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今日の次の日のことです。 「明日、友達と会う約束がある」とかいう時に使います。
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2018/01/24 18:44
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  • tomorrow

The day after today is called 'tomorrow' in English. For example: The day after today I will go to school. "Tomorrow, I will go to school" In older books you may see this spelled as 'to-morrow' or' on the morrow', however, in current English we just use the word 'tomorrow' The opposite of 'tomorrow' is 'yesterday'. "The day before today I went to the mall with my friends" "Yesterday, I went to the mall with my friends"
今日の次の日を英語では 'tomorrow' (明日)と言います。 【例】 "The day after today I will go to school" (明日、学校へ行きます) "Tomorow, I will go to school" (明日、学校へ行きます) 古い本の中では 'to-morrow'や' on the morrow'などとスペルされたものを目にするかもしれません。 しかし、現代の英語では 'tomorrow'を使います。 'tomorrow'(明日)の反対は'yesterday'(昨日)になります。 【例】 "The day before today I went to the mall with my friends" (昨日友達とモールへ行きました) "Yesterday, I went to the mall with my friends" (昨日、友達とモールへ行きました)
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • tomorrow

こんにちは。 明日は「tomorrow 」といいます。 昨日は「yesterday」といいます。 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Tomorrow

  • The next day

To describe the day after today in English we use the word tomorrow. The origins of the word are middle english from the 11th Century. It is most commonly used as a noun. It is also common for people to say 'the day after tomorrow' when describing something that is happening or will occur in two days time. The opposite of tomorrow is yesterday and the opposite of 'the day after tomorrow' is 2 days ago.
英語で、明日は、tomorrowという単語を使います。11世紀からの中世英語が、この単語の起源です。名詞として最も使われます。 2日後に起こる、または発生すると説明するとき、あさってという意味で、the day after tomorrowと言うのも一般的です。 tomorrowの反対語は、yesterdayです。the day after tomorrowの反対語は、2 days ago(2日前)です。
Bronwyn D DMM英会話講師
  • tomorrow

「明日」は英語で「tomorrow」と言います。「明後日」は「the day after tomorrow」と言います。 今日 = today 昨日 = yesterday 一昨日 = the day before yesterday I’m meeting a friend tomorrow. (明日、友達と会う約束がある。) Tomorrow is a holiday. (明日は休日です。) I have to get up early tomorrow. (私は明日早く起きなければならない。) Let’s go shopping together tomorrow. (明日一緒に買い物に行きましょうよ。)
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • Tomorrow

  • Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

The day after today is 'tomorrow'. I am going to the gym tomorrow, but today I am eating chocolate! There is a great poem about Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Yesterday is history Tomorrow is a mystery Today is a gift That's why it's called the present.
今日の次の日は 'tomorrow'(明日)です。 【例】 I am going to the gym tomorrow, but today I am eating chocolate! (明日ジムに行きますが、今日はチョコレートを食べます) 昨日、今日、明日についての素晴らしい詩があります。 Yesterday is history Tomorrow is a mystery Today is a gift That's why it's called the present. 昨日は過去のもの 明日は未知のもの 今日は贈り物(プレゼント) だから(現在)をプレゼントと呼ぶのです。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • tomorrow

こんにちは。 「明日」は英語で tomorrow と言います。 the day after today(今日の次の日)のように説明することもできますが、あまり一般的ではありません。 おととい:the day before yesterday 昨日:yesterday 今日:today 明日:tomorrow 明後日:the day after tomorrow ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • tomorrow

「明日」は tomorrow と言います。 いくつか例文を挙げておきます。 A: Will you be joining us for lunch tomorrow? B: Yes. What time should I arrive? A: 明日のランチに来ますか B: はい。何時に行けばいいですか Tomorrow is Halloween. 明日はハロウィンです。 Do you know what time the meeting starts tomorrow? 明日の打ち合わせって何時スタートですか。
  • tomorrow

「明日」は英語で「tomorrow」と言います。 「tomorrow」は「明日」という意味の名詞としても、 「明日に」という意味の副詞としても使われます。 【例】 What are you doing tomorrow? →明日は何するの? There's always tomorrow. →明日は必ず来る。 What am I going to wear tomorrow? →明日は何着ようか。 I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow. →明日は髪を切りに行きます。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
  • tomorrow

明日は英語で tomorrow と言います。 今 例文をご紹介します。 I'm meeting my friends tomorrow. (明日、友だちと会う予定です。) Are you busy tomorrow? (明日、忙しい?) The assignment is due tomorrow. (課題の締切は明日です。) School is starting tomorrow. (お休みは終わりだー。=明日から学校が始まる。) 参考になれば幸いです。
yui 英会話講師
  • tomorrow

明日は英語でtomorrowと言います。 例) 明日、友達と会う約束がある I have plans to meet my friend tomorrow 明日、予定ある? Do you have any plans for tomorrow? 明日は何する? What are you doing tomorrow? 明日、ちょっと飲みに行く? Do you want to go for a drink tomorrow? ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Tomorrow

「明日」が英語で「tomorrow」と言います。 よく聞くのが: また明日ね ー See you tomorrow! 明日も雨です。ー It will rain tomorrow too. 明日はどうですか。ー How about tomorrow? 明日彼は来ますか?ー Is he coming tomorrow? 因みに、「明後日」が「the day after tomorrow」です。 よろしくお願いします!
  • Tomorrow

  • The next day

"Tomorrow" is a word to describe the day that comes after the present day. For example, if today's date is the 13th, then tomorrow's date is the 14th. This is a common word used in the english language. Example: "I have to study for a big exam that I have tomorrow." "The next day" is a common phrase used in english that can also be used to describe the day after the current day. Example: "The little girl had left her backpack at school. The next day, she found it right where she had left it under her desk."
"Tomorrow" は、今日の次の日を表す言葉です。例えば、今日が13日なら、"tomorrow" は14日です。これは英語でよく使われる例です。 例: "I have to study for a big exam that I have tomorrow." 「明日の大事な試験に向けて勉強しないといけません」 "The next day" も「次の日」を表すときによく使われます。 例: "The little girl had left her backpack at school. The next day, she found it right where she had left it under her desk." 「女の子は学校にバックパックを忘れていました。次の日それは彼女がそれを置き忘れた机の下にまだありました」
Leesha DMM英会話講師
  • Tomorrow

明日は英語で「tomorrow」と言います。 上記の例文を訳しますと: 明日、友達と会う約束がある → I promised to meet my friend tomorrow. ■関連のキーワード 一昨日 = two days ago, the day before yesterday 昨日 = yesterday 明後日 = in two days, the day after tomorrow
  • Tomorrow

明日はtomorrowといいます。 今日 - today 昨日 - yesterday 明日予定があるんだ I have a plan tomorrow I’m busy tomorrow 明日までこの仕事終わらないとから寝ません I have to finish this work by tomorrow so I wont sleep
  • Tomorrow

If we want to talk about the future, we would probably need to use this word tomorrow. This is the day after today. If we are telling a story we can say "the day after". The day after today is tomorrow. "He will come home the day after today"
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Tomorrow

  • The day after today is tomorrow.

In the present, the day is today. The day after today is called tomorrow. In 2 days time, a common expression is for people to say 'the day after tomorrow' 'When will you be going to the dentist?' 'I will be going tomorrow.'
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Tomorrow

  • The day after today is called tomorrow.

  • The day before today is called yesterday.

The day after today is called tomorrow in English. Examples: I will go to the gym tomorrow. See you tomorrow. We will talk about it tomorrow. The day before today is called yesterday. I went to the gym yesterday. (past tense)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Tomorrow

In English saying: tomorrow means the day after today. Here are some examples of this word being used in context: 1. I will go to school tomorrow. 2. Are you going to go shopping tomorrow? 3. Will you go back home tomorrow?
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Tomorrow

  • The next day

We would most commonly call the day after today, "tomorrow," ( to mar oh ) but sometimes we can also refer to it as, "the next day," as long as the listener/reader knew that it was from the perspective of today.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Tomorrow

ご質問ありがとうございます。 明日 は英語で tomorrow と訳出します。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • tomorrow.

"Tomorrow" is what you call the day that comes after today. For example, if today is Sunday, then tomorrow would be Monday. You can use this word in a sentence by saying something like "Tomorrow my friends and I are thinking of going to hoke a waterfall.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Tomorrow

The day after today is known as 'tomorrow'. The day before today is known as 'yesterday'. If today is Tuesday, then Thursday would be known as 'the day after tomorrow'. "Let's meet tomorrow in Ben's Cafe at 11 am!"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The next day coming.

  • The day hereafter

  • The morrow

There are not many ways to really express TOMORROW besides the word itself, but here are a few I came up with. The easiest would be THE NEXT DAY. A more complicated or sophisticated way might be to say, “The day hereafter.” This a very “old English” way of speaking and is not commonly used. Another uncommon way is, “The Morrow”. It would be best, for clear and understandable purposes, to just say... TOMORROW
Dezzi DMM英会話講師
  • tomorrow

「明日」は英語で「tomorrow」と言います。 上記の言葉を使った例文を見てみましょう。 I have plans to meet a friend tomorrow. 明日、友達と会う約束がある See you tomorrow. また明日。 Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today. 「明日やろう」は馬鹿野郎だ。 ぜひご参考にしてみてください。
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