Hina-arare are bite-sized sweet rice crackers whose colors are pink, green, yellow and white.
Amazake is a sweet drink made from sake lees and sugar.
Hinamatsuri is a festival for girls when people wish for the happiness and healthy growth of girls
(1) ひなあられは一口サイズの甘い米菓子で、色はピンクと緑、黄色、白です。
Hina-arare are bite-sized sweet rice crackers whose colours are pink, green, yellow and white.
(2) 甘酒は酒粕とお砂糖で作られた甘い飲み物です。
Amazake is a sweet drink made from fermented rice.
(3) ひな祭りとは、3月3日に行われる女の子の成長と健康と幸せを願うお祭りです。
Hinamatsuri is a festival for girls on 3rd March when people wish for the happiness and healthy growth of girls.