A small plate, extra plate, appetizer plate.
Ask for small plate or appetizer plate if you need a small place to eat an appetizer (A snack before the main meal) or somewhere to place extra food.
You might ask for an extra plate if you are going to share food with someone and they need their own dish to eat from.
Traditional western table settings include a large dinner plate for the main meal, with a smaller plate set at the side of it for a bread roll. As this is set at the side of the main dinner plate, it is known as a 'side plate'. Although side plates are traditionally there to put bread on, they may also be used to put extra food on that has been shared with you by someone else, or for discarded bones etc.
Generally a small plate is called a `side plate' in a restaurant basically because it sits at the side of your main plate and cutlery so you could ask "can i have a side plate for my son/daughter please"
レストランでは普通、小さなお皿のことは、「side plate(サイドプレート)」と呼ばれます。これは「side plate」がメインプレートやナイフ・フォークの横に置かれるからです。
"Can I have a side plate for my son/daughter please?"
There are many different types of plates. Some small plates include: salad plates, appetizer plates, dessert plates, and bread and butter plates.
Generally, when at a restaurant you can simply ask for an extra plate and they will bring you a regular dinner plate. If you just want a small plate, you can ask for a small plate. Many people don't refer to the actual names of the different plates. If you want a small one, just say a small plate. But in most cases, you can ask for an extra plate to minimize confusion.
The small plate usually used to put small amounts of food on is called a "side plate", "small plate" or "extra plate". For example, you might want to use the words in the following ways:
-I usually place my meat on a side plate when I eat
-Can I have an extra plate, please?
-I'd like a small place please.
普通少量の食べ物を入れるのに使う小さなお皿は、「side plate」、 「small plate」または「extra plate」と呼ばれます。
I usually place my meat on a side plate when I eat.
Can I have an extra plate, please?
I'd like a small plate please.