「デジタルブレイク」って実際に使います。 眼を休ますだけではなく、PCなどデジタル家電から身を引く時間、という位置づけです。 2番目も同じく「デジタル世界から休憩をとる」という直訳から実際にデジタルブレイクを取るという表現の時に使われます。
I'm going to/gonna take a digi break for 1 hour. Don't text me, ok?(携帯にメッセージを送るなよー)というように使ったりもします。
Can I take a break? 「少し休んでいいですか?」
Can I take a 5 minute break?
Can I rest my eyes? 「眼を少し休ませていいですか?」
I'm taking a break 「休みます」でいいと思いますが会社は難しいですかね?
My eyes are tired of the computer and I want to take a day of to rest my eyes.
Hi, I am taking the day off to rest my eyes. The computer is making it very tired and weak.
>My eyes are tired of the computer and I want to take a day of to rest my eyes.
*in this sentence you are saying that the computer are making your eyes tired and you are going to take a day off.
>Hi, I am taking the day off to rest my eyes. The computer is making it very tired and weak.
*This sentence is saying directly that you are taking a day of from work because the computer is killing your eyes.
My eyes are tired of the computer and I want to take a day of to rest my eyes.
Hi, I am taking the day off to rest my eyes. The computer is making it very tired and weak.
I'm taking some time away from the pc and it's affecting my eyes
I'm suffering from screen fatigue and need time out
Screen fatigue - tired and sore eyes because of looking at a computer screen a long time.
Time out - 1. Time for rest or recreation away from one's usual work or studies.
"She is taking time out from her hectic tour"
2. A brief break in play in a game or sport.
"He called for a timeout from the game."
"Hey Pete, your eyes are looking red!"
"Yeh, I'm suffering from screen fatigue."
Screen fatigue - コンピュータの画面を長時間見ているための疲れ目、目痛。
Time out -
I'm going to take a break from looking at screens to rest my eyes.
If you use the word "screen" we understand that it an be computer, smartphones, or whatever has a screen. If you rest your eyes, you close them or look away from something to protect them. I hope that this helps. :)
"screen" は、パソコンやスマートフォンなど画面のあるものを指します。
"rest your eyes" は、目を閉じたりあるいは何かから目をそらすことで、目を休めることをいいます。
We all have spent hours in front of the computer and experienced eye fatigue or even neck or back pain. Sometimes we need to take a break, turn off the computer and either move around our neck or shoulders, or, get up and walk around. Maybe even exercise! When this need arises, we might be messaging or even talking on the phone with a friend or colleague. We can tell them: "I need to take a break from my computer now."
"I need to take a break from my computer now."
These expressions are explaining that you 'need to take a break', time off from an activity or something that you were doing.
a causal expression and can be used for many situations, ex. "I need to take a break from running everyday as my knees hurt." and "I think we need to take a break, our relationship isn't working".
To take a break from your 'screen' is referring to the computer or laptop screen, as it has been proven looking at a computer/laptop screen for several hours can be harmful for your eyes.
'need to take a break' は「休憩を取らないといけない」という意味です。カジュアルで一般的な表現です。
"I need to take a break from running everyday as my knees hurt."(膝が痛いから、毎日やっているランニングを休まないといけない)
"I think we need to take a break, our relationship isn't working"(少し距離を置いた方がいいと思う。私たちの関係は上手くいってないよね)
'To take a break from your "screen"'(パソコンを休む)はパソコンの画面について言っています。長時間パソコンの画面を見続けることは目にダメージを与えると証明されています。