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Hawaii has~.と言うのでしょうか?
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2018/03/24 13:39
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2018/03/29 10:19
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  • Hawaii has many beautiful beaches.

  • There are many beautiful beaches in Hawaii.

Hawaii hasで始める文章を例文にしました。 [海](はビーチ(beaches)と表現されるとよいのではないでしょうか。 「[きれいな](」を表す形容詞には、beautifulの他にstunningやmagnificentなども使えるでしょう。 manyは「たくさんの」という意味になります。
  • There is an abundance of beautiful beaches in Hawaii.

  • There is a multitude of gorgeous beaches in Hawaii.

  • Hawaii has plenty of beautiful beaches.

There are various ways of expressing that something is beautiful. You may choose from a variety of wonderful adjectives such as gorgeous, pretty, pleasing to the eye. To suggest that there is a lot of something it helps to use words such as abundance, numerous, plenty of.
何かを[美しい](と表現する方法はたくさんあります。次のような豊富な形容詞の中から選ぶことができます。 gorgeous(ゴージャスな)pretty([綺麗な]( to the eye(目に良い) 何かがたくさんあることを表現するには、次のような単語を使うことができます。 abundance(豊富)numerous(数えきれないくらいたくさんの)plenty of(たくさんの) 例1 There is an abundance of beautiful beaches in Hawaii.(ハワイには美しいビーチが豊富にあります。) 例2 There is a multitude of gorgeous beaches in Hawaii.(ハワイには多数のゴージャスなビーチがあります。) 例3 Hawaii has plenty of beautiful beaches.(ハワイはたくさんの美しいビーチを持っています。)
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Hawaii had gorgeous beaches.

  • There are beautiful beaches all over Hawaii.

  • Hawaii has a lot of beautiful beaches.

"There are beautiful beaches all over Hawaii." tells people that the beaches in Hawaii are pretty.
"There are beautiful beaches all over Hawaii." ハワイの至る所にきれいなビーチがあります。 これは、ハワイのビーチがきれいなことを伝えるフレーズです。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • There's a plethora of beautiful beaches in Hawaii

  • You can find numerous beautiful beaches in Hawaii.

If there is a 'plethora' of something, it means there is a large or even excessive number of these things Another way to explain a large quantity is to use the adjective: 'numerous'
plethora' of something,とは、これらの物が多い又は過剰にさえあるということです。量が多いことを説明する別の表現は 'numerous'という形容詞を使うことです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Hawaii has many beautiful beaches

  • There are many beautiful beaches in Hawaii

If using the term many you mean there is a lot of so to say `there is many beautiful beaches in Hawaii' it means that there are a lot of beautiful beaches in Hawaii you could also use the words numerous/multiple or countless they all mean there is a lot of something Beautiful means something looks nice/lovely and can be admired when looked at
「many」は、何かがたくさんあることを表します。「there is many beautiful beaches in Hawaii」は、ハワイには多くの美しいビーチがあるという意味です。「numerous/multiple」 「countless」も使えます。全て何かがたくさんあることを表します。 「beautiful」は、素敵で、見とれるようなものを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Hawaii has many beautiful beaches.

  • Hawaii has many gorgeous beaches.

There are many words you can use to describe something as beautiful. Some of these synonyms include: pretty, alluring, stunning, and magnificent. And there are many synonyms for the word many. Some of which include: countless, numerous, and multiple. So you can use any combination of these words. For example: Hawaii has numerous, stunning beaches. or Hawaii has a countless amount of alluring beaches.
beautiful(美しい)を表す言葉はたくさんあります。同義語としては、例えば: pretty, alluring, stunning, magnificent many(たくさん)の同義語もいろいろあります。例えば: countless, numerous, multiple ですからこれらの語を組み合わせて使うことが出来ます。例えば: Hawaii has numerous, stunning beaches.(ハワイには美しいビーチがたくさんある) Hawaii has a countless amount of alluring beaches.(ハワイには美しいビーチが数え切れないほどある)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Hawaii has many pretty beaches.

  • Hawaii has many gorgeous beaches.

  • Hawaii has many breathtaking beaches.

The three sentences you see above are terrific ways to express to your listener that Hawaii has many beautiful beaches. In the last sentence you will notice the adjective breathtaking. This word means amazing or stunning. This is a word that is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
三例とも、ハワイにはたくさんの美しいビーチがあることを伝える素晴らしい文です。 三つ目の文には形容詞の「breathtaking」が使われています。これは「すごい、驚くような」という意味です。この単語は日常会話でよく使われますので、語彙に加えておくといいと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Hawaii has many beautiful beaches

  • There are a number of beautiful beaches in Hawaii

  • There are a lot of beautiful beaches in Hawaii

When you want to explain that Hawaii has many beautiful beaches, then you can say t he following: -Hawaii has many beautiful beaches -There are a number of beautiful beaches in Hawaii -There are a lot of beautiful beaches in Hawaii
ハワイにはきれいなビーチがたくさんあると伝えたいときは、以下のフレーズが使えます。  -Hawaii has many beautiful beaches ハワイにはたくさんの美しいビーチがあります。 -There are a number of beautiful beaches in Hawaii ハワイにはたくさんの美しいビーチがあります。 -There are a lot of beautiful beaches in Hawaii ハワイにはたくさんの美しいビーチがあります。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • They have a lot of beautiful beaches in Hawaii.

  • Hawaii has a lot of beautiful beaches.

Hawaii has で始まる文章でも、there areで始まる文章でもいいかと思います。 海はbeachでいいかと思います。 beautiful以外にも海の状態を表す言葉としてfabulous, niceなどもいいですね。
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