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裁判所が法にのっとって解決することです。 有名人の裁判はニュースになることが多々あります。 「その裁判は世間から注目された」と言いたいです。
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2018/01/29 14:37
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  • We are having a trial in court.

  • Our lawsuit is having a hearing in the courthouse.

To have a trial is to bring a lawsuit with a lawyer to a courthouse. We hire a lawyer and use their services to bring a case to the court and there the judge decides during a trial if we win or lose the trial.
"have a trial"は[弁護士](とともに法廷で[訴訟](を執り行うという意味です。弁護士を雇い彼らのアドバイスを聞きながら訴訟をし、裁判官が勝ち負けを判断するのです。
Bogy DMM英語講師
  • A trial

  • A hearing

In a criminal court, the proceedings to be heard would be described as a'trial'of a defendant or 'the accused' as this person may be referred to. A jury is sometimes used in more important cases. In a civil court, a matter would be described as 'a hearing' or a 'court hearing.' In a civil court there is no jury and the judge alone will make a decision.
[法廷](では、傍聴される法的手続きを"trial"(裁判)、また[被告人](は"the accused"と言います。"jury"(陪審員)はもっと大切な訴訟でたまに登場します。 民事法廷で行われる法的手続きは"a hearing"(審問)または"court hearing"(法廷審問)と呼ばれます。ここでは陪審員もいませんので、裁判官だけが決定を下すことになります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The trail will be tomorrow

  • The prosecution will continue tomorrow

▪ The trial will be tomorrow ▪ The prosecution will continue tomorrow Prosecution = Conducting legal proceedings A case or a lawsuit is a legal proceeding in court. Other sentences: a. The murder case attracted a lot of the public attention. b. The criminal lawsuit will continue next week.
▪ The trial will be tomorrow(続きは明日だ。) ▪ The prosecution will continue tomorrow (裁判は明日も続く。) "Prosecution"は法的行為を取ることです。 "a case"または"a lawsuit"は法廷で行われる訴訟という意味です。 a. The murder case attracted a lot of the public attention. (殺人事件の訴訟は大衆の注目を集めた。) b. The criminal lawsuit will continue next week. (犯罪の訴訟は来週も続く。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Hearing

  • Court case

  • Trial

The formal examination of evidence by a judge to decide on whether an accused is guilty or not can be referred to as a "court case", "hearing" or a "trial". For example: -The trial for the murder of Nicole Brown commences on the 1st of August. -The court case will be decided on evidence brought by means of affidavit. -The judge usually has a hearing before the main trial to decide what evidence is admissible or not.
被告人が有罪か無罪かを決める裁判官による公式の取り調べを、 "court case", "hearing" または "trial"と言います。 例:  -The trial for the murder of Nicole Brown commences on the 1st of August. ニコールブラウンの殺人の裁判は、8月1日に始まります。  -The court case will be decided on evidence brought by means of affidavit. 裁判は、宣誓供述書によってもたらされた証拠で決定された。 -The judge usually has a hearing before the main trial to decide what evidence is admissible or not. 裁判はたいてい、何の証拠が認容されるかされないかを決めるための主審理の前に公聴会があります。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • During the "arraignment" Jude showed no remorse or emotion.

  • He appeared as the key witness in the "court case"

  • Today was the " hearing" of the guy who murdered his parents.

"During the "arraignment" Jude showed no remorse or emotion". "He appeared as the key witness in the "court case". "Today was the " hearing" of the guy who murdered his parents". "Arraignment" is a noun and it is the action arraigning someone in court. "Court case" is a dispute between two parties that is decided in a court of law A "hearing" is used to determine temporary orders and some procedural matters. At hearings, the court relies on arguments and affidavits. A "trial" is where both parties present evidence and arguments for the judge to use in making a final decision.
"During the "arraignment" Jude showed no remorse or emotion" 罪状認否の間、ジュードは自責の念も感情も示さなかった。 "He appeared as the key witness in the "court case" 彼は裁判で、重要参考人として現れた。 "Today was the " hearing" of the guy who murdered his parents" 今日は、両親を殺害した男の公判だった。 "Arraignment" とは、名詞で、裁判で、誰かを法廷に召喚する行為です。 "Court case"とは、裁判所で当事者らの間の議論のことです。 "hearing" とは臨時命令や手続きの問題を決めるために使われます。聴聞では、裁判は討議と宣誓供述書に依拠します。 "trial"とは、 裁判官が最終判決を出すのに使われる証拠や討議を当事者らが提出する場です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • trial

  • hearing

  • case

「裁判」という言葉を英語で伝えると、「trial」と「hearing」または「case」という言葉を使っても良いです。複数形は「trials」と「hearings」と「cases」です。例えば、「Trials are often very expensive and take a lot of time.」という文章を使っても良いと考えました。「Often」は「よく」という意味があって、「expensive」は「値段が高い」という意味があります。「Take a lot of time」は「時間をたくさんかかる」です。
  • Trial.

  • Trial by jury.

A trial by jury would be when evidence is given and statements would be heard before a Judge and jury in a court of law to decide if a person is guilty of a crime or to decide a case or a legal matter.
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • Trail

  • Hearing

  • Court case

The process that takes place when a criminals future is decided by a judge or jury is called a "Trial", "Hearing" or "Court case". The trail starts at 1 o clock. The hearing is about to begin. Her court case is today.
裁判官や、陪審員に犯罪者の将来が決められるのが行われる過程を “trial” ”Hearing” “Court case” と言います。 “The trial starts at 1 o’clock.” (その裁判は1時に始まります。) “The hearing is about to begin.” (裁判がはじまろうとしています。) “Her court case is today.” (彼女の裁判は今日です。)
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • courtroom hearing

  • a criminal trial

  • a hearing

"a criminal trial" is a process where a judge or jury will decided the guilt or innocence of a suspect based on the evidence provided. "a hearing" is a proceeding that takes place before the trial to decided if there is enough evidence to go to trial.
"criminal trial" は、裁判官や陪審員が、証拠に基づいて被疑者が有罪か無罪かを決定するプロセスを言います。 "hearing" は、裁判を行う十分な証拠があるかどうかを決めるために裁判の前に行われる手続きのことです。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Trial

  • Courtcase

A trial is a formal examination of evidence by a judge, typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • trial.

  • His trial will be held today.

A trial is a kind of "meeting" normally held in a court whereby the defendant will stand before a judge and jury and try to plea innocent to whatever the charges may be against him/her. by the end of this session, and after the jury has made its verdict along with the judge, a decision will normally be announced by the judge to state if the defendant is charged as guilty or innocent.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Trial.

  • Hearing.

Here are some examples of these words being used in context: he is going on trial next week, for three charges of robbery. There will be a hearing tomorrow that will take place, because of the incident that happened last week.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • adjourn

  • motion hearing

  • verdict

When a court is adjourned, the judge suspends that meeting to either go through the evidence & make a decision, because someone couldn't testify or because of lack of evidence. "The court is adjourned." A motion hearing is a request from an attorney to a judge to issue a ruling or order on a legal matter. A verdict is the judge's final decision. They make take some time to come to a verdict. "The jury finds the defendant... guilty!"
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • The trial was so difficult the jury could not make a final verdict.

  • The trial was decided, he was found guilty on all charges.

  • The murder trial is now into its second week of deliberation.

裁判 trial, judgement 裁判は非常に困難で、陪審は最終的な判決を下すことができませんでした。 The trial was so difficult the jury could not make a final verdict. 裁判が下され、彼はすべての罪で有罪となった。 The trial was decided, he was found guilty on all charges. 殺人裁判は現在、審議の第2週に入っています。 The murder trial is now into its second week of deliberation.
  • trial

裁判はtrialと言います(*^_^*) 法律関係の用語列挙します。 law「法律」 lawyer「弁護士」 legal「合法」 illegal「違法」 prosecutor「検察官」 court「裁判所」 sue「訴える、告訴する」 lawsuit 「訴訟」 judge「裁判官」 plaintiff 「原告」 jury「陪審員」 lay judge 「裁判員」 death sentence「死刑」 prison sentence「実刑判決」 suspended sentence「執行猶予付きの刑」 witness「証人」 arrest warrant「逮捕状」 arrest「逮捕する」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
  • A trial

  • A court case

  • A hearing

A trial example sentence: The evidence was brought forward to the judge and now the man will wait for his trial date. A court case example sentence: The incident has become a court case because of the new evidence shown to the judge. A hearing example sentence: The mans hearing was scheduled for next week.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
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