「学校の後」ということで、そのままafter schoolという表現があります。
What do you want to do after school today?
What do you want to do tonight?
Are you coming to the game tonight?
We're going to play tennis after school. Do you want to join us?
I have a part time job after school. I have to work until nine pm.
After school, I help my parents at their convenience store.
放課後 after school
放課後テニスをします。 参加したいですか?
We're going to play tennis after school. Do you want to join us?
放課後アルバイトをしています。 私は午後9時まで働かなければなりません。
I have a part time job after school. I have to work until nine pm.
After school, I help my parents at their convenience store.