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質問の意味はわかるのですが、英語が咄嗟に出ないと言う事を相手に伝えたいです。 宜しくお願い致します。
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2018/03/03 21:14
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  • I understand what you're saying, but I can't find the words to reply

  • I know what you mean, but one moment, while I work out my reply

  • I hear you, but am struggling to translate the correct reply

The three examples above are interchangeable e.g.I understand what you're saying, but am struggling to translate the correct reply"
上記の3つの例は入れ替えて使うことが出来ます。 例えば、 I understand what you're saying, but am struggling to translate the correct reply"(言っていることは分かるが、正しく英語で言うのに苦労している)
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • I understand what you are saying, it's difficult for me to respond.

  • I understand what you are saying my challenge is how to respond.

  • Please be patient with me, my English isn't that good.

*I understand what you are saying, it's difficult for me to respond./I understand what you are saying my challenge is how to respond. -A challenge means something difficult. *Please be patient with me, my English isn't that good. -Patience is needed when talking to someone who's still a learner of a language that you are proficient.
例文 *I understand what you are saying, it's difficult for me to respond. あなたが言っていることは分かるけど、返事をするのが難しい I understand what you are saying my challenge is how to respond. あなたが言っていることは分かるけど、私の課題はどのように返事をするかだ A challengeは難しいことです。 例文 *Please be patient with me, my English isn't that good. 私に辛抱強くお付き合い下さい。私の英語はそれ程上手ではありません。 自分が上手く話せる言葉を習い始めた人と話す時は、忍耐力が必要です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I understand what you are asking, but I can't respond in English immediately.

To explain to someone that you understand their question, but can't respond in English right away, you can say: "I understand what you are asking, but I can't respond in English immediately."
「質問の意味は分かるけどとっさに返事が出てこない」は次のように言えます。 "I understand what you are asking, but I can't respond in English immediately."(聞かれている意味は分かるけど、すぐに返事が出てきません)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I understand English better than I speak it so please give me a minute to reply

  • I understood you but I need a minute to reply

  • Please be patient as I understood you but I need to think of my reply

You can explain this by saying, "I understand English better than I speak it so please give me a minute to reply", "Please be patient as I understood you but I need to think of my reply", "I understand. Let me respond in a minute", and "I understand. I'm sorry I need a minute to respond because my English is not as good as yours". Another phrase you can use if you don't want them to know that you are thinking of a response because of your English is to say, "let me mull that over". To "mull" something means to think about something for a few minutes and it implies that you understood the speaker you just want to think about it for a minute. It buys you time to respond.
これは次のように説明できます。 "I understand English better than I speak it so please give me a minute to reply" (英語は話すことより理解することの方ができます、なので少し返答するのに時間をください) "Please be patient as I understood you but I need to think of my reply" (言っていることは分かったので少し待ってください、ちょっと返答を考えないといけません) "I understand. Let me respond in a minute" (分かりました、少し返答するのに時間をください) "I understand. I'm sorry I need a minute to respond because my English is not as good as yours". (分かりました。すみません、返答するのに少し時間をください。英語があなたほどうまくないのです) ---- 英語が苦手で返答が思いつかないときには、"Let me mull that over"(ちょっと考えさせてください)も使えます。 "To mull"は「数分考える」という意味です。これには「相手の言っていることは理解できた(ただ少し考えたい)」というニュアンスがあります。
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I can understand what you are saying, but I'm not sure how to reply in English

  • I know what you mean, but I need to think on how to reply

When someone asks you a question and you are not sure of what to reply then you would want them to know you understood the question they asked so you could say 'I can understand what you are saying' or 'I know what you mean' you might add 'I'm not sure' or 'I need to think on how to reply' letting them know you are not finding it easy
誰かに質問をされてそれに対する答え方が分からないのなら、その質問を理解することはできていると伝えたいですね。 次のように言えます。 'I can understand what you are saying' 'I know what you mean' (言っていることは分かります) その質問に対する答え方が分からないことは、 'I'm not sure'(分からない) または、 'I need to think on how to reply'(答え方を考えさせてください) などと表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, one moment. I am just getting my response ready!

When talking to someone in English. When someone asks you a question. if you can understand what they are asking you, but you can't respond in English right away, then you can try using the abovemmentioned example.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I understand, please give me a moment.

  • I understand, but I just can't say what I want in English right away.

  • I'll get back to you shortly.

"Give me a moment", "give me a second" or "give me a minute" is used to ask someone to wait for a short period of time. "Right away" means immediately. "I'll get back to you" means I will respond soon. You could say "I'll get back to you as soon as I can."
"Give me a moment" "Give me a second" または "Give me a minute" は、少し待って欲しいとお願いするときに使われます。 "Right away" は「すぐに」という意味です。 "I'll get back to you" は「すぐに連絡する」という意味です。次のように言えます。 "I'll get back to you as soon as I can." (できるだけ早くご連絡します)
Jae C DMM英会話講師
  • I can understand but it is difficult for me to find the words in English right now.

  • I know what you mean but I cannot find the words in English at the moment.

  • I understand but am struggling to find the words in English to respond.

All of these sentences explain to the speaker that you can understand what they said but at the moment you are unable to think of your response in English. -I understand but am struggling to find the words in English to respond.
これらの文は全て「あなたの言っていることは分かるけど英語での返答が今思いつかない」という意味です。 -I understand but am struggling to find the words in English to respond. (言っていることは分かります、でも英語での返答が思いつきません)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
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