I missed my bus stop as there was no public announcement
Whenever you explain a 'cause and effect' situation, you can use 'as' or 'so' to link the two.
EX. "I wore shorts as the weather was hot."
EX. "The weather was hot so I wore shorts."
'As' and 'so' are conjunctions in this case.
あなたが 何かの状況の'cause and effect'(原因と結果)を説明する時は'as' や 'so'を使って2つを結びつけることが出来ます。
"I wore shorts as the weather was hot."
"The weather was hot so I wore shorts."
ここでは'As' と 'so'は接続詞ですね。
The bus driver didn't announce my stop, so I went past my hotel.
A "stop" is the place where the bus stops to drop people off and pick them up. "Went past" is the way to say that you passed by your hotel.
I hope that this helps :)
There were no announcements from the bus driver to let us know where we were stopping so I missed getting off at my hotel.
The bus driver didn't tell us where we were stopping so I missed my stop and went past my hotel.
I missed getting off at ~ 「〜で降り損ねた」
I missed my stop 「自分のバス停を逃した」
Because the bus driver had failed to inform me when it was time to get off I had missed my stop.
I missed my stop because the bus driver had failed to notify me that it was time for me to get off and drove past my hotel.
Both examples above are clear and easy ways of explaining that one missed his or her stop because the bus driver did not make any public announcements. Using the word inform makes your statement sound more formal.You may also use synonyms such as; 'announce to' or 'communicate to' for example.
The bus driver failed to announce my stop and I passed by my hotel.
The bus driver failed to communicate to me that this was my stop and I had passed by my hotel.
'announce to' (アナウンスする)
'communicate to'(知らせる)
The bus driver failed to announce my stop and I passed by my hotel.
The bus driver failed to communicate to me that this was my stop and I had passed by my hotel.
I missed my destination because the driver did not ask if there was anyone alighting at my hotel.
Because the driver did not make an announcement when we approached my hotel's bus stop, I missed it.
The driver did not announce that we were at my hotel's bus stop. As a result, I missed it.
Sometimes, bus drivers do not announce at which bus stop they are stopping. They expect every passenger to be alert and drop at their bus stations or destinations. However, some passengers may be too tired and may be dozing off by the time they reach their destination. This results in some passengers missing their destinations because of not noticing that they have arrived at their destinations. So, if this happened to you during one of your trips, you could have said to someone:
I missed my destination because the driver did not ask if there was anyone alighting at my hotel.
Because the driver did not make an announcement when we approached my hotel's bus stop, I missed it.
The driver did not announce that we were at my hotel's bus stop. As a result, I missed it.
I missed my destination because the driver did not ask if there was anyone alighting at my hotel.
Because the driver did not make an announcement when we approached my hotel's bus stop, I missed it.
The driver did not announce that we were at my hotel's bus stop. As a result, I missed it.
I missed the stop for my hotel because there was no announcement on the bus.
There were no announcements on the bus for the stops so I went past my hotel without realising.
I didn't know when to get off the bus for my hotel because there were no announcements for the stops.
To "miss the stop" means that I didn't get off at the stop I wanted. Even though I was listening for an announcement, I didn't hear one and so, I didn't realise when the bus arrived at the stop where my hotel was. The bus passed by my hotel and I had to find another way to go back to my hotel.
"miss the stop" は「降りたい停車場で降りなかった」という意味です。
Even though I was listening for an announcement, I didn't hear one and so, I didn't realise when the bus arrived at the stop where my hotel was. The bus passed by my hotel and I had to find another way to go back to my hotel.
The bus driver failed to announce the bus stops so I missed my stop
"The bus driver failed to announce the bus stops so I missed my stop"
Normally on a bus/train the conductor or driver would usually announcement the stops, there would be a sign and/or a voice stating what stop will come next to make sure that the passengers can get ready to get off at their desired stop.
The passenger would call the location they would like to get off at their 'stop', usually buses and trains will stop at particular stops and stations.
"The bus driver failed to announce the bus stops so I missed my stop"
乗客は自分が降りる停車場のことを 'my stop' といいます。普通バスや電車は特定のバス停あるいは駅で止まります。
I didn't get off the bus at my hotel because the bus driver did not announce the stop
I missed my stop at my hotel because the bus driver forgot to announce the stops.
When you want to explain that you missed your stop to get off the bus because there was no announcement; then you may explain this in the following ways:
-I didn't get off the bus at my hotel because the bus driver did not announce the stop
-I missed my stop at my hotel because the bus driver forgot to announce the stops.
-I didn't get off the bus at my hotel because the bus driver did not announce the stop
-I missed my stop at my hotel because the bus driver forgot to announce the stops.