世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/24 21:40
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  • I wish it was spring.

  • I am tired of the cold weather. I really wish it was Spring.

  • I am looking forward to warmer weather.

In winter, the weather can sometimes be very cold prompting most people to wish it was the much warmer Spring season. However, Winter never goes away until it has done its full period. When its bitterly cold, there is not much you can do other than wrap yourself in warm clothing and stay indoors. So, you may say: I wish it was Spring. or I am tired of the cold weather. I really wish it was Spring. or I am looking forward to warmer weather.
冬、とても寒い天気の日など多くの人は暖かい春の季節になることを思い起こさせることがありますよね。 しかしながら、冬はそう簡単に時期が来るまで終わりません。 ひどく寒い時、家の中で暖かい洋服に包まること以外できることはあまりありません。 ですので、次のように表現してみましょう。 I wish it was spring. (春だったらいいのに) I am tired of the cold weather. I really wish it was Spring. (この寒い冬にうんざり。ほんとに春だったらいいのに) I am looking forward to warmer weather. (暖かい天気が待ち遠しい) <ボキャブラリー> wish = 願う tired of ... = 〜にうんざり cold weather = 寒い天気 look forward to ... = 〜お楽しみにする
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I'm yearning for spring already

  • I'll be glad when this godforsaken winter is over!

To yearn for something = to long for something, to wish you were in a different situation to your present one. The first example sentence anticipates the coming spring, while the second shows appreciation for the end of the winter. Godforsaken = lacking any merit or positive points.
I'm yearning for spring already 早く春になってほしい。 I'll be glad when this godforsaken winter is over! この良いところのない冬が終わったら嬉しい! To yearn for something = 何かを心から望む、現在の状況とは違う状況にいることを望む 最初の例は春が来ることを望む文ですが、二つ目の例は冬の終わりを望んでいます。 Godforsaken =〔形容詞〕利点やいい点がない
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I wish it was warmer already!

  • I am tired of the cold! I wish it was warmer.

  • I want Spring to come soon!

Many times in winter it can be very cold and the weather is not very easy to enjoy! Sometimes, we wish it was Spring so it is not as cold. If we want to mention our feelings about this, we can use a few different expressions such as: 1) I wish it was warmer already! 2) I am tired of the cold! I wish it was warmer. 3) I want Spring to come soon!
冬になると、すごく寒くて、つらい時がありますね!春になって暖かくなればいいのにと思ったりします。 この気持ちを表すなら、例えば以下のように言えます: 1) I wish it was warmer already!(早く暖かくなって欲しい) 2) I am tired of the cold! I wish it was warmer.(寒いのにはうんざり!早く暖かくなって欲しい) 3) I want Spring to come soon!(早く春になって欲しい)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • I want summer to come already

  • I wish it were summer already

  • I want spring to come

When you want to say explain to someone that you are tired of winter and cannot wait for warmer weather to come; then you can say: -I want summer to come already -I wish it were summer already -I want spring to come
あなたが誰かに、冬には飽きて、暖かくなるのが待ち遠しいと言いたいとき、以下のように言えるでしょう:   I want summer to come alread. I wish it were summer already. (夏が早く来るといいなあ。) I want spring to come. (春が早く来るといいなあ。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I can't wait for summer/spring/warmer weather

  • I'm so sick of this cold weather, bring on the warmth!

  • I'm so over the cold weather

All of these examples are informal to use with your friends and are common expressions in places that have 4 distinct seasons. "I can't wait for" is a very common expression that can be used for something that you are looking forward to (such as a change of season). I personally use "I'm so sick of this cold weather", and it doesn't mean that I'm physically sick but 'had enough of'. 'Sick of' is a common idiom in English.
三例ともインフォーマルで、四季がはっきりした地域でよく使われます。 「I can't wait for」はすごく一般的な表現で、何か(例えば、季節の変化)を楽しみにしていることを表します。 個人的には「I'm so sick of this cold weather(この寒さにはうんざり)」を使います。これは「sick(病気)」という意味ではなく「had enough of(うんざりした)」という意味です。「sick of(うんざりしている)」はよく使われるイディオムです。
Bronwyn D DMM英会話講師
  • I'm fed up with this cold weather / I've had enough of this cold weather.

  • I can't wait for spring to come.

  • The winter is so cold; I am really looking forward to it warming up.

In the first answer "fed up" means not satisfied or displeased. In the second answer "can't wait" suggests that you are very excited for something to happen, & wish that this would happen now. In the third answer "looking forward" suggests that you are happily expecting and waiting for something happen.
一つ目の例の「fed up」は「不満な、不愉快な」という意味です。 二つ目の例の「can't wait」は、何かをすごく楽しみにしていて、待ちきれないことを表します。 三つ目の例の「looking forward」は、楽しみにしていることを表す言い方です。
Alisdair DMM英会話講師
  • I am so ready for spring!

  • I wish the weather would break!

  • I could use a break from the cold!

The normal expression we would use to signify that we are tired of a certain temperature or season would be "break". Wanting the weather to break means that you want the season to change because you are drained by the temperature. You could also simply state that you are tired of the cold weather.
ある季節や気温に飽き飽きしたことを表す場合、"break" を使うことが多いです。 "I wish the weather would break!" これは、気温のせいで疲れ切っているので、季節が変ってほしいことを表します。 また、シンプルに "I'm tired of the cold weather"(寒いのにうんざりしている)と言う事も出来ます。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
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