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今日1部のデータを送り、残りを明日送りたい場合、以下のような言い回しは出来ますか? I'll send you 〇〇 today, remaining will be sent tomorrow. また、データ以外で何かやり取りしていて、”残りは明日”という時、 remaining will be tomorrow. だけでは意味は通じないでしょうか?
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2018/03/16 17:06
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  • I'll send the rest of the data tomorrow.

  • I'll send the rest tomorrow.

  • You'll receive the rest of the details tomorrow.

ご質問にある言い回しで伝わりますが、Remainingの前に The を付けるといいです!  ”the remaining” →I'll send you 〇〇 today, the remaining will be sent tomorrow. 他のやりとりで ”[残り](は[明日](” と言う場合は I'll send you the remaining tomorrow. と言うと良いです。 また remaining の他に ”the rest of 〇〇" (〇〇の残り)/ ”the rest" (残り/あまり)と言う表現も一般的なので、そちらを使用しても良いかと思います! I'll send the rest of the data tomorrow. (残りのデータは明日送ります) I'll send the rest tomorrow. (残りは明日送ります) You'll receive the rest of the details tomorrow. (明日残りの詳細が届きます) お役に立てますと幸いです!
Sakurako 英語講師
  • You'll get some of the data today and the rest tomorrow

  • The data delivery will be spread over two days, starting today

  • You can expect all the data to have been delivered by close of business tomorrow

You want to send some data to someone and for some reason believe it will not all be sent today. So the remaining data will be transferred tomorrow. Any of the above examples are adequate in conveying this message. '..can have been delivered..' - future perfect passive
今日全てのデータを[送る](のではなく、[残り](を明日送りたいということですが、どの回答もこの状況で使うには適切です。 3番目の回答で使われている時制は未来完了形です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I can send half today, and I'll send the other half tomorrow.

  • I'm going to send the rest tomorrow.

Both of these examples let the other person know that the other half of what you are sending will arrive the next day. You can use both of these examples for anything, not only data, if you plan on dividing the amount in half.
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I'll send you some of the data today and the rest tomorrow.

  • I'll send the first part today and the last tomorrow.

  • You'll get the rest tomorrow.

You can say: -I will send some of the data today and the rest tomorrow. -I will send some of the data today, and you'll get the rest tomorrow. -I'll send the first part of the data today and the last tomorrow.
こう言うことが出来ます 例文 -I will send some of the data today and the rest tomorrow. 今日データの一部を送って、残りを明日送ります -I will send some of the data today, and you'll get the rest tomorrow. 今日データの一部を送って、残りを明日送ります -I'll send the first part of the data today and the last tomorrow. 今日データの最初の部分を送り、残りは明日送ります
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'll be sending the rest to you tomorrow

  • I'll send the rest for you tomorrow

  • You'll receive the rest of the information tomorrow

All the sentences are good to describe that you will be sending the rest of the information/data tomorrow and not all of it today So you say to the person "i will be sending the rest of the information for you tomorrow" if you know when you will send it by you could add that as well so saying " i will be sending the rest of the information by 12pm tomorrow"
三例とも、今日すべての情報(データ)を送るのではなく、残った分は明日送ることを表す言い方です。 例えば: "I will be sending the rest of the information for you tomorrow." (残りの情報は明日送ります。) もし、何時までに送るかわかっているなら、それも追加できます: I will be sending the rest of the information by 12pm tomorrow. (残りの情報は明日正午までに送ります。)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'll send the rest tomorrow.

  • I will get you the rest tomorrow.

  • You will receive the rest of the details tomorrow.

The more causal way of saying this would be, "I'll get the rest to you tomorrow." The formal way of saying this would be,"I will send you on half of the information today and I will be sending the other half to you tomorrow. Or you can also say, You should have the first half already, and you will be receiving the final part tomorrow.
よりカジュアルな言い方は、 "I'll get the rest to you tomorrow." (残りは明日送ります) です。 フォーマルな言い方としては、 "I will send you on half of the information today and I will be sending the other half to you tomorrow." (情報の半分を今日送って、残りの半分を明日送ります) また、以下のようにも言えます。 "You should have the first half already, and you will be receiving the final part tomorrow." (既に最初の半分をお持ちだと思いますので、後の半分を明日送ります)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • I'll send the rest tomorrow.

  • I'll send the remainder tomorrow.

  • I'll send what's left tomorrow.

The three sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you will send part of your data today and send the other part of your data tomorrow. In the second sentence you will see the word remainder. Although this word has different meanings in this sentence it means what is left over or the remaining part of something.
三例とも、データの一部は今日送って、残りは明日送ることを伝えています。 二つ目の例では「remainder」が使われています。「remainder」にはいろいろな意味がありますが、この文では「残り」という意味です。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I will send you the rest of the data tomorrow.

「残りデータは明日送ります。」 残りのデータ: the rest of the data データ以外でも I will send you the rest tomorrow. といえば受け取る相手は文脈から察してくれると思います。
  • I will send you the rest tomorrow.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・I will send you the rest tomorrow. 残りは明日お送りいたします。 「残り」は英語で the rest と表現することができます。 remain という表現を使いたい場合は、remaining data や the remainder of the data のように言うとさらに良いかと存じます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • I will send you the rest tomorrow.

  • I will send what's left tomorrow.

I will send you the rest tomorrow. I will send what's left tomorrow. どちらも「残りは明日送ります」の意味で使うことができる英語フレーズです。 the rest や left を覚えておくと「残り」を表現しやすくなります。
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