世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/02/11 13:21
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  • Are you making a detour?

  • Are you going the long way round?

1. Are you making a detour? 2. Are you going the long way round? "Are you making a detour?"は直訳すると「遠回りを作っていますか?」で、「detour」は「回り道」の意味です。このフレーズは遠回りを指していることが明確で少しフォーマルな印象があります。 一方、"Are you going the long way round?"は直訳すると「長い道のり(=遠回り)を進んでいますか?」となります。「long way round」は「遠回り」という意味で、もう少しカジュアルな会話でよく使われます。
  • Are you making /taking a detour?

先にご回答があるように、「遠回り」は「detour」。「遠回りする」は「making/taking a detour」というフレーズで表現します。 逆に「近道」は「shortcut / the shortest way」です。 例) ・Why don't you take a shortcut? (直訳:なんで近道しないの?→近道しようよ!) ・Is this the shortest way to the station? (これって駅までの最短距離?)
Akane 英会話講師/通訳/バイリンガルMC
  • Why are we going this way?

  • Why are we going the long way round?

Yes, it is not unheard of for taxi drivers to boost their fare by taking a slightly longer route than necessary. "Excuse me driver, Why are we going the long way round?" "I just got a message from the office that there's been an accident in Derry Street and there is a long queue of traffic. I can go that way if you prefer." "No, it's OK I thanks. I think you made the right decision."
タクシードライバーが回り道をして運賃を割増して来るのはよくあることです。 例 "Excuse me driver, Why are we going the long way round?" 運転手さん、なんで回り道してるんですか? "I just got a message from the office that there's been an accident in Derry Street and there is a long queue of traffic. I can go that way if you prefer." オフィスからデリー通りで事故があったと受けまして、渋滞になってるとのことです。そちらの方がよろしければそちらから行ってもよろしいですが。 "No, it's OK I thanks. I think you made the right decision." いいえ大丈夫です。ありがとう。この道で大丈夫です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Why are you making a detour?

  • Are you trying to avoid the traffic policemen by making this detour?

  • Is this detour you have taken a shortcut to my destination?

Taxi drivers usually make detours for some reasons, usually only known to themselves. The usual suspects are: 1. To avoid traffic policemen who might have mounted a roadblock ahead. 2. To avoid traffic congestion ahead due to road maintenance. 3. To take a shortcut (a route deemed to be shorter than the normal one, but may be unsafe). So, you may ask: Why are you making a detour? or Are you trying to avoid the traffic policemen by making this detour? or Is this detour you have taken a shortcut to my destination?
タクシードライバーは普通、何らかの理由で回り道をしますが、その理由は通常彼らにしか分かりません。考えられる理由は、 1、その先で検問が行っているかもしれない警察を避けるため 2、道路のメンテナンスによるその先の混雑を避けるため 3、近道をするため(shortcutとは、普通の道よりも近いと予想されるルートのこと。しかし、安全でない可能性もある) このように尋ねると良いでしょう。 例文 Why are you making a detour? なぜ回り道をしているのですか? Are you trying to avoid the traffic policemen by making this detour? 回り道をすることで、検問を避けようとしているのですか? Is this detour you have taken a shortcut to my destination? この道は、目的地までの近道ですか?
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • We seem to be going off the planned route...Are you making a detour?

  • Are you taking the quickest route to my destination?

Sometimes taxi drivers will know about roadworks or other obstacles on a planned route...However some may merely be " feathering their nest"!(idiom) IE Going the long way around to increase the final fare costs... You are the client and are entitled to know what choices are being made and why? When in doubt simply ask...Are we going off the usual route for some reason?
例:We seem to be going off the planned route...Are you making a detour? 「予定のルートから外れているようですが。。グルグル回ってます?」 例:Are you taking the quickest route to my destination? 「目的地までの最短の道通ってます?」 タクシードライバーは工事や通行止めを知っていたりするので、予定のルートからそれることがあります。 ですが時々、"feathering their nest(私腹を肥やす)"ような人もいます。 遠回りして高額請求する人ですね。 あなたは客なので、道があっているか、回り道してないか確認することができます。 疑わしいときは単純に、”Are we going off the usual route for some reason?”「ルート外れてるけど、何か理由があるの?」と聞きましょう。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Are you going the long way ?

  • I think you might be going the long way round".

example "are we taking a detour". or "this is the long way to my destination". or "can we please stick to the direct route for my destination".
例文 "Are we taking a detour". 遠回りになっていませんか? "This is the long way to my destination". この道を行くと、目的地へは遠回りになります "Can we please stick to the direct route for my destination". 目的地への直行ルートを通って頂けますか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, but are you making a detour somewhere?

  • Are we making a detour somewhere?

If you would like to ask your taxi driver if they are making a detour somewhere else, you can say something like "Sorry, but are you making a detour somewhere?" or "Are we making a detour somewhere?". These are some easy ways to ask a taxi driver if they are stopping somewhere else along the way.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Is this the most direct route?

Examples: Are we going straight to the destination? Are we taking a detour or are we going straight there? Which way are we going? Are we taking the long way there? Are you going around to avoid traffic? Is this a detour or the most direct route?
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • To take a roundabout route

遠回りになっていませんかは英語でto take a roundabout route.と言えます。 roundaboutの単語のみですと、「環状交差路やロータリー、回転木馬」などの意味になりますが、その後にroute(ルート)を入れることで、「遠回り」という意味が完成します。 また、「遠回しに・間接的に」は in a roundabout wayと言います。
  • "Are you making a detour from my route?"

  • "Is this the quickest router to my destination?"

If you were riding in a taxi, and you believe that the driver may possibly be taking a detour, you could ask either of the following to get a direct answer: "Are you making a detour from my route?" or "Is this the quickest router to my destination?".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Are you making a detour?

  • Why are you going the long way around?

  • Do you know where you're going? There is a more direct route.

Here are three valuable ways that we can let the taxi driver know, or ask why the taxi driver is taking a longer way than needed. Sometimes this can be because he wants the meter to go further, or maybe he just doesn't know the quicker way. Either way, use one of these phrases and you'll be able to discuss the best way to reach your destination!
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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