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日本の大学生は春になるといっせいに就職活動を始めます。 このことを海外の友人に説明したいです。
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2018/04/10 15:52
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  • In Japan, college students all start job hunting simultaneously in the spring.

If all the students start job hunting all at the same time, it means that they do this 'simultaneously'. The adverb 'simultaneously' means at the same time. It is the most appropriate word to use in this regard instead of the phrase 'at the same time'. The adverb 'simultaneously' is the most commonly used as well as the adjective 'simultaneous'. So, you may say: In Japan, college students all start job hunting simultaneously in the spring.
学生たちが一斉に就職活動を始めると言いたいときには、 'simultaneously'という単語を使うといいでしょう。 副詞 'simultaneously'とは、同時にという意味です。 同じ意味の 'at the same time'よりもこちらの方がこの場合はふさわしいでしょう。'simultaneously'は、形容詞 'simultaneous'と同じようによく使われる単語です。 In Japan, college students all start job hunting simultaneously in the spring. 日本では、大学生は春になると一斉に就職活動を始めます。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • In the spring time, all of the college students start job seeking .

  • It is very competitive in the spring time in Japan, all of the college students are job hunting

Both of these statements will convey to the listener that all college students are searching for jobs in the spring time (at the same time). The first one is more casual but the second one using the words "competitive" and "hunting" add emphasis that its a very tough environment.
どちらの例も、相手に大学生が春になると同時に就職活動を始めることを説明しています。はじめの例は、カジュアルな表現で、2つ目の例に使われている  "competitive" (競争率の高い)や"hunting" (探す)という言葉は、就職活動がいかに厳しい環境であるかを強調しています。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • In Japan, college students begin to look for jobs simultaneously in spring.

The word "simultaneously" is a great way to say "at the same time." In American English, we refer to students who are getting a four year degree as "college students." I hope that this helps! :)
"simultaneously" は "at the same time"(同時に)のすごく良い言い方です。 アメリカ英語では四年制大学に通う学生は "college students" と呼ばれます。 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • There's a traditional job rush by final year students in Spring

It's understandable that undergraduates approaching the end of their courses may become preoccupied with thoughts of their impending job prospects. They wish to make approaches to prospective employers at an early stage in the hope of obtaining a job offer conditional on obtaining a satisfactory degree.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • In Japan, college students starting looking for work all at once

  • In Japan, college students starting looking for a job simultaneously.

  • In Japan, there is a lot of competition for jobs, as all the college students are applying for jobs at the same time

When you are trying to get a job, you can say you are "looking for work" or "job hunting". When everyone is trying to get a job at the same time, the job market becomes very competitive. You may need to improve your "résumé" or "CV", or practice your interview skills so that you are a competitive job candidate.
仕事を得ようとしている時は”looking for work”(職を探している)または”job hunting”(就職活動)と言うことができます。 皆んなが同時に職を得ようとしている時、求人市場はとても競争的になります。 “Résumé”または”CV”(履歴書)をより良くしたり、他の人と張り合う仕事の志願者であるために面接練習をする必要があるかもしれません。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • Most college students in Japan start applying for jobs in the spring.

  • In Japan, a majority of college students start job hunting come spring.

  • In the spring, Japanese college students collectively start job hunting.

By saying "most college students in Japan start applying for jobs in the spring", you are referring to a majority of college students that all collectively ( at the same time ) go job hunting in the spring. Meaning that spring time is when most Japanese college students start looking for new jobs.
"most college students in Japan start applying for jobs in the spring" は、春になると一斉に就職活動を始める大学生について表しています。「春になるとほとんどの日本の大学生は就職活動を始める」と伝えています。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • In Japan, college students start job hunting at the same time in spring.

  • In Japan, college students start applying for jobs simultaneously in spring.

When you are explaining that students look for jobs in spring all at the same time, you can use the expression "job hunting" to express looking for the jobs or use the word "applying" to say that they send their CV's and resumes to companies. You can also use the word "simultaneously" as it means 'at the same time'.
「学生は春になると一斉に就職活動を始める」と説明するなら、まず「就職活動」は "job hunting" で表せます。 そして、会社に履歴書を送ることは "applying" という言葉で表せます。 "simultaneously" という言葉も使うことができます。これは 'at the same time'(同時に)という意味です。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • In Japan all college students start job hunting at the same point

  • It is tradition in spring that all college students in Japan start job hunting

These sentences are explaining that in Japan, In the season of spring, Student tradition (something that will happen every year / month / etc.) is that they will all start job hunting at the same. The term 'Job hunting' is used to refer to looking for a new job, to 'hunt' / find a new job.
これらの文は「日本では春に一斉に就職活動をスタートさせるという伝統がある」と伝えています。 'tradition' は1年や1月などに1回必ず起こることをいいます。 'job hunting' は「就職活動」のことです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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