意味になります。 他にも、次のように言うこともできます。 I’m very lucky to have you as my English teacher. (あなたが私の英語の先生で、私はとても幸せです。)
  • I am blessed to be your student.

  • You are a good mentor, I learn a lot from you.

  • It's a privilege to be your student

If you say you've been "blessed" you feel lucky to have something. I am blessed to have you as my teacher. Mentor:: A wise and trusted counselor or teacher. A person who gives you help and advise over a period of time.
"Blessed" は「(~を)幸運に思う」という意味です。 I am blessed to have you as my teacher.(あなたに教えてもらえて幸運です) Mentor: 経験豊かで、信頼の置ける相談相手あるいは先生。長期にわたり助言や指導をしてくれる人。
Bev U DMM英会話講師
  • It is an honor to be your student.

  • I am honored to be your student.

  • I am so lucky to be your student.

Honored- respect or think highly of something/someone. I am honored to be your student. Lucky- fortunate or blessed. I am lucky to have you as my teacher. I am blessed to have you as my teacher. I am fortunate to have you as my student.
Honored- 〔人・ものを〕高く評価する、尊敬する I am honored to be your student.(あなたに教えてもらえて光栄です) Lucky- 幸運な、恵まれた I am lucky to have you as my teacher. I am blessed to have you as my teacher. I am fortunate to have you as my student. (あなたが先生で幸運です)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • it is a privilege to be your student

" it is a privilege" meaning something special that allows you to have some sort of advantage to a particular person, for example being someones student
"it is a privilege" は「特別な利益」を指します。例えば、「ある先生の生徒である」など。
Yazzyd DMM英会話講師
  • It's an honor to be your student.

  • I am happy that I get to learn English from you.

It's an honor to be your student. あなたの生徒になれて光栄です。 I am happy that I get to learn English from you. あなたから英語を教えてもらうことができて嬉しいです。 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 honor は「光栄です」を表すときによく使われます。 ぜひ使ってみてください。
  • It's an honor to be your student.

  • I'm honored to be your student.

  • I'm honored to have you for my English teacher..

You can say "It is an honor" or you can feel honored to do something or have something. Example: "I am honored to be your student" - I feel honored or proud or very happy or pleased to be your student.
"It's an honor" または "I'm honored" という言い方ができます。 例:"I am honored to be your student" -「あなたに教えてもらえて光栄/うれしい/幸せ」などの意味です。
Lizzo DMM英会話講師
  • It is an honour to be your student.

  • I am honoured to be your student.

  • It is wonderful to be your student.

It is an honour to be your student. I am honoured to be your student. It is wonderful to be your student. If you say any of these to your teacher, they will be very humbled and grateful for such nice words. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
It is an honour to be your student.(あなたに教えてもらえて光栄です) I am honoured to be your student.(あなたに教えてもらえて光栄です) It is wonderful to be your student.(あなたに教えてもらえて幸せです) こんな風に言われたら、先生は恐縮して、「ありがたい」と思うと思います。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I am so glad that you teach me English.

  • I am so lucky that I could have such a great teacher like you.

I am so glad that you teach me English. 直訳すると、あなたに英語を教えてもらえてうれしいです。となります。 I am so lucky that I could have such a great teacher like you. 直訳すると、あなたのような素敵な先生を持てて私はとてもラッキーです。となります。
  • It's an honor to be your student.

  • It's an honor being taught by you.

  • It's an honor learning English from you.

Here are three different ways we can say this with the first one having the perspective of being the student whereas the other two are talking about receiving actions from the teacher themselves. We can use the verbs, "to teach," and, "to learn," in these fashions.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I love being your student.

  • I am honored to be your student.

You can use any of the above two sentences to tell your teacher you love being taught by them. Example; - It's an honor being taught by you. - I really love being your student.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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