世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/25 00:01
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  • Do you think it will snow today?

  • I wonder if it will snow today. Do you know if today it will snow?

In the winter season it is very common to speak and sometimes complain about the weather. If you are thinking about the snow you can say: "I wonder if it will snow today" If you want to ask somebody if they think it will snow, say: "Do you think it will snow today". Additionally, you can ask somebody if they know what the weather forecast will be like: "Have you heard if it will snow today?" "Did you hear about the weather for today, will it snow?"
冬の時期は天気の話をしたり時には天気について不満を言ったりすることはよくあることです。 もし雪について考えているのであれば、次のように表現することが出来ます。 "I wonder if it will snow today" (今日は雪が降るのかな~) 誰かに雪が降ると思うかどうか尋ねたい場合は次のように表現できます。 "Do you think it will snow today". (今日、雪降ると思う?) さらに誰かに天気予報はどうなのか、次のように尋ねることも出来ます。 "Have you heard if it will snow today?" (雪が降るかどうか聞いてる?) "Did you hear about the weather for today, will it snow?" (今日の天気知ってる?雪降るかな?)
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • I wonder if it will snow today?

  • Do you think it will snow today?

  • Do you think it is cold enough to snow today?

"I wonder if it will snow today?" This explains to the person that you are thinking about if it will snow or not that day. "Do you think it will snow today?" This asks the person to tell you if they think it will snow on that day. "Do you think it is cold enough to snow today?" This asks the person to tell you if they think the temperature is low enough for it to snow.
"I wonder if it will snow today?" (今日は雪降るかな?) これは今日は雪が降るか降らないかな~?とあなたが考えている事を説明しています。 "Do you think it will snow today?" (今日雪降ると思う?) これは相手にその日、雪が降ると思うか尋ねる表現になります。 "Do you think it is cold enough to snow today?" (今日は雪が降るのに十分寒いと思う?) これは相手に雪が降るのに十分なほど気温が低いと思うかどうか尋ねる表現になります。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Will it snow today?

  • Do you foresee any snow for today?

▪ Will it snow today? This is asking directly if it will snow today? ▪ Do you foresee any snow for today? foresee is to predict. This is asking your friend if he/she predicts any snow for today.
▪ Will it snow today? (今日雪降るかな?) これは率直に今日雪が降るかどうか尋ねる表現です。 ▪ Do you foresee any snow for today? (今日雪が降ると予想する?) "foresee"とは予想する/予測するという意味になります。 これは友達に今日は雪が降るかどうか予想しますか?と尋ねる表現になります。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Do you think it will snow today?

  • I wonder if it will snow today.

*Do you think it will snow today? -This is a direct question asked to someone that you think has more knowledge than yourself. Example Sentences: Tom always has an update on weather, I'll ask him if it will snow today. It's very cold today, do you think it will snow? *I wonder if it will snow today. - Wonder it means that you are not certain. Example Sentences: I wonder if she's coming to work today. I wonder if he will like the gift i bought for him.
"Do you think it will snow today?" (今日は雪が降ると思いますか?) これはあなた自身より何か知っている人に対して聞く直接的な質問です。 例文 "Tom always has an update on weather. I'll ask him if it will snow today. " (トムはいつも最新の天気の情報を知っているので、今日雪が降るか彼に聞きます。) "It's very cold today, do you think it will snow?" (今日はとても寒いですが、雪が降ると思いますか?) "I wonder if it will snow today. " (今日は雪が降るのでしょうか。) "Wonder"(〜と不思議に思う)は、確かではないときに使います。 例文 "I wonder if she's coming to work today." (今日彼女は仕事に来るでしょうか。) "I wonder if he will like the gift I bought for him." (買ってあげたプレゼントを彼は気にいるでしょうか。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What are the chances of snow today?

Explanation: In the above sentence it seems you are contemplating aloud about the possibility of snow. Example sentence: "What are the chances of having three thunderstorms in three days?"
この表現は、雪の可能性を考えているようなニュアンスです。 例文: "What are the chances of having three thunderstorms in three days?" 3日間で雷雨が3回ある可能性はどのくらいですか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I wonder if it will snow today?

  • Do you think it will snow today?

If you wonder something it means that you are thinking if something will happen so you could say 'i wonder if it will snow today?' If you want someone elses opinion then you may ask 'Do you think it will snow today?'
”I wonder"というフレーズは「どうかな?どうだろう?」というニュアンスがあり、”I wonder if it will snow today?"(今日は雪降るかなぁ?)と言う具合に使います。 相手の意見を求めるときは、”Do you think it will snow today?"(今日、雪降ると思う?)と疑問文で聞くと良いと思います。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know if it will snow today?

  • Will it snow today?

You can ask "do you know if it will snow today?" or "will it snow today?" When you are asking these questions, is because you don't know whether it will snow or not. You can also ask "What will the weather forecast be?" A : Do you know if it will snow today? B : I am not sure. C : What will the weather forecast be? D : They predicted rain.
以下のように聞けます。 "Do you know if it will snow today?"(今日雪が降るかどうか知っていますか) "Will it snow today?"(今日、雪が降りますか) 雪が降るかどうか分からないときにこれらの質問をします。 次のように聞くこともできます。 "What will the weather forecast be?" (天気予報はどうですか) A : Do you know if it will snow today?(今日雪が降るかどうか知っていますか) B : I am not sure.(分かりません) C : What will the weather forecast be?(天気予報はどうですか) D : They predicted rain.(雨と言っています)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • A) Do you think it will snow today ?

  • B) Will it snow today ?

  • C) What are the chances of it snowing today ?

A) Do you think it will snow today ? B) Will it snow today ? C) What are the chances of it snowing today ? any of the above can be used , i will give you a few examples of how you can apply these sentences in this situation. 1. a- wow it's really cold ! b- Yes in deed!, Do you think it will snow today? a- I think so! 2. a- Will it snow today ? b- No , it won't 3. a : what are the changes of it snowing today ? b : Really high !! I hope this helps :-)
A) Do you think it will snow today ?(今日雪が降ると思いますか) B) Will it snow today ?(今日は雪が降りますか) C) What are the chances of it snowing today ?(今日雪が降る可能性はどのくらいありますか) 上記はどれも使うことができます。以下はこれらの文の会話例です。 1. a- wow it's really cold !(寒いですね) b- Yes in deed!, Do you think it will snow today?(本当に!今日雪が降ると思いますか) a- I think so!(降ると思います) 2. a- Will it snow today ?(今日は雪が降りますか) b- No , it won't (いいえ、降りません) 3. a : what are the changes of it snowing today ?(今日雪が降る可能性はどのくらいありますか) b : Really high !!(可能性はかなり高いです) 参考になれば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I wonder if it will snow today?

  • Do you think it will snow today?

  • Is it going to snow today?

If you want to ask your friend if he thinks that it's going to snow today, you can say: "I wonder if it will snow today?" "Do you think it will snow today?" "Is it going to snow today?"
友達に「今日は雪降るかな」と聞きたいなら、次のように言えます。 "I wonder if it will snow today?"(今日は雪降るかな) "Do you think it will snow today?"(今日は雪降るかな) "Is it going to snow today?"(今日は雪が降るの?)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I wonder if it's gonna be snowing today...

  • I wonder if there's gonna be any (more) snow today?

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 - I wonder if it's gonna be snowing today... 今日は雪降るかな? - I wonder if there's gonna be any (more) snow today? (また)雪降るかな? gonna = going to のカジュアルな略 お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
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