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パスポートのコピーを添付いして送るのですが、バスポートの更新中ですぐにコピーを送れない状況です。 2月1日に受け取り次第、コピーを送ります。
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2018/01/30 11:08
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  • I will send it as soon as I receive it.

  • i will send it as soon as I get it.

  • Upon receipt, I will send it.

The literal translation of this sentence is "I will send it as soon as I receive it." You can explain that you are in the process of getting your passport updated, and that you will send it to them as soon as you receive the updated passport. There are a few different ways you can say this: 1. I will send it to you as soon as I get it back. (most common) 2. I will send it as soon as I receive it. 3. Upon receipt, I will send it to you immediately. (very formal)
そのまま訳すと、 "I will send it as soon as I receive it." ([受け取り](次第[すぐに](送ります。) となります。 更新されたパスポートの受け取り手続きをしていて、更新済みのパスポートを受け取りしだいそれを送ります、ということを説明すればいいのです。これを言うには以下のような方法があります。 1. I will send it to you as soon as I get it back. (受け取ったらすぐに送ります。) これは最も一般的な言い方です。 2. I will send it as soon as I receive it. (受け取り次第すぐに送ります。) 3. Upon receipt, I will send it to you immediately. (受け取り次第、直ちに発送いたします。) これはとてもかしこまった言い方です。 <ボキャブラリー> send = 送る as soon as = 〜してすぐに、〜次第 receive = 受け取る
Ashley P DMM英会話講師
  • I will send you a coy as soon as I get my passport back.

  • I will send it to you as so as possible.

  • Once I have received it I will send it to you.

"I will send you a copy as soon as I get my passport back." This explains to the person that as soon as you have it back you will send them a copy. "I will send it to you as soon as possible." This gives the person less information but explains that you will give it to them as soon as you can. "Once I have received, it I will send it to you." This explains that you don't have it at the moment but as soon as you get it you will send it to them.
【例】 "I will send you a copy as soon as I get my passport back." (パスポートが戻り次第[すぐに](コピーを送ります) これはパスポートが戻ってきたら、すぐにコピーを[送る](と言う事が出来ますをと説明しています。 "I will send it to you as soon as possible." (可能な限りすぐに送ります) これはあまりたくさんの情報を与えてはいませんが、 出来る限り早く送るという事を説明しています。 "Once I have received it, I will send it to you." (パスポートを受け取ったらすぐにあなたに送ります) これは、あなたが今は持っていないけどうけとったらすぐに送るという事を説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I renewed my passport so I will send you a copy when I get it.

  • As soon as I receive my passport I will send you a copy.

▪ I renewed my passport so I will send you a copy when I get it. This sentence is indicating that you are in the process of renewing your passport and that you will send a copy when you receive it. ▪ As soon as I receive my passport I will send you a copy. This sentence clearly indicates that you will send a copy of your passport when you get it.
▪ I renewed my passport so I will send you a copy when I get it. (私はパスポートを更新しました。だからそれを受け取ったらあなたにコピーを送ります。) ▪ As soon as I receive my passport I will send you a copy. (私のパスポートを受け取ったらすぐにコピーを送ります。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • When I get my new passport, I'll send you a copy

The first conditional form is used to express something concerning a real situation. In the example sentence, the condition (receiving my new passport) is the trigger for the effect (sending a copy of the passport).
コンマまでの仮定フレーズは「実際に~の状態になったら」という意味です。 "receiving my new passport"(パスポートを受け取ったら) という条件が揃ったら、結果である "sending a copy of the passport"(コピーを送る)という行動をとることがわかります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I will send it to you as soon as I receive the renewed copy.

  • I will send it to you as soon as I can.

  • I will send it to you as soon as I receive my new one.

You can kindly explain to them : "I am currently getting my passport renewed but I will send you a copy of my passport as soon I receive the renewed copy. Thanks for your patience."
丁寧に以下のように説明することができます。 "I am currently getting my passport renewed but I will send you a copy of my passport as soon I receive the renewed copy. Thanks for your patience." 現在、パスポートの更新をしているのですが、受け取り次第すぐにコピーを送ります。お待ち頂きありがとうございます。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • My passport is being renewed, as soon as I have it back I will send you a copy.

The most straight forward way to say this is to say "My passport is being renewed, as soon as I have it back I will send you a copy". This answer gives the person the information that you don't have your passport at the moment, followed by the action you will take to send it when you do have it in a simple way.
一番ストレートな表現は、以下の通りです。 "My passport is being renewed, as soon as I have it back I will send you a copy" バスポートを更新中なので、受け取り次第すぐにコピーを送ります。 これは、相手に今自分はパスポートを持っていなくて、受け取り次第コピーを送ることを伝えるフレーズです。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • It's being renewed right now so I will send it to you as soon as it's returned to me

To explain that you are in the process of getting your passport updated, and that you will send it to them once you receive it back, you can say: "It's being renewed right now so I will send it to you as soon as it's returned to me"
「更新中で手元にパスポートがなく、受け取り次第送る」ということを伝えたい場合以下のように言うといいでしょう。 "It's being renewed right now so I will send it to you as soon as it's returned to me" ー今更新中ですので、手元に届き次第(コピーを)送ります。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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