Actually = 実は
“I actually don’t really like dogs” = 実は犬すきじゃないんだよね。
To be honest = 「素直に言うと」なニュアンスになります。「正直なところ」
Honestly は to be honest と同じですが、少しカジュアルです。
“Honestly, I don’t like dogs”
一番一般的に使うのが、actually です。
Actually, i don't like dogs.
もう一つは、actually と一緒に使える口調言葉のYou know (実はさ~)です。
You know, I actually don't like dogs.
actually は日本語の「実は」に最も近い単語でほとんど同じように使うことが出来ます。
in fact は「実際は」という意味で、これも同じように使えますね。
to be honest は「正直にいうと」という意味になります。
“Can I bring my dog to your house?”
“Actually, I don’t like dogs.”
He looks like an American. But, In fact, he cannot speak English.
To be honest, I am going to quit the company by next march.
「実は私、犬が苦手なの」とは"Actually, I'm not good with dogs."と訳せます。
例文:"Actually, I prefer cats over dogs."「実は、私は犬より猫が好きなの。」
例文:"Honestly, I could care less."「正直なところ、全然関心ない。」
"to tell the truth"は「真実を言うと」です。
例文:"To tell the truth, I was hiding a secret from you."「本当は、君に秘密ごとをしていた。」
As a matter of fact, dogs do not like me very much.
Actually, we get our bonus checks this Friday.
To tell the truth, the problem still exists and we need to fix it.
実は actually, as a matter of fact
As a matter of fact, dogs do not like me very much.
Actually, we get our bonus checks this Friday.
To tell the truth, the problem still exists and we need to fix it.