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海外の広い美術館について、本当に広すぎるので数日かけても 展示品を見切るのが難しいということを言いたいです。
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2018/04/01 07:15
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  • It's so big (that) I just can't see it all in one day.

  • The museum is just too big for me to see in one day.

  • There's no way to see the whole museum in one day. It's just too big.

「とてもじゃないけど」=「I just can't」「it's just not possible to」 「the whole 〜」= 全ての、全体の
Tim Young 主催
  • It's impossible to get around the whole museum in one day, it's too big.

  • This museum is huge, there is no way you'll see it all in one day.

We can say something is impossible if there is no way it'll happen. It emphasises how big the museum is even if it isn't true. We also so 'no way' to emphasise the emotion for being amazed or stressing an action. ‘There’s no way you’ll beat him in the race’ 'Oh my gosh, no way!' 'No way, that's amazing!'
impossibleとは、不可能なという意味です。例え本当でなくても、美術館が大きいことを強調することができます。また、'no way'は、何かに驚いたときや、何かの行動を強調したいときに使うフレーズです。 ‘There’s no way you’ll beat him in the race’ 競争で彼を負かせるはずがない。 'Oh my gosh, no way!' まさか、うそでしょ! 'No way, that's amazing!' まさか、それはすごい!
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • The museum is gigantic. It would be impossible to complete the exhibition in a day.

  • It would be hard for me to complete the museum exhibition in a day due to the fact that it is so vast.

  • The museum is so large that one would not be able to see everything in a day.

The adjective 'gigantic' suggests that something is of great size and is appropriate in expressing how large something is. In the second sentence, I make use of the adjective 'vast'. Vast not only describes something large but also suggests that it is wide or broad. The third sentence is more simplistic and yet maintains the same meaning.
 形容詞'gigantic'は、ものすごく大きいという意味です。 2つ目の例では、形容詞vastという言葉を使いました。大きいという意味だけでなく、幅が広い、広大なという意味もあります。 3つ目の例は、もっとシンプルですが、同じ意味で使うことができます。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • You need more than a day to see everything (- it's massive!)

  • Because of its size, you'll probably need more than a day to see everything

You could just say: "You need more than a day to see everything." It is not necessary to say that it's massive because, if it takes more than a day to see everything, it is obviously very big. In English, as in other languages, simple deduction is often allowed for in conversation. If something is massive, then it is extremely large.
 "You need more than a day to see everything." 全部見るのに一日以上必要だよ。 全部見て回るのに一日以上かかるなら、その場所が大きいことは明らかですから、あえてその場所が大きすぎるということを言う必要はないでしょう。 英語では、会話ではシンプルに相手に伝えることが良しとされています。 massiveとは、とても大きいという意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's so big you can't see it all in one day

  • It's massive you won't manage to get round it all in one day

When talking about something that is large you can use the words 'big' or 'massive' if you are visiting a buklding then you walk around and look at things so you can say 'to get around' it if you can't do something you can say 'you won't manage'
何かが大きいことは 'big' あるいは 'massive' で表せます。 建物を見学するときには、あちこち歩いて見て回ります。ですから、'to get around' と言えます。 何かができないことは、'you won't manage' で表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It's too huge to cover everything in one day.

When using this sentence: "It's too huge to cover everything in one day." You are saying that the museum is very big. The word 'cover' in this sentence refers to area. There is a lot to see and you will not be able to see everything in one day because there won't be enough time.
"It's too huge to cover everything in one day."(広すぎてとても一日では見切れない)は、その美術館がすごく大きいという意味です。 この文の 'cover' は、面積を指します。 「見る物が多すぎて一日では見切れない」と言っています。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • That museum will take several days to see.

  • You'll need a few days to explore that museum.

  • You can spend a couple of days in that museum.

"Several days" and "a few days" are the same and are interchangeable in English. "A couple" of days is specifically two days. "To see" and "to explore" a museum are the same thing as well. Both phrases express the idea that you are looking at the exhibits. "To spend a few days" is a way of saying that you will use time. So, to spend a few days in a museum means to use several days to see all of the exhibits.
"Several days"(数日)と "A few days" は同じ意味で、置き換えて使えます。 "A couple of days" は特に二日間をいいます。 "To see a museum" と "To explore a museum" も同じ意味です。どちらも、展示品を見ることをいいます。 "To spend a few days" は、時間を使うことを表します。"To spend a few days in a museum" は「全ての展示品を見るのに数日かかる」という意味です。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • It's massive, you won't be able to see everything in just one day.

To explain that you won't be able to see everything in the museum in one day, you can say: "It's massive, you won't be able to see everything in just one day."
ある美術館について「一日では全て見切れない」と伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "It's massive, you won't be able to see everything in just one day."(すごく大きいから、一日で全ては見切れない)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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