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2018/02/27 18:01
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  • My hobby is going for a walk with my dog.

  • My hobby is taking a walk with my dog.

  • My hobby is walking my dog.

go for a walk take a walk 散歩をする walk a dog 犬の散歩をする
Tomomi I 英語講師
  • I take my dog out for a walk in my free time.

  • I spend my free time walking my dog.

Native speakers will say like this: “I take my dog out for a walk in my free time”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Have you got any hobbies? B: Well, I take my dog out for a walk in my free time. Does that count as a hobby?
ネイティブスピーカーなら次のように言います。 “I take my dog out for a walk in my free time” (暇な時に犬の散歩をします) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下、会話例です。 A: Have you got any hobbies?(趣味はありますか) B: Well, I take my dog out for a walk in my free time. Does that count as a hobby?(そうですね、暇な時に犬の散歩をします。これは趣味に入りますかね)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • In my free time, I like walking my dog.

  • I like to go walking with my dog.

  • I like taking my dog for walks in my free time.

1) "In my free time, I like walking my dog." OR "I like walking my dog in my free time." - The phrase 'in my free time' can be moved to the beginning or end of the sentence, and it won't change the meaning. People usually walk their dogs during their free time, so it's not required to say, 'in my free time'. 2) "I like to go walking with my dog." - If you want to express that your dog is accompanying you, then say this sentence. However, if you want to express more thoughts on your dog, then you can say, "I like taking my dog for a walk" because it tells what you are doing FOR your dog. 3) "I like going for walks with my dog in my free time." - 'going for a walk' is a common phrase that native speakers use. It means the same as 'take a talk' or 'go walking'.
1) "In my free time, I like walking my dog." または "I like walking my dog in my free time." (暇な時は犬を散歩させるのが好きです) - 'in my free time'(暇な時は)は文頭にも文末にも置けます。意味は変わりません。普通、人は暇な時に犬を散歩させるので、'in my free time'は言わなくても大丈夫です。 2) "I like to go walking with my dog."(犬と散歩するのが好きです) - 散歩のときに犬を連れて行くと言いたいなら、この文を使ってください。ただ、もっと犬に意識を向けたいなら、 "I like taking my dog for a walk"(犬を散歩させるのが好きです) と言えます。これは、犬のためにするという意味です。 3) "I like going for walks with my dog in my free time."(暇な時は犬と散歩するのが好きです) - 'going for a walk'はネイティブスピーカーがよく使うフレーズです。これは、'take a walk'や'go walking'(散歩に出掛ける)と同じ意味です。
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • I like to walk my dog.

I like to walk my dog. →犬の散歩をするのが好きです。 「like to do」で「~するのが好き」という意味になります。 「犬を散歩させる」は「walk」で表せると思います。 回答は一例ですので、参考程度でお願いします。 ありがとうございました
  • In my free time I enjoy walking my dog

Walking one's dog is a very common hobby/chore of dog owners. The verb enjoy is helpful when describing an activity for which you have a passion for. Make sure to use the appropriate personal pronoun/definite article in order to indicate which dog is being walked. I love walking my dog. They are walking their dogs. He walks his dog everyday. It is time to walk the dog.
犬を飼っている人は犬の散歩が趣味/仕事という人が多いですね。動詞 "enjoy" は、好きなことを表すときに便利な言葉です。 どの犬を散歩させるのか伝わるよう、適切な人称代名詞/定冠詞を使うようにしましょう。 I love walking my dog.(犬の散歩が好きです) They are walking their dogs.(彼らは犬の散歩をしています) He walks his dog everyday.(彼は毎日犬を散歩させます) It is time to walk the dog.(犬を散歩させる時間です)
Lashawn DMM英会話講師
  • I like to take my dog for a walk when I have free time.

  • I love taking walks with my dog.

  • In my free time, I enjoy taking my dog for a walk in the park.

You can use "I like" (casual), "I enjoy"(more formal), or "I love"(emphasized) interchangeably, depending on how much you like something or who you're talking to. For instance: if you are talking to a friend, you might say "I like to walk my dog." but, if your boss asks what your hobbies are outside of work, you might say "I enjoy taking my dog for a walk." If walking your dog is one of your favorite things to do, you might say "I love taking my dog for a walk." regardless of who you are talking to.
それがどのくらい好きかや誰と話しているかにもよりますが、"I like"(カジュアル) "I enjoy"(よりフォーマル)または "I love"(強調)は置き換え可能です。 例えば、もし友達と話しているなら、次のように言うかもしれません。 "I like to walk my dog."(犬を散歩させるのが好きです) もし上司に趣味を尋ねられたのなら、次のように言うかもしれません。 "I enjoy taking my dog for a walk."(犬を散歩させるのが好きです) もし犬の散歩が大好きなことの一つということなら、誰と話しているかに関係なく、次のように言うかもしれません。 "I love taking my dog for a walk."(犬の散歩が大好きです)
Monica HM DMM英会話講師
  • My hobbies inlcude walking my dog.

  • I sometimes like to take my dog for a walk.

You can tell someone's hobbies by what they do often. These sentences tell the person what your hobbies are but also you can say that you 'sometimes' like to do something. This will indicate that it is not often done however it is something that you do.
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • When I have the time I like walking my dog

  • I enjoy walking my dog when I have free time

During your introduction, as it is fairly informal, I believe saying that "when I have free time I enjoy walking my dog", is the best way of answering. If you prefer a more formal explanation I would use the phrase "When I have free time I enjoy walking my dog". The word 'free' can easily be swapped out for 'spare' in this instance also.
自己紹介の時でしたら、かなりインフォーマルなので、"When I have free time I enjoy walking my dog"(暇な時は、犬の散歩をするのが好きです)がベストな答え方だと思います。 よりフォーマルに言いたいなら、私なら次のフレーズを使います。 "When I have free time I enjoy walking my dog" (暇な時は、犬の散歩をするのが好きです) 'free'という単語は'spare'と気軽に交換できます。この場合もそうです。
Bronwyn D DMM英会話講師
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