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2018/03/03 12:29
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  • Marriage doesn't bother me.

  • I'm not bothered about marriage, just as long as I have a good partner.

You can simply say 'marriage doesn't bother me', when someone is asking you if you will get married to your partner. If you want to give more information then you can give your reason, 'I'm happy with how it is with my partner'. 'I'm happy, I don't see the need for marriage'.
人にパートナーと結婚するつもりかどうか聞かれた時は、シンプルに'marriage doesn't bother me',(結婚しなくて困ることはない)と答えることが出来ます。さらに情報を付け加えたい時は、以下のように理由を言うことが出来ます。 'I'm happy with how it is with my partner'. パートナーとの今の関係に満足している 'I'm happy, I don't see the need for marriage'. 幸せだから、結婚の必要性を感じていない
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Marriage is not high on my list of priorities

  • I am neither for or against marriage

  • A life partner is more important to me than a marriage certificate.

In the final example, a marriage certificate is sometimes referred to disparagingly as "a piece of paper!"
最後の例で、a marriage certificateは"紙切れ一枚"と軽蔑するようなニュアンスで表現することがあります。
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • As long as I am with the right person I dont mind if I get married or not.

  • Getting married isn't important to me but being with the right person is.

"As long as I am with the right person I don't mind if I get married or not." This explains that it is more important to you to find the right person rather than getting married. "Getting married isn't important to me but being with the right person is." This is another way of explaining that it means more to you to find the right person than getting married.
例文 "As long as I am with the right person I don't mind if I get married or not." 良い人であれば、結婚するかどうかは気にしません 結婚するより良い人を見つけることが重要だと説明しています。 例文 "Getting married isn't important to me but being with the right person is." 私にとって重要なのは結婚することではなくて、良い人と一緒にいることだ 結婚するより良い人と一緒にいることの方が重要だと説明する別の表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I''m not bothered about getting married

  • As long as I have a good partner, it doesn't matter to me if I get married or not

  • Getting married is not important to me as long as I have a good partner

You can simply say 'I'm not bothered about getting married' or 'getting married doesn't bother me' if you are not bothered or something doesn't matter to you then you can also say it is 'not important' to you. By adding as long as I have a good partner you are explainnig why
シンプルに以下のように言えます。 'I'm not bothered about getting married' [訳]結婚はどっちでもいい 'Getting married doesn't bother me' [訳]結婚はどっちでもいい 'not bothered about'(気にしていない)や'doesn't matter'(重要でない)は、'not important'(重要でない)とも言えます。 "as long as I have a good partner"(いいパートナーがいれば)と加えて、理由を説明しています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I don't necessarily have to get married. I just want a good partner.

Native speakers will say like this: “I don't necessarily have to get married”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: When do you plan on getting married? B: I don't necessarily have to get married, as long as I have a good partner.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “I don't necessarily have to get married”. (結婚はしてもしなくてもどっちでもいいです) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 会話では以下のように使えます。 A: When do you plan on getting married?(いつ頃結婚したいですか) B: I don't necessarily have to get married, as long as I have a good partner.(良いパートナーがいれば、結婚はしてもしなくてもどっちでもいいです)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • As long as I have someone who has my back, it doesn't matter to me whether I get married or not.

  • As long as I have someone by my side, it doesn't matter whether I tie the knot or not.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that as long as you have a good partner you do not care if you get married or not. In the first sentence you will see the term have one's back. This means to support someone. This term is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family members.
上記二つの例文は、良いパートナーさえいれば結婚はしてもしなくてもどっちでも良いと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 一つ目の例文には "have one's back" という表現が使われています。これは「〈人〉を支える」という意味です。この表現は家族や親しい友人と話すときなどインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I have no particular opinion about marriage - it is the relationship that counts

  • I just need a suitable partner. Marriage is not important for me.

Yes, above all, it is important to be part of a happy relationship for most people. However many people have a strong belief in marriage. You may state an opinion using one of the above example sentences if you hold that belief.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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