世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/02/08 10:24
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  • 1. He doesn't reply to my email promptly.

  • 2. It takes a while for him to reply.

1.「彼は[直ぐに](返事をくれない」 prompt = 直ぐに、即座に 2. 「彼は[返事](をくれるまで時間がかかる」 takes a while = しばらく時間がかかる カジュアルな言い方で takes forever のように言うこともできます。直訳は「永遠に時間がかかる」で、「とても遅い」という意味です。 例: 「彼は返事をするのにとても時間がかかる」 He takes forever to reply. ちなみに、携帯(スマホ)などを使用した短いメールはEmailと言うよりtext messageと言うのが一般的です。
  • He/she always replies to messages late.

「reply to messages」=メールの[返事]( 「late」=[遅い](副詞)という表現です。 ちなみに「late+ly」で「lately」=最近という意味になり、混同しやすいので要注意です。
Yuki JapanLanguageLovers主催者
  • He always takes forever to reply.

Hi, Miho! When someone "takes forever" when doing an action, this means that it takes them a long time to complete the action. It's a very casual expression! For example: "My sister always takes forever to use the bathroom!" = "My sister takes a long time to use the bathroom!" Another example: "It seems like I have to wait forever to watch the next season of that show!" = "It seems like I have to wait for a long time to watch the next season of that show!" I hope this helps! Good luck!!
こんにちは。ミホさん。 ある行動を実行するとき、誰かが「takes forever(時間がかかる)」というと、これはその行動が完了するために時間がかかるということを意味します。とても簡単な表現です。 以下例文です。 My sister always takes forever to use the bathroom! = "My sister takes a long time to use the bathroom! 妹はいつもお風呂が長い。 他の例文です。 It seems like I have to wait forever to watch the next season of that show! = It seems like I have to wait for a long time to watch the next season of that show! 雪の季節まで待たなければならないようだ。(長く時間がかかる) お役に立てれば幸いです。頑張ってください。
Juno DMM英会話講師
  • He takes forever to reply.

  • He always replies late.

  • He takes his time to reply to me.

1. "Takes forever" is an exaggeration. You could say it is a hyperbole. He doesn't literally take forever, but it emphasises the extended duration of time that he takes to reply to your various forms of communication. 2. "reply late" simply means that it was not within the normal expected time. 3. "takes his time" is another phrase used to express that he could/should reply sooner, but that he does it slower than usual.
1. "Takes forever"これは誇張ですね。 hyperboleとは誇大という意味です。 本当に永遠に時間がかかると言いたいわけじゃないですが、色んなコミュニケーション手段を使っているけど、返答があるまでの期間が長いという時に使います。 2. "reply late" これは通常予期される返信までの時間が基本的に長い、という時に使います。 3. "takes his time"これは返信をすぐできる、またはすぐに返信をするべきなはずなのに、相手がいつもより遅いときに使います。
Roscoe DMM英会話講師
  • He's always tardy responding

  • He's an asshole when it come to prompt replies!

Tardy means 'late,' or if it's a train, for example, 'behind schedule.' "I sent Mike a text at 11 this morning and he still hasn't replied!" "My god, what's a matter with him? Is he sleeping?" "No, he's on holiday. But he's always tardy responding. I get fed up with it!" "I don't understand it. My boyfriend always gets back to me immediately." "Well, Mike's an asshole when it come to prompt replies!" Asshole = a stupid, irritating, or contemptible person (vulgar slang)
Tardyは 'late,'や表し、もし電車のことであればbehind scheduleということができます。 例 "I sent Mike a text at 11 this morning and he still hasn't replied!" マイクに今日の朝11時にテキストを送ったんだけど、まだ帰ってこない。 "My god, what's a matter with him? Is he sleeping?" なんてことなの。彼って本当に何なのよ?まだ寝てるのかしら? "No, he's on holiday. But he's always tardy responding. I get fed up with it!" いや、彼は休暇だよ。けどいつも返信は遅いよね。俺もうんざりしてるんだ。 "I don't understand it. My boyfriend always gets back to me immediately." わからないなぁ。私の彼氏はすぐに返信くれるのにな。 "Well, Mike's an asshole when it come to prompt replies!" まあ、こと返信に関してはマイクってイライラするよね。 Asshole = ばか、イライラされる人、卑劣な人(下品なスラング)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • He always replies me late.

  • He never replies on time.

He always replies me late. This means that he doesn't reply you as soon as you send him the messages. For example: "I have send him this message 5 hours ago. He always replies me late."
He always replies me late. これは、メッセージを送ったのにすぐ相手が返してくれない、と言いたいときに使います。 例: "I have send him this message 5 hours ago. He always replies me late." 5時間前にメッセージを送った。彼っていっつも返信が遅い。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • You take forever to reply.

  • It bugs me that he take so long to reply.

If you are talking to your boyfriend you can say: "You take forever to reply." or "It really bugs me that you take so long to reply to my (messages/text/emails). If you are speaking to someone else about your boyfriend you can say: " He takes forever to reply" or "It really bugs me that he takes so long to reply to my (messages/text/reply). "You take forever to reply." Shows you are annoyed or irritated that he takes so long to reply. "It bugs me that he takes so long to reply." This also shows you annoyance or irritation to him taking to long to reply. "Bugs me" means to irritate me.
もしあなたが自分の彼氏と話しているのであれば、以下のように言うことができます: "You take forever to reply." または "It really bugs me that you take so long to reply to my (messages/text/emails). もしあなたが誰かにあなたの彼氏について話しているのであれば以下のように言えます。: "He takes forever to reply" または "It really bugs me that he takes so long to reply to my (messages/text/reply). "You take forever to reply." これはあなたが彼の返信が遅いことにいらついているということを示しています。 "It bugs me that he takes so long to reply." これもあなたの彼の返信に時間がかかることへの苛立ちを示しています。 "Bugs me" は私を苛立たせるということを意味しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • My boyfriend takes forever to reply.

  • My boyfriend takes all of eternity to respond to my texts.

  • My boyfriend takes a lifetime to get back to me.

(someone) takes/is taking forever to do something - this is an exaggeration/hyperbole. Of course the other person can not take forever to do anything because people don't live forever (someone) takes/is taking an eternity/ all of eternity to do something - this is a similar exaggeration/hyperbole (someone) takes/is taking a lifetime to do something - this is a similar exaggeration/hyperbole e.g. I've been waiting for forever, and I really have to go! You're taking a lifetime just to fix your hair-- get out of the bathroom now!
(誰かが) takes/is taking forever to do something - これは誇張した表現です。 もちろん、相手は何かをするのに永遠に時間がかかることはありません。人は永遠に生きることはできませんからね。 (誰かが) takes/is taking an eternity/ all of eternity to do something - これも似たような誇張表現です。 (誰かが) takes/is taking a lifetime to do something - これも似たような誇張表現です。 例文 I've been waiting for forever, and I really have to go! ずっとあなたを待っています、私は本当に行かなければならないんです! You're taking a lifetime just to fix your hair-- get out of the bathroom now! 髪型を直すのに長くかかりすぎですよ、洗面所から出てきなさい!
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • He always takes forever to reply.

  • My boyfriend doesn't reply to me as fast as I'd like.

A casual way of explaining that your boyfriend takes a while to reply to your texts/messages/emails is: "He always takes forever to reply." "My boyfriend doesn't reply to me as fast as I'd like."
「私の彼はメールの返信が遅い」のカジュアルな言い方です: "He always takes forever to reply."(彼はなかなか返信してこない) "My boyfriend doesn't reply to me as fast as I'd like."(私の彼は返信が遅い)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • He takes forever to reply.

  • His response to my messages is slow.

  • He is never replies promptly to my messages.

Phrases like, “takes forever” gives the understanding of something that takes a long time. Words like, “response” or “replies” means what that person says. So when speaking about a reply and it taking long it’s good to have these phrases or words.
「大変な時間がかかる」は “takes forever” などのフレーズで表すことができます。 「返信」は “response” または “replies” と言えます。 「返信が遅い」と言うときは、これらの語句が使えます。
Catrice DMM英会話講師
  • He takes forever to reply.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・He takes forever to reply. 彼は返信がとても遅いです。 こちらはカジュアル目な英語表現になります。 take forever を直訳すると「永遠の時間がかかる」となり、少し大げさですが、「とても遅い」ことを表すことができます。 また、メールだけでなく、LINEなどにも使える便利な英語表現です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • He always replies late to my texts and messages.

  • He's never on time with his responses.

1. "He always replies late to my texts and messages." This simply means exactly what it says. It means that he does not reply promptly to my texts and messages. 2. "He's never on time with his responses to my tests, messages and emails.' To be "on time" means to be punctual. The above sentence is saying that this person takes a long time to respond to the texts, messages and emails.
1. He always replies late to my texts and messages. これはシンプルに言いたいことを正確に意味します。 テキストとメッセージにすぐに返信しないということを意味します。 2. He's never on time with his responses to my tests, messages and emails. 「To be ""on time"" 」とは時間に正確なことを意味します。 上記の文章は、その人がテキストやメッセージ、Eメールの返信に時間がかかることを言います。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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