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2018/07/19 19:11
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  • Job searching

  • Job hunting

Either one of these phrases are acceptable in American English to communicate that you are currently looking for a job. For example: Job searching is an exhausting process. My brother has been job hunting for more than six months. I hope that this helps :)
どちらのフレーズもあなたが現在、[仕事を探している](ことを伝えるのに、アメリカ英語ではぴったりの表現です。 例: Job searching is an exhausting process. My brother has been job hunting for more than six months. 仕事探しは、本当に[疲れる](。私の兄は、6カ月以上も[就職](活動をしている。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I am looking for a job.

"I am looking for a job." Looking for - something that you are seeking and attempting to find. Job - this means you are looking for a specific task to do on a routine basis. Such as accounting, banking, drawing, serving, etc. You could also say.... "I am looking for work." "I am looking for employment."
I am looking for a job. [仕事を探してます。]( Looking for -見つけようとしているもの Job -日常的にする仕事を探してるという意味です。[経理](、銀行業務、描画、給仕をすること等です。 下記のようにも言えます。 I am looking for work. 仕事を探してます。 I am looking for employment. 職を探してます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Job hunting

  • Job seeking

  • I'm looking for work.

to hunt - to try to find someone or something to seek - to try to find something, usually something that is not a physical thing. CV (curriculum vitae) - a document that lists all of one's qualifications and work experience; American term resume. A: What are you doing? B: I'm job hunting, maybe there is something online? A: I think you should hand out your CV to places and tell them you are looking for work.
to hunt -〔人・ものを〕探す to seek -〔普通、形のないものを〕探す CV (curriculum vitae) - 所有する資格や職歴を記した文書。アメリカ英語の'resume'(履歴書)。 A: What are you doing?(何しているの) B: I'm job hunting, maybe there is something online?(仕事探しているんだ。ネットに何かあるかもしれない) A: I think you should hand out your CV to places and tell them you are looking for work.(履歴書を配った方がいいと思うよ。で、仕事探しているって知ってもらった方が)
Rebekah Eve DMM英会話講師
  • Actively looking for work

  • Job hunting

  • Seeking employment

If you are involved in the process of sending off CVs, scanning the situations vacant columns and contacting employment agencies, then you are 'seeking employment'. "John's job hunting right now. He wants work in catering."
もしあなたが履歴書を送り、求人広告欄を見渡し、職業紹介所に連絡をとっている最中であるなら、 'seeking employment'(仕事を探している)と言えるでしょう。 "John's job hunting right now. He wants work in catering." ジョンは、今仕事を探している。彼は、ケータリングの仕事がしたい。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Job hunting

  • Job searching

  • Job seeking

If you are looking to find a job/employment then you could use the terms 'Job hunting', 'Job searching' or 'job seeking' To seek something means to look for it as in (hide and seek)
就活の事を”Job hunting"、”Job searching”、”Job seeking"と言います。 ”Seek"というのは「探す・求める」という意味です(Hide and Seek➔隠れん坊のSeekも「探す」という意味です。)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • job hunting

  • job searching

  • searching for employment

When people are looking for a job we call that job searching or searching for employment. More recently and more familiarly job hunting has come into use, similar to house hunting when looking for a new house. When you don't have a job and someone asks what you do, you can answer, I am between jobs right now. This is polite and doesn't give specifics, like I am unemployed. When you are unemployed and in search of a job or in search of work, we say we are looking or searching or employment. Or I am job searching or I am looking for a job right now. I am currently job hunting.
仕事を探すことを"job searching"または"searching for employment"と言います。最近では、家を探す時の"house hunting"というフレーズに似た"job hunting"がより一般的になっています。 仕事をしていない時に職業を聞かれた時は、"I am between jobs right now."(今失業中です)と答えることが出来ます。このフレーズは丁寧で、"I am unemployed"(失業中です)のように詳細を伝えていません。 失業中で仕事を探している時は、"I'm looking / searching for employment"(求職中です)と言います。または、 "I am job searching / looking for a job right now."(現在求職中です) "I am currently job hunting."(現在求職中です) と言うこともできます。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • Job hunting

  • Job search

  • Seeking employment

When a person is in the process of looking for work; then you can use the following phrases: -Job hunting -Job search -Seeking employment You can use these terms in sentences in the following ways: -I was job hunting for three months until I found a job -The job search is not going very well. -Seeking employment can be one of the most daunting tasks one can undertake.
「就職活動」は、以下のように表せます。 -Job hunting (就職活動) -Job search (求職) -Seeking employment (求職) これらの言葉は次のように文中で使うことができます。 -I was job hunting for three months until I found a job (職が見つかるまで、3ヶ月間就職活動をしました) -The job search is not going very well. (就職活動があまりうまくいっていません) -Seeking employment can be one of the most daunting tasks one can undertake. (就職活動は最も大変な仕事の1つです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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