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2018/03/02 07:32
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  • The city's cherry blossoms will bloom earlier than usual this year.

「桜(の花)」はcherry blossoms、「咲く」はbloomです。 The city's cherry blossoms will bloom earlier than usual this year. 「その街の桜の開花は今年はいつもより早くなりそうだ」 他には、in full bloom で「満開」と言えます。 The cherry blossoms are in full bloom. 「桜は満開になっています」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • It looks like the cherry blossoms will bloom early this year.

  • Due to the warm temperatures the cherry blossoms will bloom earlier than usual.

*It looks like the cherry blossoms will bloom early this year.- Bloom is when a plant makes flowers. *Due to the warm temperatures the cherry blossoms will bloom earlier than usual. -Early, earlier, earliest. Than usual means not as expected.
例文 *It looks like the cherry blossoms will bloom early this year. 桜の花は、今年は早く咲きそうだ Bloomは植物に花が「咲く」ことです。 early は「早く」となります。 例文 *Due to the warm temperatures the cherry blossoms will bloom earlier than usual. 天候が暖かいので、桜の花はいつもより早く咲きそうだ Early(早い), earlier(より早い), earliest(一番早い). Than usualは、思っていたのと違うということです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • The flowering of the beautiful sakura cherry blossoms is premature this year.

  • The sakura cherry blossoms are in bloom earlier than expected this year.

  • It seems the sublime sakura cherry blossoms have awakened a little in advance this year.

The key here I think is to nicely say the intended point, & also try to indicate how special the event is / might be seen to be. The special nature is highlighted by the emotive language (language designed to create emotion) *IE* 'beautiful' & 'sublime' (meaning, of great excellence, value or beauty) Possibly difficult words: Premature - to arrive / happen / occur earlier than expected Awakened - to wake up, to become active
この文章では「開花が早い」ことを伝えることと、「桜にまつわるできごとがどれだけ大切に思われているか」ということの表現がポイントとなります。 "beautiful"や"sublime"(とても素晴らしい)というような感情を表す単語をつけることで、桜が大切に思われていることを表現することができます。 prematureー未熟の、~が予定より早く起こること awakenedー起きること、活性化する、開花する 
Alisdair DMM英会話講師
  • The warm weather is causing the Sakura cherry blossom to bloom early this year.

  • The cherry blossoms are blooming earlier than usual because of the warm weather.

Both of these sentences express that the cherry blossoms are blooming early because of the warmer weather. In the second sentence it shows that the weather is not usually that warm, so by using the term "usual" it conveys that it is something out of the ordinary.
これら両方の文で、暖かい気候のため、桜の開花が早いということを表すことができます。 2文目では、気候はいつも暖かくはなく、「usual」と言う単語を使うことで普通の状況とは違うということを示しています。
Kecia DMM英会話講師
  • this year's cherry blossom's bloom occurred earlier than usual

  • the cherry blossom took place early this year

to occur means to happen, using this word helps to show an experience or event which happened
Kwasi DMM英会話講師
  • Due to our warm weather the sakura are blooming earlier this year.

Due to unusually warm weather periods, flowers and plants may grow quicker or unexpectedly. "The daffodils are sprouting a few weeks earlier than usual this year following a very mild winter."
異常な暖かい気候のために、草花が、はやく、突然育つことがあります。  "The daffodils are sprouting a few weeks earlier than usual this year following a very mild winter." とても暖かい冬のために、スイセンが今年はいつもより数週間早く開花している。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The warm weather has helped the cherry blossoms bloom early this year.

  • We can see cherry blossoms earlier this year because of the warm weather.

Just imagine you are walking in the park when you notice "The warm weather has helped the cherry blossoms bloom early this year." After your nice walk in the park you go home to tell everyone that "We can see cherry blossoms earlier this year because of the warm weather."
「暖かい天気が今年は桜を早く開花させた」ことに気づいて、公園を散歩している自分を想像してみてください。 公園でも気持ちのいい散歩の後に、家に帰りみんなにこう言うのです。   "We can see cherry blossoms earlier this year because of the warm weather." 暖かい天気で今年は早く桜が見られる。
Hendrik DMM英会話講師
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