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日本の駄菓子について教えたくて、 連絡を取り合っているロシア人に メッセージを送りたいのですが、 難しくて分かりません
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2018/01/21 10:38
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  • It's very popular among Japanese but I'm not sure if you will like it.

例文は「日本人には人気だけど、あなたが好きかどうかはわからない」という意味です。 popular among ~で「~の間で人気がある」 この場合、食べ物の話をしているので、「日本人が好きな味」という意味になります。 not sure if~で「~かどうかはわからない、確かではない」 I'm not sure if you will like itで「あなたがそれを好きかどうか(あなたに合う味かどうか)はわからない」
Yumi 発音コーチ、英語コンサルタント
  • Japanese people like/enjoy the taste, but i'm not sure if you will

  • Japanese people like/enjoy the taste,but i'm sure if everyone will

  • They are popular in Japan, but i'm not sure if you will like them

To say 'popular' means a lot of people like/enjoy them. To 'enjoy' something means you like eating that food/item. So you could say 'Japanese people like/enjoy the taste, but i'm nor sure if you/everyone will!'
「popular」は、多くの人に好かれたもの(人)を表します。 「enjoy」は、食べ物について使うと、それを食べるのが好きなことを表します。 以下のように言えます。 Japanese people like/enjoy the taste, but I'm nor sure if you/everyone will! (日本人は好きな味ですが、あなたが好きかはわかりません。)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people like the taste (of the snacks) but I'm not sure if it will be to your taste.

  • Japanese people like the taste, but I'm not sure if you will.

When you want to explain to someone that Japanese people like the taste of a certain traditional snack but are not sure that the person will like it; then you may explain this in the following ways: -Japanese people like the taste (of the snacks) but I'm not sure if it will be to your taste. -Japanese people like the taste, but I'm not sure if you will.
駄菓子について、日本人は好きだけど、その人の口に合うかどうかは分からないと伝える言い方です: -Japanese people like the taste (of the snacks) but I'm not sure if it will be to your taste. 〔訳〕日本人はその(駄菓子の)味が好きだけど、あなたの口に合うかは分からない。 -Japanese people like the taste, but I'm not sure if you will. 〔訳〕日本人はその味が好きだけど、あなたが気に入るかどうかは分からない。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • We like the taste, but you will have to decide for yourself.

  • Acquired taste

We like the taste, but you will have to decide for yourself. When using this expression you are speaking with someone who knows who you are and your culture so there is no need to state "Japanese" or such. You are letting your friend know that you as a Japanese native like the taste but that he/she will have to try it and decide whether they like it or not. Acquired taste Be careful when using this phrase. An acquired taste means that you can eventualy learn to like the taste but you need to be exposed to it on a constant basis. The reason I say to be careful when using this phrase is that not everyone is willing to acquire a taste so this phrase doesn't work for everyone. Some people are open minded so they are willing to to try something and acquire the taste while other are close minded and once they try it and don't like it , it's over you will not change their mind.
例文 We like the taste, but you will have to decide for yourself. (私達はこの味が好きですが、あなたの口に合うかどうかは食べてみないと分かりません) この表現は、相手があなたのこと、あなたの文化について知っている場合に使います。ですから、'Japanese'(日本人)などと言う必要はありません。日本人は好きな味だけど、相手が気に入るかどうかは食べてみないと分からないと伝えています。 Acquired taste(だんだんと好きになる味) このフレーズを使うときには注意してください。'acquired taste'は、好きになるまでに時間がかかる味という意味です。このフレーズを使うときに注意するように私が言う理由は、すべての人が味に慣れたい(acquire a taste)と思うわけではないからです。ですから、このフレーズはすべての人に効果があるわけではありません。 心が広い人の中には、試しに食べてみて、その味に慣れようとする人もいますが、心が狭い人もいて、そういう人は一度試しに食べてみて、気にいらなかったら、それで終わりです。その人の気持ちを変えることはできません。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people like the taste but it may be an acquired taste for you.

  • It tastes good to Japanese people but you may not like it.

Japanese people like the taste but it may be an acquired taste for you. - You can say you like the taste or the flavor of something. If a taste is "acquired" it is something that one grew to like over time.
"Japanese people like the taste but it may be an acquired taste for you."(日本人は好きな味だけど、慣れるまでに時間がかかるかもしれない) 「味」は "taste" または "flavor" と言えます。 "acquired taste" は「段々と好きになる味」を言います。
Lizzo DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people like this, but I don't know if you will enjoy it.

  • This is popular in Japan, but I don't know if you will feel the same.

You can use the words popular, typical, famous to describe a traditional Japanese snack that is enjoyed by many people. If you are unsure whether your friend will like it, you can simply say, "I don't know if you will like it," or "I don't know if you will feel the same way about it." Then you can commend them if they are willing to try it.
たくさんの人に愛されている日本の駄菓子は、'popular'や'typical'、'famous'を使って説明できます。 友人の口に合うかどうか分からないのなら、シンプルに以下のように言えます。 "I don't know if you will like it."(あなたが気に入るかどうかは分からない) "I don't know if you will feel the same way about it."(あなたの口に合うかどうかは分からない) もし相手が試してみたいようなら、勧めてみてください。
Jaymie Gee DMM英会話講師
  • It is an acquired taste.

  • It is typical of Japanese taste.

An acquired taste is when someone is exposed to a certain flavor over a period of time, so that the taste becomes normal to them. We acquire tastes for many foods because they are local to use, and when we travel we have to acquire new ones. Telling someone that something might be different to them and they will have to acquire the taste for it, lets them know it is a local flavor and something new for them to try. We also can let them know that it is typical, or normal, to Japanese flavors.
"acquired taste"(だんだん好きになる味)は、時間をかけて少しずつ好きになっていく味をいいます。地元の食べ物の味にはだんだん慣れていきますが、旅行に行ったときには、新しい味に挑戦することになりますね。 「これは "acquired taste"(だんだん好きになる味)で、変わった食べ物と思うかもしれない」と言えば、それが相手の食べたことのない地元の味だということが伝わります。 他に、"It is typical of Japanese taste"(日本では一般的な味)と言うこともできます。
Bogy DMM英語講師
  • Japanese people love these. I'm not sure if you will.

  • Try these, although they might be an aquired taste.

  • Japanese people think these are awesome, I'm not sure what you'll think.

Instead of 'love these' you could also say like these enjoy these An aquired taste is something that you develop as you get more exposure to it, so someone may not like a taste the first or second time they try it but may do so later on 'Olives are an aquired taste. Maybe you'll like them when you grow up kid' Instead of 'awesome' you could also say tasty (means they taste good) fabulous enjoyable delicious
love these'の代わりに、'like these'、'enjoy these'の様に言うことも出来ます。 'an aquired taste'は、だんだんと好きになる味を言います。最初は好きでなくても、食べていくうちにだんだんとその味が好きになることがありますね。 例文 'Olives are an aquired taste. Maybe you'll like them when you grow up kid' (オリーブの味は慣れが必要かもね。大人になったら好きになるかもしれない) 'awesome'の代わりに、'tasty'(味が良い)や'fabulous'(素晴らしい)、'enjoyable'(楽しめる)、'delicious'(おいしい)なども使えます。
Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people love these snacks, but I'm not sure of you will

  • I don't know about you, but we in Japan are quite partial to these snacks

When talking about traditional Japanese snacks to a friend. you want to explain that they taste good to Japanese people (Japanese people like the taste), but you are not sure if he/she will like it. Above are a couple of examples.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese people really like this but I am not sure if you will...

  • This is very popular in Japan, however I am not too sure if you will like it.

If you want to give someone a Japanese food and want to tell them they may or may not like it, you can say something like "Japanese people really like this but I am not sure if you will..." or "This is very popular in Japan, however I am not too sure if you will like it." These are some good ways to say/explain this.
友達に日本の食べ物をあげるときに、「あなたの口に合うかはわからない」と伝えたいということですね。次のように言えます。 "Japanese people really like this but I am not sure if you will..."(日本人はすごく好きな味ですがあなたはどうかわかりません) "This is very popular in Japan, however I am not too sure if you will like it."(これは日本ではすごく人気がありますが、あなたの国に合うかはわかりません) このような言い方ができます。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • "Japanese people like the taste, but I'm not sure if you will"

  • "I'm not too sure if you will like the taste, but most Japanese people do"

If you were talking about traditional Japanese snacks to a friend and want to explain that they taste good to Japanese people, but you are not sure if others will like them, you could say either of the following: "Japanese people like the taste, but I'm not sure if you will" or "I'm not too sure if you will like the taste, but most Japanese people do".
日本の駄菓子について、「日本人は好きだけど、外国人の口に合うかは分からない」と説明したいということですね。これは次のように言えます。 "Japanese people like the taste, but I'm not sure if you will"(日本人は好きな味だけど、あなたの口に合うかは分からない) "I'm not too sure if you will like the taste, but most Japanese people do"(あなたの口に合うかは分からないけど、ほとんどの日本人は好きです)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • These snacks are popular with Japanese people, I hope you like them.

  • In Japan, most of the people love the taste of these snacks, I am not sure if you will.

  • I hope you like these traditional Japanese snacks. The Japanese people really like the way they taste.

You can say traditional or popular to describe the type of snacks they are and that gives the idea of Japanese flavors. Also, stating that most of the people in Japan love them will also give the idea of a certain type of taste. That also gives the person the mindset that the snacks are like nothing they have tasted before.
日本の「駄菓子」は "traditional" や "popular" という言葉で表すことができます。 また、「日本人はみんなこの味が好き」(→例2・3)も、味を説明する言い方の一つです。これは、「日本でしか味わえない味」という印象を与えます。
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • The taste may be quite distinct for you so I don't know if you will like it

  • Japanese people adore this taste, but maybe you won't enjoy it so much

It is always exciting to try new foods, especially if you are adventurous and enjoy doing so when you travel abroad. Sometimes you know for certain that you don't like a certain type of food but other times you may feel like you want to try it. In the first sentence "distinct" is another way of saying "different. We can also use the word "different" as it has the same meaning. In the second sentence "adore" means to "love". It has a very strong meaning, a little stronger than love.
海外に行って食べたことのないものに挑戦するというのは楽しいですね、冒険心のある人にとっては。見てすぐに「これは食べられないな」と分かるものもあれば、挑戦してみたくなるものもあると思います。 一つ目の文の "distinct" は "different"(異なる)という意味です。"different" を使うこともできます、同じ意味なので。 二つ目の文の "adore" は "love"(大好き)という意味です。"adore" は意味の強い言葉です、"love" よりも少し意味が強いです。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
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